725 research outputs found

    Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1/CD39 affects the response to ADP of female rat platelets

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    There is evidence that an imbalance of extracellular purine levels may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Platelets play a pivotal role in vascular homeostasis and thrombosis and are important source of purine nucleotides and nucleosides. Hydrolysis of nucleotides ATP and ADP is regulated by two ectonucleotidases, triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (NTPDase-1/CD39) and ecto-5’-nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT/CD73). CD39 enzyme is expressed on the endothelium, circulating blood cells, and smooth muscle cells; there is evidence that changes in CD39 expression and activity affects the potential thrombogenic of a tissue. Gender difference in the cardiovascular risk has been extensively observed; however, while the age-dependent difference in the prevalence of cardiovascular events between men and women has been attributed to the loss of the protective effect of estrogens in the postmenopausal period, the physiological mechanism behind gender disparity is still unclear. Here, we evaluated comparatively male and female rat platelet reactivity and considered the possible role of CD39 at the basis of difference observed. We found a reduced in vitro response to ADP (1–30 µM) of female compared to male platelets, associated to increased platelet CD39 expression and activity. Platelet response to ADP was strongly increased by incubation (10 min) with the CD39 inhibitor, ARL67156 (100 µM), while male platelet response was unaffected. Rat treatment with clopidogrel (30 mg/kg, per os) inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation. Bleeding time was prolonged in female compared to male. Taken together, our results suggest that platelet ATPase and ADPase activity might be a reliable predictor of platelet reactivity

    Keck and Gemini spectral characterization of Lucy mission fly-by target (152830) Dinkinesh

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    Recently, the inner main belt asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh was identified as an additional fly-by target for the Lucy mission. The heliocentric orbit and approximate absolute magnitude of Dinkinesh are known, but little additional information was available prior to its selection as a target. In particular, the lack of color spectrophotometry or spectra made it impossible to assign a spectral type to Dinkinesh from which its albedo could be estimated. We set out to remedy this knowledge gap by obtaining visible wavelength spectra with the Keck telescope on 2022 November 23 and with Gemini-South on 2022 December 27. The spectra measured with the Keck I/Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) and the Gemini South/Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph South (GMOS-S) are most similar to the average spectrum of S- and Sq-type asteroids. The most diagnostic feature is the \approx15±\pm1%\% silicate absorption feature at \approx0.9-1.0~micron. Small S- and Sq-type asteroids have moderately high albedos ranging from 0.17-0.35. Using this albedo range for Dinkinesh in combination with measured absolute magnitude, it is possible to derive an effective diameter and surface brightness for this body. The albedo, size and surface brightness are important inputs required for planning a successful encounter by the Lucy spacecraft.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Under review in Icaru

    High resolution chemical stratigraphies of atmospheric depositions from a 4 m depth snow pit at dome C (East Antarctica)

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    In this work, we present chemical stratigraphies of two sampling lines collected within a 4 m depth snow pit dug in Dome C during the Antarctic summer Campaign 2017/2018, 12 years after the last reported snow pit. The first sampling line was analyzed for nine anionic and cationic species using Ion Chromatography (IC); the second sampling line was analyzed for seven major elements in an innovative way with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) after sample pre-concentration, allowing the study of deposition processes of new markers especially related to crustal source. This coupled analysis, besides confirming previous studies, allowed us to investigate the depositions of the last decades at Dome C, enriching the number of the detected chemical markers, and yielding these two techniques complementary for the study of different markers in this kind of matrix. As a result of the dating, the snow layers analyzed covered the last 50 years of snow depositions. The assessment of the accumulation rate, estimated about 9 cm yr−1, was accomplished only for the period 1992–2016, as the eruption of 1992 constituted the only tie-point found in nssSO42− depth profile. Na, the reliable sea salt marker, together with Mg and Sr, mainly arose from marine sources, whereas Ca, Al and Fe originated from crustal inputs. Post-depositional processes occurred on Cl− as well as on NO3− and methanesulfonic acid (MSA); compared to the latter, Cl− had a more gradual decrease, reporting a threshold at 2.5 m for the post-depositional process completion. For NO3− and MSA, instead, the threshold was shallower, at about 1 m depth, with a loss of 87% for NO3− and of 50% for MSA

