37 research outputs found

    An exploration of the collaborative processes of making theatre inspired by science

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    This research examined the collaborative processes of making theatre inspired by science through the analysis of 16 semi-structured interviews with individual collaborators (eight theatre practitioners and eight scientists). Interviews explored experiences, including their motivations, working processes, challenges, learning and understanding. Roles of scientists in the collaboration ranged from expert advisor to equal creative collaborator. Factors affecting partnerships included curiosity for each other's practice, social interaction and mutual respect. The research suggests that scientists could be motivated to undertake 'Sci-Art' collaborations through personal interest, as well as previously identified motives such as encouragement from their department. The project also identified benefits to researchers from such collaborations, including developing new perspectives on their own practice. © The Author(s) 2011

    Multiplicación in vitro del clon de plátano inivit pv 06-30 (musa spp) en condiciones de biofábricas (Original)

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    The improvement of the methodologies for in vitro multiplication of crops is a constant need in productive processes developed in biofactories. The influence of the physical status, macroelements's concentration in culture medium and the subcultures number were evaluate to in vitro multiplication of banana INIVIT PV 06-30 clon’s in biofactory conditions. In vitro plants from meristems were using as plant material. Three concentrations (100 %, 75 % and 50 %) of the macroelement’s included in Murashigue y Skoog (1962) culture medium were evaluated in combination with two physical status of the culture medium (semisolid and liquid) during six subcultures. The results show higher values of coefficient of multiplication, length of the shoot and length and width of the leaves in the culture medium with the macroelements at 100 % to their concentration, regardless of the physical state of the culture medium. The coefficient of multiplication was low in all subculture, without differences from the second.El perfeccionamiento de las metodologías para la multiplicación in vitro de los cultivos es una necesidad constante en los procesos productivos, desarrollados en las biofábricas. El trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de evaluarla influencia del estado físico, la concentración de macroelementos del medio de cultivo y el número de subcultivos en la multiplicación in vitro del clon de plátano INIVIT PV-06-30 en condiciones de biofábrica. El material vegetal utilizado fueron plantas establecidas in vitro a partir de meristemos. Se evaluaron tres concentraciones de los macroelementos incluidos el medio de cultivo de Murashigue y Skoog (1962): (100%, 75% y 50%) en combinación con dos estados físicos del medio de cultivo (semisólido y líquido) durante seis subcultivos consecutivos. Los resultados muestran valores mayores del coeficiente de multiplicación, longitud del brote, largo y ancho de las hojas en el medio de cultivo con los macroelementos al 100% de su concentración, independientemente de estado físico del medio de cultivo. El coeficiente de multiplicación fue bajo en todos los subcultivos, sin diferencias significativas a partir del segundo


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    O Diabetes Mellitus é um problema de saúde pública que provoca inúmeras internações. Este estudo avaliou à adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso de pacientes diabéticos cadastrados no programa Hiperdia em uma unidade de saúde do município de Jequié-Ba. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo analítico e de corte transversal, que foi desenvolvido no Centro de Saúde Almerinda Lomanto e contou com 81 pacientes. Um formulário referente à aspectos sociodemográficos, hábito de vida e aspectos clínicos da doença foi aplicado, além dos testes de Morisky e Batalla, que avaliaram a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo programa SPSS. A associação entre a adesão e as variáveis independentes foi analisada pelo teste de qui-quadrado (X2), a hipótese de associação foi aceita quando a probabilidade fosse ≤ 0,05. O perfil sociodemográfico demonstrou a maior prevalência de mulheres, idosos, solteiros, aposentados, com ensino fundamental incompleto e renda de 1- 2 salários mínimos. A adesão foi observada em 40,7% dos participantes, pelo teste de Batalla, e 51,9 % pelo teste de Morisky. Quanto à associação estatística, a adesão pelo teste de Morisky apresentou significância quando relacionada a renda, porém, pelo teste de Batalla, apenas a variável tabagismo foi significante. Não houve associação significativa entre as demais variáveis em ambos os testes. Os pacientes atendidos no Centro de saúde relataram dificuldade em aderir a terapêutica medicamentosa para diabetes, principalmente, por falta de informação sobre a doença e o tratamento, ressaltando a importância da comunicação dos pacientes com os profissionais de saúde

