1,101 research outputs found

    Association of aortic stiffness with cognitive decline: Whitehall II longitudinal cohort study

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    Aortic stiffness is associated with an increased risk of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease and mortality and may increase risk of dementia. The aim of the present study is to examine the association between arterial stiffness and cognitive decline in a large prospective cohort study with three repeated cognitive assessment over 7 years of follow-up. Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured among 4300 participants (mean ± standard deviation age 65.1 ± 5.2 years) in 2007–2009 and categorized based on the tertiles: (lowest third:  8.91 m/s). A global cognitive score was calculated in 2007–2009, 2012–2013, and 2015–2016 based on responses to memory, reasoning and fluency tests. Standardized global cognitive score (mean = 0, SD = 1) in highest third versus lowest third of PWV category was lower at baseline (− 0.12, 95% CI − 0.18, − 0.06). Accelerated 7-year cognitive decline was observed among individuals with the highest PWV [difference in 7-year cognitive change for highest third versus lowest third PWV: − 0.06, 95% CI − 0.11, − 0.01, P < 0.01]. Higher aortic stiffness was associated with faster cognitive decline. Clinicians may be able to use arterial stiffness severity as an indicator to administer prompt treatments to prevent or delay the onset of cognitive decline or dementia. Future studies need to determine whether early intervention of vascular stiffness is effective in delaying these outcomes

    Does pattern mixture modelling reduce bias due to informative attrition compared to fitting a mixed effects model to the available cases or data imputed using multiple imputation?: a simulation study

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    BACKGROUND: Informative attrition occurs when the reason participants drop out from a study is associated with the study outcome. Analysing data with informative attrition can bias longitudinal study inferences. Approaches exist to reduce bias when analysing longitudinal data with monotone missingness (once participants drop out they do not return). However, findings may differ when using these approaches to analyse longitudinal data with nonmonotone missingness. METHODS: Different approaches to reduce bias due to informative attrition in non-monotone longitudinal data were compared. To achieve this aim, we simulated data from a Whitehall II cohort epidemiological study, which used the slope coefficients from a linear mixed effects model to investigate the association between smoking status at baseline and subsequent decline in cognition scores. Participants with lower cognitive scores were thought to be more likely to drop out. By using a simulation study, a range of scenarios using distributions of variables which exist in real data were compared. Informative attrition that would introduce a known bias to the simulated data was specified and the estimates from a mixed effects model with random intercept and slopes when fitted to: available cases; data imputed using multiple imputation (MI); imputed data adjusted using pattern mixture modelling (PMM) were compared. The twofold fully conditional specification MI approach, previously validated for non-monotone longitudinal data under ignorable missing data assumption, was used. However, MI may not reduce bias because informative attrition is non-ignorable missing. Therefore, PMM was applied to reduce the bias, usually unknown, by adjusting the values imputed with MI by a fixed value equal to the introduced bias. RESULTS: With highly correlated repeated outcome measures, the slope coefficients from a mixed effects model were found to have least bias when fitted to available cases. However, for moderately correlated outcome measurements, the slope coefficients from fitting a mixed effects model to data adjusted using PMM were least biased but still underestimated the true coefficients. CONCLUSIONS: PMM may potentially reduce bias in studies analysing longitudinal data with suspected informative attrition and moderately correlated repeated outcome measurements. Including additional auxiliary variables in the imputation model may also reduce any remaining bias

    Veterinarski obilazak mliječnih farmi s povećanim brojem somatskih stanica i bakterija iznad zakonom dozvoljenih vrijednosti

