718 research outputs found

    A Markov Random Field Groupwise Registration Framework for Face Recognition

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework for tackling face recognition problem. The face recognition problem is formulated as groupwise deformable image registration and feature matching problem. The main contributions of the proposed method lie in the following aspects: (1) Each pixel in a facial image is represented by an anatomical signature obtained from its corresponding most salient scale local region determined by the survival exponential entropy (SEE) information theoretic measure. (2) Based on the anatomical signature calculated from each pixel, a novel Markov random field based groupwise registration framework is proposed to formulate the face recognition problem as a feature guided deformable image registration problem. The similarity between different facial images are measured on the nonlinear Riemannian manifold based on the deformable transformations. (3) The proposed method does not suffer from the generalizability problem which exists commonly in learning based algorithms. The proposed method has been extensively evaluated on four publicly available databases: FERET, CAS-PEAL-R1, FRGC ver 2.0, and the LFW. It is also compared with several state-of-the-art face recognition approaches, and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method consistently achieves the highest recognition rates among all the methods under comparison

    The signals of FGFs on the neurogenesis of embryonic stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neural induction is a complex process and the detailed mechanism of FGF-induced neurogenesis remains unclear.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>By using a serum-free neural induction method, we showed that FGF1 dose-dependently promoted the induction of Sox1/N-cadherin/nestin triple positive cells, which represent primitive neuroblasts, from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrated that FGF1, FGF2, and FGF4, but not FGF8b, enhanced this neurogenesis. Especially, FGF-enhanced neurogenesis is not mediated through the rescue of the apoptosis or the enhancement of the proliferation of Sox1<sup>+ </sup>cells. We further indicated that the inactivation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase-1 (JNK-1) and extracellular signal-related kinase-2 (ERK-2), but not p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), inhibited the neural formation through the inhibition of ES differentiation, but not through the formation of endomesodermal cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These lines of evidence delineated the roles of FGF downstream signals in the early neural differentiation of ES cells.</p

    Sliding Luttinger liquid phases

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    We study systems of coupled spin-gapped and gapless Luttinger liquids. First, we establish the existence of a sliding Luttinger liquid phase for a system of weakly coupled parallel quantum wires, with and without disorder. It is shown that the coupling can {\it stabilize} a Luttinger liquid phase in the presence of disorder. We then extend our analysis to a system of crossed Luttinger liquids and establish the stability of a non-Fermi liquid state: the crossed sliding Luttinger liquid phase (CSLL). In this phase the system exhibits a finite-temperature, long-wavelength, isotropic electric conductivity that diverges as a power law in temperature TT as T0T \to 0. This two-dimensional system has many properties of a true isotropic Luttinger liquid, though at zero temperature it becomes anisotropic. An extension of this model to a three-dimensional stack exhibits a much higher in-plane conductivity than the conductivity in a perpendicular direction.Comment: Revtex, 18 pages, 8 figure

    Aerosol particles at a high-altitude site on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, China: Implications for pollution transport from South Asia

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Bulk aerosol samples were collected from 16 July 2008 to 26 July 2009 at Lulang, a high-altitude (&gt;3300m above sea level) site on the southeast Tibetan Plateau (TP); objectives were to determine chemical characteristics of the aerosol and identify its major sources. We report aerosol (total suspended particulate, TSP) mass levels and the concentrations of selected elements, carbonaceous species, and water-soluble inorganic ions. Significant buildup of aerosol mass and chemical species (organic carbon, element carbon, nitrate, and sulfate) occurred during the premonsoon, while lower concentrations were observed during the monsoon. Seasonal variations in aerosol and chemical species were driven by precipitation scavenging and atmospheric circulation. Two kinds of high-aerosol episodes were observed: one was enriched with dust indicators (Fe and Ca2+), and the other was enhanced with organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC), SO42&minus;, NO3&minus;, and Fe. The TSP loadings during the latter were 3 to 6 times those on normal days. The greatest aerosol optical depths (National Centers for Environmental Protection/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis) occurred upwind, in eastern India and Bangladesh, and trajectory analysis indicates that air pollutants were transported from the southwest. Northwesterly winds brought high levels of natural emissions (Fe, Ca2+) and low levels of pollutants (SO42&minus;, NO3&minus;, K+, and EC); this was consistent with high aerosol optical depths over the western deserts and Gobi. Our work provides evidence that both geological and pollution aerosols from surrounding regions impact the aerosol population of the TP

    Integration of molecular biology tools for identifying promoters and genes abundantly expressed in flowers of Oncidium Gower Ramsey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orchids comprise one of the largest families of flowering plants and generate commercially important flowers. However, model plants, such as <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>do not contain all plant genes, and agronomic and horticulturally important genera and species must be individually studied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Several molecular biology tools were used to isolate flower-specific gene promoters from <it>Oncidium </it>'Gower Ramsey' (<it>Onc</it>. GR). A cDNA library of reproductive tissues was used to construct a microarray in order to compare gene expression in flowers and leaves. Five genes were highly expressed in flower tissues, and the subcellular locations of the corresponding proteins were identified using lip transient transformation with fluorescent protein-fusion constructs. BAC clones of the 5 genes, together with 7 previously published flower- and reproductive growth-specific genes in <it>Onc</it>. GR, were identified for cloning of their promoter regions. Interestingly, 3 of the 5 novel flower-abundant genes were putative trypsin inhibitor (<it>TI</it>) genes (<it>OnTI1</it>, <it>OnTI2 </it>and <it>OnTI3</it>), which were tandemly duplicated in the same BAC clone. Their promoters were identified using transient GUS reporter gene transformation and stable <it>A. thaliana </it>transformation analyses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By combining cDNA microarray, BAC library, and bombardment assay techniques, we successfully identified flower-directed orchid genes and promoters.</p

