247 research outputs found

    The Road to a Cure: Emerging Treatments for Multiple Myeloma.

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    During 50 years of intensive research, we have learnt about the pathophysiology of multiple myeloma (MM) and improved the management of this disease [...].Peer reviewe

    Multiple myeloma bone disease: from mechanisms to next generation therapy

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    Multiple myeloma bone disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in multiple myeloma patients and persists even in patients in remission. Multiple myeloma bone disease is caused by an uncoupling of bone remodelling, with increased osteoclast activity and decreased osteoblast activity, culminating in lytic bone destruction. Bisphosphonates are the current standard-of-care but new therapies are needed. As the molecular mechanisms controlling multiple myeloma bone disease are increasingly understood, new therapeutic targets are extensively explored in the preclinical setting and initial clinical trials with novel compounds show promising results. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the biology of multiple myeloma bone disease, summarise its current clinical management and discuss preclinical and clinical data on next generation therapies

    The Effects of Forodesine in Murine and Human Multiple Myeloma Cells

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most commonly diagnosed hematological malignancy, characterized by a monoclonal proliferation of malignant cells in the bone marrow. Despite recent advances in treatment strategies, MM remains incurable and new therapeutical targets are needed. Recently forodesine, a purine nucleoside phosphorylase inhibitor, was found to induce apoptosis in leukemic cells of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients by increasing the dGTP levels. We therefore tested whether forodesine was able to inhibit proliferation and/or induce apoptosis in both murine and human MM cells through a similar pathway. We found that after 48 hours of treatment with forodesine there was a slight dGTP increase in 5T33MM and RPMI-8226 MM cells associated with partial inhibition of proliferation and a limited induction of apoptosis. When investigating the pathways leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, we observed an upregulation of p27, caspase 3, and BIM. We can conclude that forodesine has some effects on MM cells but not as impressive as the known effects in leukemic cells. Forodesine might be however potentiating towards other established cytotoxic drugs in MM

    Rapamycin prevents experimental sclerodermatous chronic graft-versus-host disease in mice

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    Background: The most widely used mice model of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) is an MHC-matched bone marrow transplantation model of sclerodermatous cGvHD. A limitation of that model is that mortality is relatively low, making difficult to study the impact of potentially therapeutic compounds. Aims: To develop a more severe model of cGVHD and to assess the impact of Rapamycin administration in that model. Results: Lethally irradiated Balb/C mice were injected with 10x106 bone marrow cells and 70x106 splenocytes from B10.D2 donor mice. Twenty-one days later, all mice developed cGvHD. For the severe model, donor B10.D2 mice were injected with 0.5x106 splenocytes from Balb/C twenty-one days before transplantation. All mice from the severe model (n=8) died a median of 32 days while 3 of 7 mice in the classical model survived beyond day 52. Mean survival was decreased in the severe model compared to the classical model (32 days versus 37 days; p=0.0185). Recipient mice in the severe group experienced higher weight loss, hair loss and skin fi brosis. Numbers of T lymphocytes (231.9 ± 151.4 versus 951 ± 532.8; p=0.0032) and CD4+ T cells (63.25 ± 41.93 versus 135.0 ± 14.39; p=0.0018) per microliter of blood at day 21 were lower in the severe group than in the classical model. Moreover, number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) was decreased in the severe model (1.250 ± 0.8864 versus 8.000 ± 6.753; p=0.0151). We then investigated whether rapamycin administration could prevent GVHD in the severe model. All (n=8) mice treated with PBS (placebo) died a median of 32 days after transplantation, while 6 of 8 mice given 1 mg/kg/day i.p. rapamycin survived beyond day 52 (p=0.0012). Number of Tregs/μl was higher at day 21 in rapamycin-treated mice than in mice given PBS (2.000±1.195 versus 1.250±0.8864; p=0.0796). Moreover, number of naïve CD4+T (10.00±4.192 versus 30.25±5.185; p= 0.0089) and effector memory T cells (EMT) (30.67±3.180 versus 67.33±7.881; p= 0.0125) were higher in rapamycin mice. Finally, proliferation of EMT (assessed by fl ow cytometry using Ki-67) was higher in PBS than in rapamycin mice (45.28%±4.084 versus 31.90%± 2.003; p=0.0474). Conclusion: We have developed a mice model of severe cGVHD. Interestingly, rapamycin prevented death from cGVHD in that model, perhaps through in vivo expansion of Treg

    Balancing the CD38 Expression on Effector and Target Cells in Daratumumab-Mediated NK Cell ADCC against Multiple Myeloma.

