87 research outputs found

    Bi-allelic mutations in MYL1 cause a severe congenital myopathy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Congenital myopathies are typically characterised by early onset hypotonia, weakness and hallmark features on biopsy. Despite the rapid pace of gene discovery, approximately 50% of patients with a congenital myopathy remain without a genetic diagnosis following screening of known disease genes. METHODS: We performed exome sequencing on two consanguineous probands diagnosed with a congenital myopathy and muscle biopsy showing selective atrophy/hypotrophy or absence of type II myofibres. RESULTS: We identified variants in the gene (MYL1) encoding the skeletal muscle fast-twitch specific myosin essential light chain in both probands. A homozygous essential splice acceptor variant (c.479-2A>G, predicted to result in skipping of exon 5 was identified in Proband 1, and a homozygous missense substitution (c.488T>G, p.(Met163Arg)) was identified in Proband 2. Protein modeling of the p.(Met163Arg) substitution predicted it might impede intermolecular interactions that facilitate binding to the IQ domain of myosin heavy chain, thus likely impacting on the structure and functioning of the myosin motor. MYL1 was markedly reduced in skeletal muscle from both probands, suggesting that the missense substitution likely results in an unstable protein. Knock down of myl1 in zebrafish resulted in abnormal morphology, disrupted muscle structure and impaired touch-evoked escape responses, thus confirming that skeletal muscle fast-twitch specific myosin essential light chain is critical for myofibre development and function. INTERPRETATION: Our data implicate MYL1 as a crucial protein for adequate skeletal muscle function and that MYL1 deficiency is associated with a severe congenital myopathy


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    Background: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the main cause of death in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc). Chest CT is the gold standard in detecting ILD although it is not easy to understand its prognostic value. ILD qualitative assessment is almost worthless. Goh et al. semi quantitative score of ILD extent is related to mortality risk but it is burdened by relevant inter/intra-readers variability. An operator independent algorithm based on voxel-wise analysis proved to identify SSc patients with an increased risk of mortality according to prediction models. Objectives: To verify if quantitative analysis of chest CT (QCT) predict 10 years-mortality in SSc patients. Methods: SSc patients with availability of a chest CT were enrolled in 13 different centers. The CT voxel-wise analysis with a free software (www.horosproject.com) provided QCT indexes: kurtosis, skewness, mean lung attenuation and standard deviation. Patients

    Combined pesticide exposure severely affects individual- and colony-level traits in bees

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    Reported widespread declines of wild and managed insect pollinators have serious consequences for global ecosystem services and agricultural production [1–3]. Bees contribute approximately 80% of insect pollination, so it is important to understand and mitigate the causes of current declines in bee populations [4–6]. Recent studies have implicated the role of pesticides in these declines, as exposure to these chemicals has been associated with changes in bee behaviour [7–11] and reductions in colony queen production [12]. However, the key link between changes in individual behaviour and the consequent impact at the colony level has not been shown. Social bee colonies depend on the collective performance of many individual workers. Thus, although field-level pesticide concentrations can have subtle or sublethal effects at the individual level [8], it is not known whether bee societies can buffer such effects or whether it results in a severe cumulative effect at the colony level. Furthermore, widespread agricultural intensification means that bees are exposed to numerous pesticides when foraging [13–15], yet the possible combinatorial effects of pesticide exposure have rarely been investigated [16,17]. Here we show that chronic exposure of bumblebees to two pesticides (neonicotinoid and pyrethroid) at concentrations that could approximate field-level exposure impairs natural foraging behaviour and increases worker mortality leading to significant reductions in brood development and colony success. We found that worker foraging performance, particularly pollen collecting efficiency, was significantly reduced with observed knock-on effects for forager recruitment, worker losses and overall worker productivity. Moreover, we provide evidence that combinatorial exposure to pesticides increases the propensity of colonies to fail

    Pyrethroids and Nectar Toxins Have Subtle Effects on the Motor Function, Grooming and Wing Fanning Behaviour of Honeybees (Apis mellifera)