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    The EU Directives 92/46 and 92/47 (D.P.R. 54/97 under national legislation) fix the agreed levels of somatic cell counts and total bacterial counts allowed in milk. Over a one year period, a total of 165farms which did not comply with one or more such legal requirements were visited and monitored. This was in order to check and, where necessary, correct the hygienic and sanitary management of the farm. A comparison of the bulk tank milk somatic cell count (BTMSCC) before and after the veterinary visit, shows improvements in all the farms which were tested. In a relatively short time, visited dairy farms with a somatic cell content between 401.000 and 500.000 cells/ml managed to comply with the parameters set down by law, achieving a mean of 304.000 cells/ml. However, those farms with a somatic cell counts between 501.000 and 800.000 cells/ml required further technical action. In fact, despite considerable improvements (mean somatic cell count decreasing from 638.000 cells/ml to 403.000 cells/ml), it was not possible to meet the required levels so rapidly. On these farms, a second veterinary visit was needed as well as more specific milk sampling for bacteriological assay and therapeutic guidelines in order to meet the specified requirements.Smjernicama 92/46. i 92/47. (D.P.R. 54/97). Europska unija je utvrdila maksimalno dozvoljene vrijednosti ukupnog broja bakterija i somatskih stanica u mlijeku. Unutar godine dana posjećeno je 165 farmi koje nisu zadovoljavale svim uvjetima. Posjet je obavljen s ciljem da se snimi postojeća situacija, i, ukoliko je neophodno, da se provedu adekvatne korekcije u higijenskom i sanitarnom vođenju farmi. Usporedbom broja somatskih stanica (BTMSCC) u dobavnim tankovima za mlijeko, prije i poslije veterinarske posjete, uočena su poboljšanja na svim ispitanim farmama. Ispitane mliječne farme s brojem somatskih stanica između 401000 i 500.000 stanica/mL u relativno kratkom vremenu uspjele su smanjiti taj broj na prosječnih 304.000 stanica/mL, što udovoljava propisanim vrijednostima. Međutim, na farmama s brojem somatskih stanica između 501.000 i 800.000 Stanica/mL potrebno je provesti dodatne tehničke mjere. Usprkos značajnom poboljšanju (prosječni broj somatskih stanica smanjene je sa 638.000 stanica/mL na 403.000 stanica/mL), nisu dobivene vrijednosti unutar zakonski propisanih. Ovim farmama bio je potreban dodatni veterinarski posjet kao i specifično bakteriološko ispitivanje te terapeutski naputci s ciljem da se postigne usuglašenost sa specifičnim zahtjevima

    Overwintering Hosts for the Exotic Leafroller Parasitoid, Colpoclypeus florus: Implications for Habitat Manipulation to Augment Biological Control of Leafrollers in Pome Fruits

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    Thirty sites of managed and native habitats were surveyed for leafrollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the apple producing region of central Washington State and northern Oregon from September through November 1997–2000 to discover species that supported overwintering by the parasitoid Colpoclypeus florus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). C. florus, a species introduced from Europe, requires medium to large host larvae late in autumn on which to overwinter, and few leafroller species display this biology. Over the four years, five potential C. florus hosts were collected, including: Ancylis comptana (Froelich), Xenotemna pallorana (Robinson), and Syndemis sp. (Tortricidae), Filatima sp. (Gelechiidae), and Caloptilia burgessiellia (Zeller) (Gracillariidae). Of these, A. comptana, Syndemis sp., and Filatima sp. have been confirmed as overwintering hosts for C. florus. During the four years, the Syndemis sp. was rare and observed at only one location feeding on redosier dogwood, Cornus sericea L. (Cornales: Cornaceae) although, at this location, many of the larvae collected were parasitized by C. florus. Filatima sp. was common in the Yakima valley feeding on balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa (Torr. & Gray ex Hook) Brayshaw (Malpighiales: Salicaceae) but was rarely parasitized. A. comptana, however, was collected at many locations in central Washington and was frequently found as an overwintering host for C. florus. A. comptana was found feeding on two Rosaceae: Wood's rose, Rosa woodsii Lindl., and strawberry, Fragaria ananassa Duchesne (Rosales: Rosaceae). Based on the number of host larvae collected, A. comptana appears to be the primary overwintering host for C. florus in Washington. Introduction of A. comptana populations to near-orchard habitats may facilitate biological control of leafrollers that are orchard pests

    Observation of anomalous decoherence effect in a quantum bath at room temperature

