1,348 research outputs found

    Variabilidade espacial e disponibilidade de zinco em solos de Vinhedos e adjacências da região vitícola de Jundiaí, SP.

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    In this paper we evaluate spatial distribution of zinc concentration in soils by DTPA in areas cultivated with vineyard and adjacencies. Kriging techniques were efficient to study spatial distribution of zinc in soils. The results shows a spatial correlation between zinc concentration in soils and vineyards. This results reflects a possible contamination in soils by agrochemicals application

    Planejamento de unidades de gestão diferenciada em projeto de manejo florestal sustentável na Amazônia.

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    Among the logging methods, the Exploration of Reduced Impact (ERI) is the one that brings most financial benefits to producers and to the environment due to the use of macro and micro forest planning techniques. The limitation of this method is the systematic techniques to planning the area, using analogic X,Y coordinate to locate trees and streams on the inventory process. With low accuracy to represent the physical environment and location of trees in production units results in a low operating efficiency and higher environmental interference. The purpose of this work is to integrate the forest planning considering environmental heterogeneity, integrating GNSS receiver, radar altimetric data (SRTM) and the hydrographic micro zoning. The study was done in Sena Madureira, state of Acre, Brazil From the inventory of 5.992 trees generated a volume raster and from the stream shape could be possible to construct the permanent protection area (APP). With this both information, using raster calculate processes, were created 4 unites of management areas. Each unit of management has differentiated intensive capacity to receive infrastructure of yard, road and skidtrail. The categories are: 0 to 60 volume m ³. ha-1, 60.01 to 90 m ³. ha-1, 90.01 to 120.00 m ³. ha-1 and 120.01 to 150 m ³. ha-1, discounting the areas of environmental protection and hydrography. Adopting additional information as volumetry, APPs and hydrographic micro zoning unit differentiated management of forest management in the Amazon

    Yield and nutrient uptake of soybean cultivars under intensive cropping systems.

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    Sustainable agricultural systems are necessary to improve soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed yield and to increase nutrient use efficiency. Intensification of agricultural systems is an important tool to increase farmers? profitability in the Cerrado region (Brazil), where soybean is rotated with corn in the same growing season. However, this intensification requires soybean cultivar with short growing periods which is achieved by indeterminate soybean cultivars. There is a lack of information regarding the nutrient uptake by soybean cultivars under intensive agricultural systems in the Cerrado. We sought to investigate soybean biomass production and soybean seed yield of determinate and indeterminate soybean cultivars. We also aimed to quantify the amounts of nutrients taken up by soybean biomass and seeds. Field research was conducted to evaluate 17 soybean cultivars commonly grown by farmers, and we considered the determinate and indeterminate soybean growth habit. Nutrient uptake and aboveground soybean biomass were higher under shorter soybean growth and development cycles. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium extraction in modern cultivars was higher than in cultivars used in past decades. Nutrient use efficiency was higher in determinate soybean cultivars than in indeterminate soybean cultivars

    Produção de caapeba em função de arranjos espaciais.

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    Avaliou-se a produção de caapeba em função de seis espaçamentos (0,5 m x 0,5 m; 1,0 m x 0,5 m; 1,0 m x 1,0 m; 1,0 m x 1,5 m; 1,5 m x 1,5 m e 2,0 m x 2,0 m) nas condições de Manaus - AM. O estudo foi realizado na Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, nos anos de 2004/2005

    Influence of land use on the hydrobiogeochemistry of the Camanducaia and Jaguari watersheds, Brazil.

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    Two medium-sized watersheds of the Piracicaba river basin, the Camanducaia and Jaguari subbasins,are being studied to evaluate the effects of land use change on the basin?s hydrobiogeochemistry. The Jaguari basin is an important provider the Cantareira reservoir system that supplies around six million inhabitants of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. A one-year hydrological study began on January 2015 to monitor some water quality parameters such as pH, electric conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC and DIC), nitrate (NO ), ammonium (NH ) and total nitrogen (TN). For that purpose we established 19 sampling stations along the Camanducaia (8 stations) and Jaguari (11 stations) river channels; two stations at their main tributaries Mosquito and Camanducaia Mineiro, respectively; and another two stations at small streams in headwater areas of the Jaguari and Camanducaia watersheds. Preliminary results show that DOC concentrations are correlated DIC (r=0.81 at Jaguari; r=0.70 at Camanducaia; p <0.05). We observe that DOC tends to increase by multiples of 2.5 and 3.5 times from forested headwater areas to the most downstream stations of Jaguari and Camanducaia, respectively. Regarding DIC these multiples are 4.4 and 1.9 times greater. The four most downstream stations at Jaguari show urban area effects with higher DIC monthly values ranging from 28.7 to 33 mg L . Also DIC correlated with EC values (means around 160 ?S) at two of these stations. We expect that at the end of this monitoring year results will show stronger relations between hydrobiogeochemical parameters and land use change

    Importancia del hematoma en las fracturas de los hueso s largos: estudio experimental en ratas

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    Los autores han estudiado la importancia del hematoma en la consolidación de las fracturas de los hueso s largos. Para ello, han realizado un estudio experimental en 50 ratas Wistar, en las cuales se producía una fractura a nivel de sus tibias, siendo estabilizadas posteriormente, mediante agujas intramedulares. El hematoma era aspirado del foco de fractura en el miembro derecho, mientras que el miembro izquierdo servía como control. Los animale s fueron sacrificados tras diferente s periodos de tiempo, y el callo formado en las diferente s muestras ha sido analizado en relación a los aspectos radiológico y microscópico. Se pudo observar un predominio del tejido fibroso en el miembro control, y en aquellas muestras donde el hematoma había sido aspirado, predominaba tejido óseo y cartilaginoso.The authors studied the importance of the haematoma in the consolidation of fractures of long bones. It was performed an experiment in 50 Wistar rats that had their tibiae fractures and stabilized with intramedullary wires. The haetoma wa s aspired from the fracture site in the right limb whereas the left limbed served as control. The animals wer e sacrified in different periods of time , and the calli formed in the sample s wer e analysed in reltion to the radiological and microscopical aspects. It w a s observed a predominancy of fibrous tissue in the control limb and in the sample s wher e the haematoma was aspirated it was obtained a predominancy of cartilaginous and osseous tissue