    Dialumenes – aryl vs. silyl stabilisation for small molecule activation and catalysis

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    Main group multiple bonds have proven their ability to act as transition metal mimics in the last few decades. However, catalytic application of these species is still in its infancy. Herein we report the second neutral NHC-stabilised dialumene species by use of a supporting aryl ligand (3). Different to the trans-planar silyl-substituted dialumene (3Si), compound 3 features a trans-bent and twisted geometry. The differences between the two dialumenes are explored computationally (using B3LYP-D3/6-311G(d)) as well as experimentally. A high influence of the ligand's steric demand on the structural motif is revealed, giving rise to enhanced reactivity of 3 enabled by a higher flexibility in addition to different polarisation of the aluminium centres. As such, facile activation of dihydrogen is now achievable. The influence of ligand choice is further implicated in two different catalytic reactions; not only is the aryl-stabilised dialumene more catalytically active but the resulting product distributions also differ, thus indicating the likelihood of alternate mechanisms simply through a change of supporting ligand

    β-Diketiminate complexes of group 13 elements and their use in small molecule activation and catalysis

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    This thesis examines the potential of hydrides of the group 13 metals aluminium and gallium to function as homogeneous catalysts for the reduction of unsaturated substrates including CO2, aldehydes and ketones. In addition, it reports on studies designed to probe the mechanisms by which these processes occur. Chapter 3 details the preparation of a series of novel β-diketiminate (or Nacnac) ligated aluminium hydrides of the form {HC(XCNDipp)2}Al(R)H {X = Me, NMe2; (DippNacnac)Al(R)H}, which differ in the nature of the auxiliary R substituent and the Nacnac backbone itself. These systems show considerable variation in the nature of the Al-H bond and significant differences in reactivity with respect to the hydroalumination of carbon dioxide. Electron-donating R substituents give rise to weaker and more hydridic Al-H bonds, which exhibit enhanced rates of insertion of the CO2 molecule. The treatment of the resulting κ1-formate complexes with B-H containing reductants under stoichiometric and catalytic conditions reveals that no Al-O/B-H metathesis occurs, even under forcing conditions. This study did however lead to the isolation of a range of novel boryloxy complexes, (DippNacnac)Al(R)(OBXX’) (X = X’ = cat, 9-BBN; X = H, X’ = OMe) and borohydride complexes (DippNacnac)Al(R)(H2BX2) (X2 = (9-BBN), H2). It is concluded that no catalytic turnover can be achieved in the reduction of CO2 by boranes mediated by these aluminium hydrides, presumably due to the excessive strength of the Al-O bond, and the consequent lack of viability of Al-O/B-H metathesis. Chapter 4 describes a number of synthetic routes for the preparation of unsymmetrically substituted Nacnac-ligated gallium monohydride complexes, including a rare example of a base-stabilised