    Computational simulation methodologies for mechanobiological modelling: a cell-centred approach to neointima development in stents

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    The design of medical devices could be very much improved if robust tools were available for computational simulation of tissue response to the presence of the implant. Such tools require algorithms to simulate the response of tissues to mechanical and chemical stimuli. Available methodologies include those based on the principle of mechanical homeostasis, those which use continuum models to simulate biological constituents, and the cell-centred approach, which models cells as autonomous agents. In the latter approach, cell behaviour is governed by rules based on the state of the local environment around the cell; and informed by experiment. Tissue growth and differentiation requires simulating many of these cells together. In this paper, the methodology and applications of cell-centred techniques—with particular application to mechanobiology—are reviewed, and a cell-centred model of tissue formation in the lumen of an artery in response to the deployment of a stent is presented. The method is capable of capturing some of the most important aspects of restenosis, including nonlinear lesion growth with time. The approach taken in this paper provides a framework for simulating restenosis; the next step will be to couple it with more patient-specific geometries and quantitative parameter data

    Heart rate, pr, and qt intervals in normal children: A 24‐hour holter monitoring study

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    A dynamic electrocardiographic Holter monitoring study was performed in 32 healthy children (20 males and 12 females, age range 6-11 years old), without heart disease, according to clinical and noninvasive instrumental examination. We evaluated atrioventricular conduction time (PR), heart rate (HR), and QT interval patterns defining the range of normality of these electrocardiographic parameters. The PR interval ranged from 154 +/- 10 ms (mean +/- SD) for HR less than or equal to 60 to 102 +/- 12 ms for HR greater than or equal to 120 (range 85-180). The absolute mean HR was 87 +/- 10 beats/min (range 72-104), the minimum observed HR being 61 +/- 10 (range 51-79), the maximum 160 +/- 20 beats/min (range 129-186). Daytime mean HR gave a mean value of 93 +/- 10 (range 71-148), while during night hours it was 74 +/- 11 (range 54-98). The minimum QT interval averaged 261 +/- 10 ms for HR greater than 120 and the maximum 389 +/- 9 ms for HR less than or equal to 60; the corresponding mean value of QTc (i.e., QT corrected for HR) ranged from 388 +/- 8 for HR less than or equal to 60 beats/min to 403 +/- 14 ms for HR greater than 120 beats/min. The results of the present study provide data of normal children which can be readily compared against those of subjects in whom cardiac abnormalities are suspect or patient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Coronary covered stents

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    Covered stents offer an effective bail-out strategy in vessel perforations, are an alternative to surgery for the exclusion of coronary aneurysms, and have a potential role in the treatment of friable embolisation-prone plaques. The aim of this manuscript is to offer an overview of currently available platforms and to report results obtained in prior studies

    Quantifying the climate impacts of albedo changes due to biofuel production: a comparison with biogeochemical effects

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    Lifecycle analysis is a tool widely used to evaluate the climate impact of greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the production and use of biofuels. In this paper we employ an augmented lifecycle framework that includes climate impacts from changes in surface albedo due to land use change. We consider eleven land-use change scenarios for the cultivation of biomass for middle distillate fuel production, and compare our results to previous estimates of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions for the same set of land-use change scenarios in terms of CO2e per unit of fuel energy. We find that two of the land-use change scenarios considered demonstrate a warming effect due to changes in surface albedo, compared to conventional fuel, the largest of which is for replacement of desert land with salicornia cultivation. This corresponds to 222 gCO2e/MJ, equivalent to 3890% and 247% of the lifecycle GHG emissions of fuels derived from salicornia and crude oil, respectively. Nine of the land-use change scenarios considered demonstrate a cooling effect, the largest of which is for the replacement of tropical rainforests with soybean cultivation. This corresponds to − 161 gCO2e/MJ, or − 28% and − 178% of the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of fuels derived from soybean and crude oil, respectively. These results indicate that changes in surface albedo have the potential to dominate the climate impact of biofuels, and we conclude that accounting for changes in surface albedo is necessary for a complete assessment of the aggregate climate impacts of biofuel production and use.Federal Aviation AdministrationUnited States. Air Force Research LaboratoryUnited States. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA Energy, Project 47 of the Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions Reduction (PARTNER)