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    Decoherence of quantum objects is critical to modern quantum sciences and technologies. It is generally believed that stronger noises cause faster decoherence. Strikingly, recent theoretical research discovers the opposite case for spins in quantum baths. Here we report experimental observation of the anomalous decoherence effect for the electron spin-1 of a nitrogen-vacancy centre in high-purity diamond at room temperature. We demonstrate that under dynamical decoupling, the double-transition can have longer coherence time than the single-transition, even though the former couples to the nuclear spin bath as twice strongly as the latter does. The excellent agreement between the experimental and the theoretical results confirms the controllability of the weakly coupled nuclear spins in the bath, which is useful in quantum information processing and quantum metrology.Comment: 22 pages, related paper at http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.557

    A specific case in the classification of woods by FTIR and chemometric: discrimination of Fagales from Malpighiales

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic data was used to classify wood samples from nine species within the Fagales and Malpighiales using a range of multivariate statistical methods. Taxonomic classification of the family Fagaceae and Betulaceae from Angiosperm Phylogenetic System Classification (APG II System) was successfully performed using supervised pattern recognition techniques. A methodology for wood sample discrimination was developed using both sapwood and heartwood samples. Ten and eight biomarkers emerged from the dataset to discriminate order and family, respectively. In the species studied FTIR in combination with multivariate analysis highlighted significant chemical differences in hemicelluloses, cellulose and guaiacyl (lignin) and shows promise as a suitable approach for wood sample classification

    Extramuscular myofascial force transmission alters substantially the acute effects of surgical aponeurotomy: assessment by finite element modeling

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    Effects of extramuscular myofascial force transmission on the acute effects of aponeurotomy were studied using finite element modeling and implications of such effects on surgery were discussed. Aponeurotomized EDL muscle of the rat was modeled in two conditions: (1) fully isolated (2) with intact extramuscular connections. The specific goal was to assess the alterations in muscle length-force characteristics in relation to sarcomere length distributions and to investigate how the mechanical mechanism of the intervention is affected if the muscle is not isolated. Major effects of extramuscular myofascial force transmission were shown on muscle length-force characteristics. In contrast to the identical proximal and distal forces of the aponeurotomized isolated muscle, substantial proximo-distal force differences were shown for aponeurotomized muscle with extramuscular connections (for all muscle lengths F dist > F prox after distal muscle lengthening). Proximal optimal length did not change whereas distal optimal length was lower (by 0.5 mm). The optimal forces of the aponeurotomized muscle with extramuscular connections exerted at both proximal and distal tendons were lower than that of isolated muscle (by 15 and 7%, respectively). The length of the gap separating the two cut ends of the intervened aponeurosis decreases substantially due to extramuscular myofascial force transmission. The amplitude of the difference in gap length was muscle length dependent (maximally 11.6% of the gap length of the extramuscularly connected muscle). Extramuscular myofascial force transmission has substantial effects on distributions of lengths of sarcomeres within the muscle fiber populations distal and proximal to the location of intervention: (a) Within the distal population, the substantial sarcomere shortening at the proximal ends of muscle fibers due to the intervention remained unaffected however, extramuscular myofascial force transmission caused a more pronounced serial distribution towards the distal ends of muscle fibers. (b) In contrast, extramuscular myofascial force transmission limits the serial distribution of sarcomere lengths shown for the aponeurotomized isolated muscle in the proximal population. Fiber stress distributions showed that extramuscular myofascial force transmission causes most sarcomeres within the aponeurotomized muscle to attain lengths favorable for higher force exertion. It is concluded that acute effects of aponeurotomy on muscular mechanics are affected greatly by extramuscular myofascial force transmission. Such effects have important implications for the outcome of surgery performed to improve impeded function since muscle in vivo is not isolated both anatomically and mechanically

    Does Poorer Pulmonary Function Accelerate Arterial Stiffening?

