1,689 research outputs found

    Evaluation d’alternatives d’economie d’eau dans les systemes de double riziculture irriguee a l’office du Niger (Mali)

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    Face au besoin d’extension des superficies irriguées et la baisse de disponibilité en eau dans les grands cours d’eau, cette étude a été conduite sur un échantillon de sols représentatifs pour améliorer le service de l’eau à l’Office du Niger (ON). Les propriétés hydrodynamiques de chaque sol ont été préalablement caractérisées au niveau de l’horizon racinaire par la méthode gravimétrique au niveau d’un échantillon de canaux tertiaires. Les résultats montrent que les sols à l’Office du Niger sont peu perméables. Les doses théoriques moyennes d’humectation pour porter les sols des parcelles à leur capacité au champ sur la profondeur racinaire du riz varient de 24 mm sur les sols les plus sableux à 87 mm sur sols argileux. Ces résultats ont permis de définir de nouvelles normes d’irrigation en hivernage en fonction des calendriers culturaux de l’ON. Ils montrent que, compte tenu du stock d’eau important dans les sols, les besoins bruts annuels en eau d’irrigation peuvent être revus à la baisse quel que soit le type de sol pour un objectif de10000 m3/ha, pour des débits fictifs continus en période de pointe variant de 1L/s/ha (hivernage) à 1,40 L/s/ha (contre-saison) en tête d’arroseur.Mots clés : Double riziculture, propriétés hydrodynamiques, besoins en eau, normes d’irrigation, Office du Niger

    Applying an index of biotic integrity based on fish assemblages in a west african river

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    A multivariate measure of river quality, the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), was adapted to a West African river, the Konkoure (Republic of Guinea). Fish assemblages were sampled using gill-nets during the dry season to provide data for the IBI. Ten metrics were subsequently defined. The capacity of the modified IBI to assess the impact of a bauxite treatment plant was tested. The IBI decreased as expected at the impacted station. Detailed examination of the data revealed that one family, the #Mormyridae$, was almost eliminated from the impacted station, suggesting that members of this family can be considered as intolerant species in future uses of the IBI in other African rivers. (Résumé d'auteur

    Empiricism and stochastics in cellular automaton modeling of urban land use dynamics

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    An increasing number of models for predicting land use change in regions of rapidurbanization are being proposed and built using ideas from cellular automata (CA)theory. Calibrating such models to real situations is highly problematic and to date,serious attention has not been focused on the estimation problem. In this paper, wepropose a structure for simulating urban change based on estimating land usetransitions using elementary probabilistic methods which draw their inspiration fromBayes' theory and the related ?weights of evidence? approach. These land use changeprobabilities drive a CA model ? DINAMICA ? conceived at the Center for RemoteSensing of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CSR-UFMG). This is based on aneight cell Moore neighborhood approach implemented through empirical land useallocation algorithms. The model framework has been applied to a medium-size townin the west of São Paulo State, Bauru. We show how various socio-economic andinfrastructural factors can be combined using the weights of evidence approach whichenables us to predict the probability of changes between land use types in differentcells of the system. Different predictions for the town during the period 1979-1988were generated, and statistical validation was then conducted using a multipleresolution fitting procedure. These modeling experiments support the essential logicof adopting Bayesian empirical methods which synthesize various information aboutspatial infrastructure as the driver of urban land use change. This indicates therelevance of the approach for generating forecasts of growth for Brazilian citiesparticularly and for world-wide cities in general

    Effet de differentes sources de phosphate sur le rendement du riz sur sols acides

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    Le rendement du riz paddy reste faible ( 2 t ha-1) et l'efficience agronomique relative (> 40 %), par rapport à PT durant les deux premières années. L'usage d'une source de P contenant S, Al et Fe comme le SS à 60 kg P ha-1 combinée à des résidus de matière organique a été recommandée pour une riziculture plus productive et durable.Mots clés : Sols acides, hyperdystric ferralsol, engrais phosphatés, riziculture, Man

    Evaluation in vitro et in vivo de trois fongicides de synthese et d’un fongicide biologique sur la croissance et la severite de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides et de Pestalotia heterornis, champignons...