    Topological doping and the stability of stripe phases

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    We analyze the properties of a general Ginzburg-Landau free energy with competing order parameters, long-range interactions, and global constraints (e.g., a fixed value of a total ``charge'') to address the physics of stripe phases in underdoped high-Tc and related materials. For a local free energy limited to quadratic terms of the gradient expansion, only uniform or phase-separated configurations are thermodynamically stable. ``Stripe'' or other non-uniform phases can be stabilized by long-range forces, but can only have non-topological (in-phase) domain walls where the components of the antiferromagnetic order parameter never change sign, and the periods of charge and spin density waves coincide. The antiphase domain walls observed experimentally require physics on an intermediate lengthscale, and they are absent from a model that involves only long-distance physics. Dense stripe phases can be stable even in the absence of long-range forces, but domain walls always attract at large distances, i.e., there is a ubiquitous tendency to phase separation at small doping. The implications for the phase diagram of underdoped cuprates are discussed.Comment: 18 two-column pages, 2 figures, revtex+eps

    Iron under Earth's core conditions: Liquid-state thermodynamics and high-pressure melting curve

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    {\em Ab initio} techniques based on density functional theory in the projector-augmented-wave implementation are used to calculate the free energy and a range of other thermodynamic properties of liquid iron at high pressures and temperatures relevant to the Earth's core. The {\em ab initio} free energy is obtained by using thermodynamic integration to calculate the change of free energy on going from a simple reference system to the {\em ab initio} system, with thermal averages computed by {\em ab initio} molecular dynamics simulation. The reference system consists of the inverse-power pair-potential model used in previous work. The liquid-state free energy is combined with the free energy of hexagonal close packed Fe calculated earlier using identical {\em ab initio} techniques to obtain the melting curve and volume and entropy of melting. Comparisons of the calculated melting properties with experimental measurement and with other recent {\em ab initio} predictions are presented. Experiment-theory comparisons are also presented for the pressures at which the solid and liquid Hugoniot curves cross the melting line, and the sound speed and Gr\"{u}neisen parameter along the Hugoniot. Additional comparisons are made with a commonly used equation of state for high-pressure/high-temperature Fe based on experimental data.Comment: 16 pages including 6 figures and 5 table

    Partial Wave Analysis of J/ψγ(K+Kπ+π)J/\psi \to \gamma (K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-)

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    BES data on J/ψγ(K+Kπ+π)J/\psi \to \gamma (K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-) are presented. The KKˉK^*\bar K^* contribution peaks strongly near threshold. It is fitted with a broad 0+0^{-+} resonance with mass M=1800±100M = 1800 \pm 100 MeV, width Γ=500±200\Gamma = 500 \pm 200 MeV. A broad 2++2^{++} resonance peaking at 2020 MeV is also required with width 500\sim 500 MeV. There is further evidence for a 2+2^{-+} component peaking at 2.55 GeV. The non-KKˉK^*\bar K^* contribution is close to phase space; it peaks at 2.6 GeV and is very different from KKˉK^{*}\bar{K^{*}}.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, Submitted to PL

    Dynamical mean-field approach to materials with strong electronic correlations

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    We review recent results on the properties of materials with correlated electrons obtained within the LDA+DMFT approach, a combination of a conventional band structure approach based on the local density approximation (LDA) and the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The application to four outstanding problems in this field is discussed: (i) we compute the full valence band structure of the charge-transfer insulator NiO by explicitly including the p-d hybridization, (ii) we explain the origin for the simultaneously occuring metal-insulator transition and collapse of the magnetic moment in MnO and Fe2O3, (iii) we describe a novel GGA+DMFT scheme in terms of plane-wave pseudopotentials which allows us to compute the orbital order and cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion in KCuF3 and LaMnO3, and (iv) we provide a general explanation for the appearance of kinks in the effective dispersion of correlated electrons in systems with a pronounced three-peak spectral function without having to resort to the coupling of electrons to bosonic excitations. These results provide a considerable progress in the fully microscopic investigations of correlated electron materials.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, final version, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. for publication in the Special Topics volume "Cooperative Phenomena in Solids: Metal-Insulator Transitions and Ordering of Microscopic Degrees of Freedom

    Measurements of the Mass and Full-Width of the ηc\eta_c Meson

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    In a sample of 58 million J/ψJ/\psi events collected with the BES II detector, the process J/ψγηc\psi\to\gamma\eta_c is observed in five different decay channels: γK+Kπ+π\gamma K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-, γπ+ππ+π\gamma\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-, γK±KS0π\gamma K^\pm K^0_S \pi^\mp (with KS0π+πK^0_S\to\pi^+\pi^-), γϕϕ\gamma \phi\phi (with ϕK+K\phi\to K^+K^-) and γppˉ\gamma p\bar{p}. From a combined fit of all five channels, we determine the mass and full-width of ηc\eta_c to be mηc=2977.5±1.0(stat.)±1.2(syst.)m_{\eta_c}=2977.5\pm1.0 ({stat.})\pm1.2 ({syst.}) MeV/c2c^2 and Γηc=17.0±3.7(stat.)±7.4(syst.)\Gamma_{\eta_c} = 17.0\pm3.7 ({stat.})\pm7.4 ({syst.}) MeV/c2c^2.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures and 4 table. Submitted to Phys. Lett.