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    Sodium channels, found ubiquitously in animal muscle cells and neurons, are one of the main target sites of many naturally-occurring, insecticidal plant compounds and agricultural pesticides. Pyrethroids, derived from compounds found only in the Asteraceae, are particularly toxic to insects and have been successfully used as pesticides including on flowering crops that are visited by pollinators. Pyrethrins, from which they were derived, occur naturally in the nectar of some flowering plant species. We know relatively little about how such compounds—i.e., compounds that target sodium channels—influence pollinators at low or sub-lethal doses. Here, we exposed individual adult forager honeybees to several compounds that bind to sodium channels to identify whether these compounds affect motor function. Using an assay previously developed to identify the effect of drugs and toxins on individual bees, we investigated how acute exposure to 10 ng doses (1 ppm) of the pyrethroid insecticides (cyfluthrin, tau-fluvalinate, allethrin and permethrin) and the nectar toxins (aconitine and grayanotoxin I) affected honeybee locomotion, grooming and wing fanning behaviour. Bees exposed to these compounds spent more time upside down and fanning their wings. They also had longer bouts of standing still. Bees exposed to the nectar toxin, aconitine, and the pyrethroid, allethrin, also spent less time grooming their antennae. We also found that the concentration of the nectar toxin, grayanotoxin I (GTX), fed to bees affected the time spent upside down (i.e., failure to perform the righting reflex). Our data show that low doses of pyrethroids and other nectar toxins that target sodium channels mainly influence motor function through their effect on the righting reflex of adult worker honeybees

    Treatment of depressive disorders in primary care - protocol of a multiple treatment systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background: Several systematic reviews have summarized the evidence for specific treatments of primary care patients suffering from depression. However, it is not possible to answer the question how the available treatment options compare with each other as review methods differ. We aim to systematically review and compare the available evidence for the effectiveness of pharmacological, psychological, and combined treatments for patients with depressive disorders in primary care. Methods/Design: To be included, studies have to be randomized trials comparing antidepressant medication (tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), hypericum extracts, other agents) and/or psychological therapies (e.g. interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, short dynamically-oriented psychotherapy) with another active therapy, placebo or sham intervention, routine care or no treatment in primary care patients in the acute phase of a depressive episode. Main outcome measure is response after completion of acute phase treatment. Eligible studies will be identified from available systematic reviews, from searches in electronic databases (Medline, Embase and Central), trial registers, and citation tracking. Two reviewers will independently extract study data and assess the risk of bias using the Cochrane Collaboration's corresponding tool. Meta-analyses (random effects model, inverse variance weighting) will be performed for direct comparisons of single interventions and for groups of similar interventions (e.g. SSRIs vs. tricyclics) and defined time-windows (up to 3 months and above). If possible, a global analysis of the relative effectiveness of treatments will be estimated from all available direct and indirect evidence that is present in a network of treatments and comparisons. Discussion: Practitioners do not only want to know whether there is evidence that a specific treatment is more effective than placebo, but also how the treatment options compare to each other. Therefore, we believe that a multiple treatment systematic review of primary-care based randomized controlled trials on the most important therapies against depression is timely

    A general statistical mechanical approach for modeling redox thermodynamics: the reaction and reorganization free energies

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    By using rigorous statistical mechanical derivations we obtain a general theoretical model providing the thermodynamics of redox processes, with a focus on the reaction and reorganization free energies and on the relationship between these key thermodynamic quantities. In particular, we define two distinct reorganization free energies, lambda(P) and lambda(R), for the reactants (R) -> products (P) reaction and for the inverse process, respectively. We first derive in principle exact relationships, then gradually introduce different levels of approximation to obtain more and more simplified, though less general, working equations. The results of the calculation of thermodynamic properties for two model systems are then used to compare general and more approximated expressions and critically assess their applicability to the description of redox processes. Finally, we obtain specific relationships that can be used as a diagnostic tool to test the actual reliability of the assumption of Gaussian fluctuations, a priori accepted within Marcus theory, for any redox system under investigation. For both benchmark molecules studied in the present paper, the Gaussian approximation turns out to be inappropriate to describe the redox thermodynamics
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