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    Full French Title: Evaluation in vitro et in vivo de trois fongicides de synthese et d’un fongicide biologique sur la croissance et la severite de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides et de Pestalotia heterornis, champignons responsables de maladies foliaires de l'anacardier (Anacardium occidentale L.) en Côte d’IvoireL’anthracnose, maladie fongique, cause d’importantes baisses de rendements des anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) dans certains pays producteurs. En Côte d’Ivoire, l’anthracnose est l’une des maladies les plus répandues dans le verger anacardier et se développe sur tous les organes de la plante. Cette étude a été conduite dans le but d’évaluer et de proposer des fongicides de synthèse et un fongicide biologique efficaces contre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides et Pestalotia heterocornis. L’étude a été réalisée in vitro sur la croissance de ces champignons et en serre sur le contrôle de l’anthracnose par l’aspersion foliaire des fongicides sur des jeunes feuilles préalablement inoculées avec l’agent pathogène. Cette étude a permis de confirmer l’efficacité in vitro du Carbendazime à 1 ppm et du Prochloraze à 10 ppm contre C. gloeosporioides et P. heterocornis, les pathogènes fongiques les plus disséminés dans les vergers d’anacarde de Côte d’Ivoire. Le fongicide biologique NECO s’est également montré efficace in vitro en inhibant totalement la croissance mycélienne de C. gloeosporioides et de P. heterocornis respectivement à la concentration de 300 ppm et de 200 ppm. Le Propiconazole s’est montré le moins efficace. Carbendazime et NECO ont été les meilleurs fongicides contre C. gloeosporioides, en inhibant totalement l’expression des symptômes de l’anthracnose en serre, aux concentrations de 50 et 3000 ppm, respectivement. Ces fongicides peuvent constituer une base pour la lutte intégrée contre l’anthracnose de l’anacardier.Mots clés: Anacardium occidentale, anthracnose, contrôle, fongicide de synthèse, NECOEnglish Title: Chemical and biological control of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) anthracnose in Côte d’IvoireEnglish AbstractAnthracnose, a fungal disease, causes significant declines in yields of cashew trees (Anacardium occidentale L.) in some producing countries. In Côte d’Ivoire, anthracnose is one of the most common diseases in the cashew tree orchard and attacks all organs of the plant. This study was conducted with the aim of selecting and proposing integrated control methods through the use of synthetic fungicides and an effective biological fungicide against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Pestalotia heterocornis. The study was carried out in vitro and in a greenhouse by foliar spraying of fungicides on young leaves previously inoculated with the pathogenic agent. This study confirmed the in vitro efficacy of Carbendazim  at 1 ppm and Prochloraz at 10 ppm against C. gloeosporioides and P. heterocornis, the most common fungal pathogens found in cashew orchards of Côte d’Ivoire. NECO, a Biological Fungicide was also effective by completely inhibiting the in vitro growth of C. gloeosporioides at the concentration of 300 ppm and P. heterocornis at 200 ppm. Propiconazole was less effective than the other fungicides. Carbendazim and NECO were the best fungicides against C. gloeosporioides, completely stopping the expression of symptoms of anthracnose in the greenhouse, at concentrations of 50 and 3000 ppm, respectively. These fungicides provide a basis for integrated control of cashew anthracnose.Keywords: Anacardium occidentale, anthracnose, control, synthetic fungicide, NEC

    Control of the Light Interaction in a Semiconductor Nanoparticle Dimer Through Scattering Directionality

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    11 págs.; 4 figs.; 1 tab.Dimers of nanoparticles are very interesting for several devices due to the possibility of obtaining intense light concentrations in the gap between them. A dynamic control of this interaction to obtain either the maximum or minimum light through interferential effects could be also relevant for a multitude of devices such as chemical sensors or all-optical devices for interchip/intrachip communications. Semiconductor nanoparticles satisfying Kerker conditions present an anisotropic scattering distribution with a minimum in either the forward or the backward direction and prominent scattering in the contrary direction. The reduction or enhancement of the electromagnetic field in a certain direction can minimize or maximize the interaction with neighboring nanoparticles. In this paper, we consider a dimer of nanoparticles such that each component satisfies each one of the Kerker conditions. Depending on the arrangement of the nanoparticles with respect to the impinging light direction, we can produce a minimum or a maximum of the electric field between them, reducing or maximizing the interferential effects. The strong dependence of the directional conditions with external conditions, such as the incident wavelength, can be used to dynamically control the light concentration in the gap. Ó 2016 IEEEThis work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain under Grant TEC2013—50138—EXP and Grant TEC2013-47342-C2-2-R, by the RD Program of the Comunidad de Madrid under Grant SINFOTON S2013/MIT—2790, and by COST Action IC1208.Peer Reviewe

    Epidemiology of sleeping sickness in Boffa (Guinea) : where are the trypanosomes ?

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    Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in West Africa is a lethal, neglected disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense transmitted by the tsetse Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Although the littoral part of Guinea with its typical mangrove habitat is the most prevalent area in West Africa, very few data are available on the epidemiology of the disease in such biotopes. As part of a HAT elimination project in Guinea, we carried a cross-sectional study of the distribution and abundance of people, livestock, tsetse and trypanosomes in the focus of Boffa. An exhaustive census of the human population was done, together with spatial mapping of the area. Entomological data were collected, a human medical survey was organized together with a survey in domestic animals. In total, 45 HAT cases were detected out of 14445 people who attended the survey, these latter representing 50.9% of the total population. Potential additional carriers of T. b. gambiense were also identified by the trypanolysis test (14 human subjects and two domestic animals). No trypanosome pathogenic to animals were found, neither in the 874 tsetse dissected nor in the 300 domestic animals sampled. High densities of tsetse were found in places frequented by humans, such as pirogue jetties, narrow mangrove channels and watering points. The prevalence of T. b. gambiense in humans, combined to low attendance of the population at risk to medical surveys, and to an additional proportion of human and animal carriers of T. b. gambiense who are not treated, highlights the limits of strategies targeting HAT patients only. In order to stop T. b. gambiense transmission, vector control should be added to the current strategy of case detection and treatment. Such an integrated strategy will combine medical surveillance to find and treat cases, and vector control activities to protect people from the infective bites of tsetse

    Gauge Thresholds and Kaehler Metrics for Rigid Intersecting D-brane Models

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    The gauge threshold corrections for globally consistent Z2 x Z2' orientifolds with rigid intersecting D6-branes are computed. The one-loop corrections to the holomorphic gauge kinetic function are extracted and the Kaehler metrics for the charged chiral multiplets are determined up to two constants.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor modifications, version to appear in JHE

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