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    Whether poorer pulmonary function accelerates progression of arterial stiffness remains unknown as prior observational studies have not examined longitudinal changes in arterial stiffness in relation to earlier pulmonary function. Data (N=5342, 26% female) were drawn from the Whitehall II cohort study. Participants completed repeated assessments of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1, L) and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV, m/s) over 5 years. The effect of FEV1 on later cf-PWV and its progression was estimated using linear mixed-effects modeling. Possible explanatory mechanisms, such as mediation by low-grade systemic inflammation, common-cause explanation by preexisting cardiometabolic risk factors, and reverse-causation bias, were assessed. Poorer pulmonary function was associated with later higher cf-PWV and its subsequent progression (cf-PWV 5-year change 0.09, 95% CI 0.03-0.17 per SD lower FEV1) after adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure. Decrease in pulmonary function was associated with later higher cf-PWV (0.17, 95% CI 0.04-0.30 in the top compared to bottom quartile of decline in FEV1). There was no evidence to support mediation by circulating CRP (C-reactive protein) or IL (interleukin)-6. Furthermore, arterial stiffness was not associated with later FEV1 after accounting for cardiometabolic status. In conclusion, poorer pulmonary function predicted future arterial stiffness. These findings support pulmonary function as a clinically important risk factor for arterial stiffness and provide justification for future intervention studies for pulmonary function based on its relationship with arterial stiffness

    CD152 (CTLA-4) Determines CD4 T Cell Migration In Vitro and In Vivo

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    BACKGROUND:Migration of antigen-experienced T cells to secondary lymphoid organs and the site of antigenic-challenge is a mandatory prerequisite for the precise functioning of adaptive immune responses. The surface molecule CD152 (CTLA-4) is mostly considered as a negative regulator of T cell activation during immune responses. It is currently unknown whether CD152 can also influence chemokine-driven T cell migration. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We analyzed the consequences of CD152 signaling on Th cell migration using chemotaxis assays in vitro and radioactive cell tracking in vivo. We show here that the genetic and serological inactivation of CD152 in Th1 cells reduced migration towards CCL4, CXCL12 and CCL19, but not CXCL9, in a G-protein dependent manner. In addition, retroviral transduction of CD152 cDNA into CD152 negative cells restored Th1 cell migration. Crosslinking of CD152 together with CD3 and CD28 stimulation on activated Th1 cells increased expression of the chemokine receptors CCR5 and CCR7, which in turn enhanced cell migration. Using sensitive liposome technology, we show that mature dendritic cells but not activated B cells were potent at inducing surface CD152 expression and the CD152-mediated migration-enhancing signals. Importantly, migration of CD152 positive Th1 lymphocytes in in vivo experiments increased more than 200% as compared to CD152 negative counterparts showing that indeed CD152 orchestrates specific migration of selected Th1 cells to sites of inflammation and antigenic challenge in vivo. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:We show here, that CD152 signaling does not just silence cells, but selects individual ones for migration. This novel activity of CD152 adds to the already significant role of CD152 in controlling peripheral immune responses by allowing T cells to localize correctly during infection. It also suggests that interference with CD152 signaling provides a tool for altering the cellular composition at sites of inflammation and antigenic challenge

    Regulation and function of the extracellular matrix protein tenascin-C in ovarian cancer cell lines

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    The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C (TN) is overexpressed in the stroma of malignant ovarian tumours particularly at the interface between epithelia and stroma leading to suggestions that it may be involved in the process of invasion (Wilson et al (1996) Br J Cancer 74: 999-1004). To define regulation of TN further and investigate its function in ovarian cancer, a range of cell line models were studied. Concentrations of secreted TN in media from cultures of ovarian fibroblast cell lines were at least 100-fold greater than from carcinoma cell lines. Evidence for paracrine regulation of TN secretion was obtained by co-culture of carcinoma cells with fibroblast cells wherein secretion into the media was greater than from fibroblasts alone. Transforming growth factor (TGF)- beta 1, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II and progesterone all stimulated TN secretion while human choriogonadotropin (hCG), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and gamma-interferon inhibited secretion. TGF-beta 1 produced the greatest stimulation of TN in cultured fibroblasts and its cc-expression with TN was examined in primary ovarian tumours, There was a significant association between the presence of moderate-strong expression of TN and TGF-beta 1. Evidence for TN having a functional role in ovarian carcinoma was obtained from adhesion and migration assays. The PE01, PE04, SKOV-3 and 59M cell lines all demonstrated marked adhesion to plastic coated with TN relative to the control protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) and expressed alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha 3 beta 1 integrins, The SKOV-3 cell line migrated more rapidly through TN than through BSA indicating that TN can facilitate migration of ovarian carcinoma cells