8 research outputs found

    Two-Way Automata and One-Tape Machines: Read Only Versus Linear Time

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    It is well-known that one-tape Turing machines working in linear time are no more powerful than finite automata, namely they recognize exactly the class of regular languages. We study the costs, in terms of description sizes, of the conversion of nondeterministic finite automata into equivalent linear-time one-tape deterministic machines. We prove a polynomial blowup from two-way nondeterministic finite automata into equivalent weight-reducing one-tape deterministic machines that work in linear time. The blowup remains polynomial if the tape in the resulting machines is restricted to the portion which initially contains the input. However, in this case the machines resulting from our construction are not weight reducing, unless the input alphabet is unary

    Linear-time limited automata

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    The time complexity of 1-limited automata is investigated from a descriptional complexity view point. Though the model recognizes regular languages only, it may use quadratic time in the input length. We show that, with a polynomial increase in size and preserving determinism, each 1-limited automaton can be transformed into an halting linear-time equivalent one. We also obtain polynomial transformations into related models, including weight-reducing Hennie machines, and we show exponential gaps for converse transformations in the deterministic case