    Near-infrared spectroscopy-intravascular ultrasound: Scientific basis and clinical applications

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    Coronary angiography underestimates the magnitude of the atherosclerotic burden and cannot detect the presence of disease in the early phases. Recognition of these inherent limitations of angiography has been an impetus for the development of other coronary imaging techniques. The novel near-infrared spectroscopy-intravascular ultrasound (NIRS-IVUS) catheters can detect and quantify the presence of lipid core in the atherosclerotic plaque and associate it with other features such as lumen size and plaque architecture. Lipid-rich plaques are known to pose a higher risk of distal embolization during interventions and plaque disruption. The aim of this manuscript is the review of the potential clinical and research applications of this technology as highlighted by recent studies

    Identification of Faba bean genetic loci associated with quantitative resistance to the fungus Botrytis fabae, causal agent of chocolate spot

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    Introduction: Chocolate spot, caused by the ascomycete fungus Botrytis fabae, is a devastating foliar disease and a major constraint on the quality and yield of faba beans (Vicia faba). The use of fungicides is the primary strategy for controlling the disease. However, high levels of partial genetic resistance have been identified and can be exploited to mitigate the disease. Methods: The partially resistant V. faba cultivar Maris Bead and susceptible Egyptian accession ig70726 were crossed, and a genetic mapping population of 184 individuals was genotyped in the F2 generation and screened for resistance to B. fabae infection in the F3, F5, and F6 generations in a series of field experiments. A high-density linkage map of V. faba containing 3897 DArT markers spanning 1713.7 cM was constructed. Results: Multiple candidate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in 11 separate regions of the V. faba genome were identified; some on chromosomes 2, 3, and 6 overlapped with loci previously linked to resistance to Ascochyta leaf and pod blight caused by the necrotrophic fungus Ascochyta fabae. A transcriptomics experiment was conducted at 18 h post-inoculation in seedlings of both parents of the mapping population, identifying several differentially expressed transcripts potentially involved in early stage defence against B. fabae, including cell-wall associated protein kinases, NLR genes, and genes involved in metabolism and response to reactive oxygen species. Discussion: This study identified several novel candidate QTLs in the V. faba genome that contribute to partial resistance to chocolate spot, but differences between growing seasons highlighted the importance of multi-year phenotyping experiments when searching for candidate QTLs for partial resistance

    Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold: What have we learned after 5 years of clinical experience?

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    Bioresorbable scaffolds have the potential to introduce a paradigm shift in interventional cardiology, a true anatomical and functional "vascular restoration" instead of an artificial stiff tube encased by persistent metallic foreign body. Early clinical studies using the first commercially available drug-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) reported very promising safety and efficacy outcomes, comparable to best-in-class second-generation drug-eluting metal stent. To date, more than 60,000 Absorb BVSs have been implanted with only the interim analysis of one randomized trial (ABSORB II RCT) available. Recent registries have challenged the initial claim that BVS is immune from Scaffold Thrombosis (ST). However, suboptimal device expansion and insufficient intracoronary imaging guidance can explain higher than expected ST, especially in complex lesions. The aim of this review article is to critically evaluate the results of the available Absorb BVS studies and discuss the lessons learned to optimize lesion selection and implantation technique of such devices