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable cancer characterized by the proliferation and accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells in the bone marrow. The monoclonal anti-CD38 daratumumab has taken a central place in the different treatment regimens for newly diagnosed and relapsed, refractory myeloma. In this study, we correlated the NK cell-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and potential fratricide induced by daratumumab with CD38-expression levels on both effector and target cells. We show that CD38 expression can be modulated by adding all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) or interferon-α to MM cells to further fine-tune these effects. In addition, we observed that ADCC becomes inefficient when fratricide occurs and both ADCC and fratricide depend on the balance between CD38 expression on effector and target cells. However, the addition of adjuvants (retinoic acid or interferon-α) to myeloma cells or the inhibition of fratricide using a CD38-blocking nanobody on NK-cells can reverse this balance towards ADCC and thus promote lysis of target cells by ADCC. ATRA and interferon-α increased the CD38 expression at the surface of MM cells about three-fold and two-fold, respectively. This increase was of interest for MM cells with low CD38 expression, that became susceptible to daratumumab-mediated ADCC after preincubation. A CD38-blocking nanobody prevented the binding of daratumumab to these NK-cells and blunted the fratricidal effect on effector NK cells. In conclusion, our study highlights the importance of a balanced CD38 expression on target and effector cells and attempts to alter this balance will affect the susceptibility of MM cells towards daratumumab-mediated ADCC

    An illustrative case of the POEMS syndrome

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    peer reviewedLe POEMS syndrome est une entité rare et invalidante caractérisée par une polyneuropathie, une organomégalie, une endocrinopathie, une gammapathie monoclonale et des atteintes dermatologiques. Le diagnostic de cette infection est souvent tardif et représente un véritable défi au vu de l’hétérogénéité des formes cliniques. Les chaînes légères sécrétées par les plasmocytes clonaux entraînent une surproduction de VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) responsable de la plupart des manifestations cliniques du POEMS. La démarche diagnostique repose, en pratique, sur des critères cliniques dont les principaux sont la polyneuropathie et la gammapathie monoclonale. Le bilan d’extension reprend le dosage du VEGF, l’électrophorèse et l’mmunofixation des protéines sériques. Un bilan radiologique permet d’objectiver des lésions osseuses ostéosclérotiques ou des adénopathies et l’électromyogramme la polyneuropathie. Les patients qui souffrent d’un plasmocytome en l’absence d’une infiltration médullaire de plasmocytes clonaux sont des candidats au traitement par radiothérapie. Les patients avec une atteinte osseuse diffuse ou une localisation médullaire recevront un traitement systémique. La réponse au traitement peut prendre plusieurs mois avant une amélioration clinique et biologique. Un diagnostic précoce et une prise en charge spécifique limitent l’impact clinico-fonctionnel du POEMS.POEMS syndrome is a rare and invalidating entity characterized by polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and dermatoses. The diagnosis of this condition is often late and challenging due to the heterogeneity of clinical forms. The light chains secreted by the clonal plasmocytes cause overproduction of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) responsible for the appearance of the clinical manifestations of POEMS. The diagnostic approach is based on different clinical and biological criteria. Patients with a solitary plasmacytoma are candidates for radiotherapy treatment. Patients with diffuse bone involvement or bone marrow infiltration are best treated by systemic drugs. The response to treatment may take several months before clinical and biological improvement. Early diagnosis and dedicated management limit the clinico-functional impact of POEMS

    2021 European Myeloma Network review and consensus statement on smoldering multiple myeloma: how to distinguish (and manage) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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    According to the updated International Myeloma Working Group criteria, smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) is an asymptomatic plasma cell disorder characterized by an M-component >3 g/dL, bone marrow plasma cell infiltration >10% and <60%, and absence of any myeloma-defining event. Active multiple myeloma is preceded by SMM, with a median time to progression of approximately 5 years. Cases of SMM range from the extremes of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance-like, in which patients never progress during their lifetimes, to early multiple myeloma, in which transformation into symptomatic disease, based on genomic evolution, may be rapid and devastating. Such a split personality makes the prognosis and management of individual patients challenging, particularly with regard to the identification and possible early treatment of high-risk SMM. Outside of clinical trials, the conventional approach to SMM generally remains close observation until progression to active multiple myeloma. However, two prospective, randomized trials have recently demonstrated a significant clinical benefit in terms of time to progression, and of overall survival in one of the two studies, for some patients with higher-risk SMM treated with lenalidomide +/- dexamethasone, raising the question of whether such an approach should be considered a new standard of care. In this paper, experts from the European Myeloma Network describe current biological and clinical knowledge on SMM, focusing on novel insights into its molecular pathogenesis, new prognostic scoring systems proposed to identify SMM patients at higher risk of early transformation, and updated results of completed or ongoing clinical trials. Finally, some practical recommendations for the real-life management of these patients, based on Delphi consensus methodology, are provided