cationic gallium hydride. The range of novel hydrides reported offers variation in the steric and electronic properties of the auxiliary R substituent. Studies of stoichiometric reactivity reveal that, as with related alanes, gallium hydrides which bear more σ-donating R substituents are more amenable to the hydrogallation of CO2. In addition, studies were undertaken to establish the impact of both the gallium-bound R substituent and the borane on Ga-O/B-H metathesis processes leading to the regeneration of a Ga-H bond from the corresponding formate complex {HC(MeCNDipp)2}Ga(R)(OC(O)H), [Dipp1]Ga(R)(OC(O)H). With the factors influencing both the insertion and metathesis processes established, the ability of these Nacnac gallium hydrides to catalyse the borane-mediated reduction of CO2 was then investigated. The work presented in Chapter 5 demonstrates that the Nacnac-ligated gallium hydride complex, [Dipp1]Ga(Ad)H, can be employed in tandem with B(C6F5)3 to effect the catalytic hydrosilylation of CO2. Whilst forcing conditions are required to bring about catalytic turnover (and only modest TOF values can be achieved), this system represents a rare example of a main group hydride catalyst for this process. In addition, it can be shown that selectivity can be controlled through the ratio of Lewis acid co-catalyst employed. A series of mechanistic studies is described which shows that the B(C6F5)3 co-catalyst leads to the activation of the gallium complex towards both processes (insertion, metathesis) that are key to catalytic turnover. During the course of this study, the first examples of three-coordinate β-diketiminate-ligated gallium cations were synthesised. Chapter 6 describes a study of the mechanisms of the reduction of organic carbonyl substrates, mediated by aluminium and gallium hydrides. It is demonstrated that the hydrogallation of aldehydes by β-diketiminate-ligated gallium hydrides is relatively limited and only one gallium hydride of this nature, [Dipp1]GaH2, could be found to hydrogallate benzaldehyde, requiring forcing conditions to bring about such reactivity. However, the gallium alkoxide product so generated is amenable to rapid Ga-O/B-H metathesis to regenerate a Ga-H bond and release the reduced organic product. Thus, in accordance with the research reported in Chapters 4 and 5, the hydroboration of C=O bonds can be effected by gallium systems based on an inner-sphere mechanism involving insertion and Ga-O/B-H metathesis steps. By contrast, a wide range of β-diketiminate-ligated aluminium hydrides can be shown to hydroaluminate benzaldehyde under ambient conditions. However, in this case the resulting metal alkoxides are resolutely unreactive towards B-H containing reagents. This behaviour is consistent with the reactivity towards CO2 reported in Chapter 3 and can be rationalized by the underlying thermodynamics of Al-O/B-H metathesis (which are unfavourable). Nonetheless, literature reports of the catalytic hydroboration of benzaldehyde by aluminium hydrides are confirmed to be correct – and a series of mechanisms based on outer-sphere processes which avoid ‘net cleavage’ of the Al-O bond have therefore been investigated.</p

