274 research outputs found

    From segregation to protagonism. The great lesson of young blind people in Italy

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    Special Pedagogy is a continuous composition of relations, actions and projects. Special Pedagogy should not have the presumption to consider worthy only those questions to which we already know the answer. It should learn to live with questions that do not have ready prepared answers. Its task is to seek answers without being sure of finding them. Special Pedagogy owes much of its knowledge and wealth of experience to the cultural presence of persons with disabilities: in this paper, thanks to the efforts of people with disabilities and their fight for civil rights in Italy, we present the historical and socio-cultural path from segregation (institutionalization) to the inclusion in the society of blind people, with a particular attention paid to the adolescenthood

    Different mirrors Sibship, disability and life phases

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    Although siblings perceive the differences between themselves and the disabled brother/sister - through observation, everyday interaction and direct comparison – without any gradual and specific guidance, they have great difficulty in understanding the actual situation and in finding answers for the various questions concerning their disabled brother/sister that may spring to theirminds. As a result, without appropriate and careful explanations from adults, siblings risk building a distorted and even dysfunctional image of their brother/sister’s disability, particularly in early childhood but also – albeit to varying degrees – in adolescence and adulthood.Based on these initial assumptions, 2009 witnessed the start of the research project “Essere fratelli. Vivere la disabilità” (“Being siblings. Living with disability”), the aim of which was to investigate– from an educational and pedagogical perspective – sibling relationships and disability. How to support and provide guidance for the life plan of brothers and sisters of the disabled?Which actions and educational interventions would help to guarantee this? Starting from (and through) the initial question of “how to communicate the diagnosis to siblings of disabled people”, the research highlighted some interesting educational dimensions that led us to refine our thoughts, in terms of the importance of supporting the siblings of the disabled person as well as the parents. The following considerations focus on the main conceptual issues linked to the communication of the diagnosis, sibling relationships, relationships with parents in the different life cycle phases: childhood, adolescence, adulthood

    Scritti di Enrico Goussot, Angelo Errani, Dimitris Argiropulos. In ricordo di Alain Goussot

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    Scritti di Enrico Goussot, Angelo Errani, Dimitris ArgiropulosIn ricordo di Alain Gousso

    Gli studenti universitari tra formazione e ricerca. Il contributo della didattica alle professioni educative, nei processi inclusivi

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    In this paper, we present some indications of enhancement of the didactics and, inparticular, to enhance the apprenticeship. We twist this proposal with the relevanceof the implementation of inclusive processes, referring – especially – to situationswhere we encounter minors with disabilities. In the economy of this paper, we tryto highlight some elements that may be useful even when the social context and policy choices do not seem to support the goal of inclusionNel presente contributo, intendiamo presentare alcune indicazioni di valorizzazionedella didattica e, in particolare, del tirocinio, intrecciando questa propostacon la rilevanza dell’attuazione dei processi inclusivi, in riferimento – soprattutto– a situazioni nelle quali incontriamo minori con disabilità. Nell’economia delpresente lavoro, cerchiamo di cogliere alcuni elementi che possano risultare fruibilianche quando il contesto sociale e le scelte politiche sembrano non sostenerel’obiettivo dell’inclusione


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    De Visu : disabilitĂ  visiva e agire educativo

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    I testi raccolti in questo volume open access — scritti dall’autrice in momenti differenti del suo lungo percorso, al contempo professionale ed esistenziale, nel campo della disabilità visiva — illustrano snodi critici, dimensioni teoriche e direzioni operative del lavoro sul deficit visivo. Cecità e ipovisione vengono lette attraverso lenti progettuali, all’interno di un contesto pedagogico-educativo unitario, guardando sempre alle dinamiche evolutive potenziali, in atto e future, ed evidenziando costanti e affinità con le questioni generali dell’educazione. Per l’attenzione che dedica alla dimensione esperienziale e relazionale della disabilità visiva, il libro è di sicura utilità per chi si accosta come educatore, genitore, operatore o studioso ai problemi educativi di bambini, adolescenti e adulti con deficit visivo; ma si rivolge anche, più in generale, a tutti coloro che, affascinati dall’incontro con situazioni educative complesse, si sentono pronti ad accogliere le inaspettate armonie e le sorprendenti risorse che esse riservano

    Didactics towards a Bottom-Up Museum Approach

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    The educational action to heritage does not consist uniquely in communicating the symbolic and cultural contents, yet and mostly in the possibility of reflecting on the identity of man and his community of belonging, which heritage is an expression of. In such a sense, the museum becomes a welcoming place when it supports an opening attitude to the person through different educational dimensions, among which the intellectual, emotional-relational, ethic and aesthetic ones. Such opening capable of promoting the necessary languages and tools, lets the museum become an institution able to guarantee an accessibility for all and each single person

    Pour un projet pédagogique de soutien à la paternité. Handicap, inclusion et enfance

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    Pedagogy and psychoanalysis are mostly characterised by considerable mutual diffidence, forgetting the recognition of substantial affinities, including those of understanding and helping mankind. Psychoanalytic pedagogy – an expression coined by the Swiss protestant minister Oskar Pfister, in 1913 – represents a highly interesting, and in our opinion highly successful, attempt to reconcile psychoanalytic orientations and education, comparing these two disciplines on a level of mutual collaboration and cooperation – care and education, diagnosis and educational project, prevention (reparation) and educational care (caring for...) – rather than comparing it in a field of confrontation and division. It is starting from this conceptual framework of reference that we propose a reflection on the father figure dealing with a child with disabilities. This paper proposes a pedagogical project of preventive education, to support fatherhood, both within the family and Early Childhood Education and Care services

    Transmission de connaissances et dimensions de «sens» dans la communication du diagnostic. L’expérience des frères et des sœurs des personnes handicapées

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    Chi sono i fratelli e le sorelle delle persone disabili? Come comunicare la diagnosi di un fratello disabile? La “presa in carico” inizia con la comunicazione della diagnosi: i fratelli devono essere informati con parole il più possibile accessibili e adeguate alle loro capacità di far proprio, capire e sopportare questo difficile annuncio. Il saggio analizza le questioni chiave legate alla comunicazione della diagnosi (le persone coinvolte, come affrontare la questione, il contesto, il contenuto e il senso della comunicazione) ai fratelli e alle sorelle, analizzando le loro testimonianze e il loro punto di vista per preparare un percorso di trasmissione delle conoscenze e delle competenze che nascono da esperienze personali e della vita di tutti i giorni

    I sistemi detentivi tra educazione e rieducazione

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    L\u2019introduzione al dossier nasce con l\u2019intento di riflettere sul trattamento rieducativo nei contesti penitenziari. Partendo dall\u2019articolo 27 della Costituzione italiana sofferma l\u2019attenzione sulla difficolt\ue0 di declinare tale previsione normativa e sulla complessit\ue0 del lavoro educativo in carcere
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