    β-Diketiminate complexes of group 13 elements and their use in small molecule activation and catalysis

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    This thesis examines the potential of hydrides of the group 13 metals aluminium and gallium to function as homogeneous catalysts for the reduction of unsaturated substrates including CO2, aldehydes and ketones. In addition, it reports on studies designed to probe the mechanisms by which these processes occur. Chapter 3 details the preparation of a series of novel β-diketiminate (or Nacnac) ligated aluminium hydrides of the form {HC(XCNDipp)2}Al(R)H {X = Me, NMe2; (DippNacnac)Al(R)H}, which differ in the nature of the auxiliary R substituent and the Nacnac backbone itself. These systems show considerable variation in the nature of the Al-H bond and significant differences in reactivity with respect to the hydroalumination of carbon dioxide. Electron-donating R substituents give rise to weaker and more hydridic Al-H bonds, which exhibit enhanced rates of insertion of the CO2 molecule. The treatment of the resulting κ1-formate complexes with B-H containing reductants under stoichiometric and catalytic conditions reveals that no Al-O/B-H metathesis occurs, even under forcing conditions. This study did however lead to the isolation of a range of novel boryloxy complexes, (DippNacnac)Al(R)(OBXXâ) (X = Xâ = cat, 9-BBN; X = H, Xâ = OMe) and borohydride complexes (DippNacnac)Al(R)(H2BX2) (X2 = (9-BBN), H2). It is concluded that no catalytic turnover can be achieved in the reduction of CO2 by boranes mediated by these aluminium hydrides, presumably due to the excessive strength of the Al-O bond, and the consequent lack of viability of Al-O/B-H metathesis. Chapter 4 describes a number of synthetic routes for the preparation of unsymmetrically substituted Nacnac-ligated gallium monohydride complexes, including a rare example of a base-stabilised cationic gallium hydride. The range of novel hydrides reported offers variation in the steric and electronic properties of the auxiliary R substituent. Studies of stoichiometric reactivity reveal that, as with related alanes, gallium hydrides which bear more Ï-donating R substituents are more amenable to the hydrogallation of CO2. In addition, studies were undertaken to establish the impact of both the gallium-bound R substituent and the borane on Ga-O/B-H metathesis processes leading to the regeneration of a Ga-H bond from the corresponding formate complex {HC(MeCNDipp)2}Ga(R)(OC(O)H), [Dipp1]Ga(R)(OC(O)H). With the factors influencing both the insertion and metathesis processes established, the ability of these Nacnac gallium hydrides to catalyse the borane-mediated reduction of CO2 was then investigated. The work presented in Chapter 5 demonstrates that the Nacnac-ligated gallium hydride complex, [Dipp1]Ga(Ad)H, can be employed in tandem with B(C6F5)3 to effect the catalytic hydrosilylation of CO2. Whilst forcing conditions are required to bring about catalytic turnover (and only modest TOF values can be achieved), this system represents a rare example of a main group hydride catalyst for this process. In addition, it can be shown that selectivity can be controlled through the ratio of Lewis acid co-catalyst employed. A series of mechanistic studies is described which shows that the B(C6F5)3 co-catalyst leads to the activation of the gallium complex towards both processes (insertion, metathesis) that are key to catalytic turnover. During the course of this study, the first examples of three-coordinate β-diketiminate-ligated gallium cations were synthesised. Chapter 6 describes a study of the mechanisms of the reduction of organic carbonyl substrates, mediated by aluminium and gallium hydrides. It is demonstrated that the hydrogallation of aldehydes by β-diketiminate-ligated gallium hydrides is relatively limited and only one gallium hydride of this nature, [Dipp1]GaH2, could be found to hydrogallate benzaldehyde, requiring forcing conditions to bring about such reactivity. However, the gallium alkoxide product so generated is amenable to rapid Ga-O/B-H metathesis to regenerate a Ga-H bond and release the reduced organic product. Thus, in accordance with the research reported in Chapters 4 and 5, the hydroboration of C=O bonds can be effected by gallium systems based on an inner-sphere mechanism involving insertion and Ga-O/B-H metathesis steps. By contrast, a wide range of β-diketiminate-ligated aluminium hydrides can be shown to hydroaluminate benzaldehyde under ambient conditions. However, in this case the resulting metal alkoxides are resolutely unreactive towards B-H containing reagents. This behaviour is consistent with the reactivity towards CO2 reported in Chapter 3 and can be rationalized by the underlying thermodynamics of Al-O/B-H metathesis (which are unfavourable). Nonetheless, literature reports of the catalytic hydroboration of benzaldehyde by aluminium hydrides are confirmed to be correct â and a series of mechanisms based on outer-sphere processes which avoid ânet cleavageâ of the Al-O bond have therefore been investigated.</p

    Ergonomic Solar-Powered Cart

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    Mentor: Dr. Joseph Schroede

    Reversible uptake of CO2 by pincer ligand supported dimetallynes

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    We report on the reversible uptake of carbon dioxide by dimetallynes featuring ancillary hemi-labile pincer ligands. Insertion into the Ge-Ge/Sn-Sn bonds yields species containing an E(CO 2 )E unit, with the mode of ligation of the CO 2 fragment determined crystallographically being found to be dependent on the identity of the group 14 element. The thermodynamics of CO 2 uptake/loss can be established through VT-NMR (&#x394;H&#xB0; = +24.6(2.3) kJ mol -1 , &#x394;S&#xB0; = +64.9(3.8) J mol -1 K -1 , &#x394;G&#xB0; 298 = +5.3(1.9) kJ mol -1 for the loss of CO 2 in the Ge case), and the chemical consequences of reversibility demonstrated by thermodynamically-controlled exchange reactions