482 research outputs found

    Present Trends and Future Needs of Entomological Research in Northern Canada

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    Contains a review, by the senior author, of the Northern Insect Survey since its inception in 1947, number of localities investigated and papers published. Problems to be solved like origin, post-glacial histories and present distribution are also noted. In pt. 2, Biology and control of biting flies, the second author surveys work and needs, in biology and control of biting flies, insecticides, repellants, etc

    Hierarchical Assembly of Nucleic Acid/Coiled-Coil Peptide Nanostructures

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    DNA and peptides are two of the most commonly used biomolecules for building self-assembling materials, but few examples exist of hybrid nanostructures that contain both components. Here we report the modification of two peptides that comprise a coiled-coil heterodimer pair with unique DNA handles in order to link DNA origami nanostructures bearing complementary strands into micrometer-long one-dimensional arrays. We probed the effect of number of coils on self-assembly and demonstrated the formation of structures through multiple routes: one-pot assembly, formation of dimers and trimers and an alternating copolymer of two different origami structures, and stepwise assembly of purified structures with coiled-coil conjugates. Our results demonstrate the successful merging of two distinct self-assembly modes to create hybrid bionanomaterials expected to have a range of potential applications in the future

    Effect of Chaotic Noise on Multistable Systems

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    In a recent letter [Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 30}, 3269 (1995), chao-dyn/9510011], we reported that a macroscopic chaotic determinism emerges in a multistable system: the unidirectional motion of a dissipative particle subject to an apparently symmetric chaotic noise occurs even if the particle is in a spatially symmetric potential. In this paper, we study the global dynamics of a dissipative particle by investigating the barrier crossing probability of the particle between two basins of the multistable potential. We derive analytically an expression of the barrier crossing probability of the particle subject to a chaotic noise generated by a general piecewise linear map. We also show that the obtained analytical barrier crossing probability is applicable to a chaotic noise generated not only by a piecewise linear map with a uniform invariant density but also by a non-piecewise linear map with non-uniform invariant density. We claim, from the viewpoint of the noise induced motion in a multistable system, that chaotic noise is a first realization of the effect of {\em dynamical asymmetry} of general noise which induces the symmetry breaking dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Extensions of the matrix Gelfand-Dickey hierarchy from generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction

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    The p×pp\times p matrix version of the rr-KdV hierarchy has been recently treated as the reduced system arising in a Drinfeld-Sokolov type Hamiltonian symmetry reduction applied to a Poisson submanifold in the dual of the Lie algebra gl^prC[λ,λ1]\widehat{gl}_{pr}\otimes {\Complex}[\lambda, \lambda^{-1}]. Here a series of extensions of this matrix Gelfand-Dickey system is derived by means of a generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction defined for the Lie algebra gl^pr+sC[λ,λ1]\widehat{gl}_{pr+s}\otimes {\Complex}[\lambda,\lambda^{-1}] using the natural embedding glprglpr+sgl_{pr}\subset gl_{pr+s} for ss any positive integer. The hierarchies obtained admit a description in terms of a p×pp\times p matrix pseudo-differential operator comprising an rr-KdV type positive part and a non-trivial negative part. This system has been investigated previously in the p=1p=1 case as a constrained KP system. In this paper the previous results are considerably extended and a systematic study is presented on the basis of the Drinfeld-Sokolov approach that has the advantage that it leads to local Poisson brackets and makes clear the conformal (W\cal W-algebra) structures related to the KdV type hierarchies. Discrete reductions and modified versions of the extended rr-KdV hierarchies are also discussed.Comment: 60 pages, plain TE

    Substorms and Solar Eclipses: A Mutual Information Based Study

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    Solar eclipses present a rare glimpse into the impact of ionospheric electrodynamics on the magnetosphere independent of other well studied seasonal influences. Despite decades of study, we still do not have a complete description of the conditions for geomagnetic substorm onset. We present herein a mutual information based study of previously published substorm onsets and the past two decades of eclipses which indicates the likelihood of co-occurrence is greater than random chance. A plausible interpretation for this relation suggests that the abrupt fluctuations in ionospheric conductivity during an eclipse may influence the magnetospheric preconditions of substorm initiation. While the mechanism remains unclear, this study presents strong evidence of a link between substorm onset and solar eclipses

    Genetic Variation in Base Excision Repair Pathway Genes, Pesticide Exposure, and Prostate Cancer Risk

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    Background: Previous research indicates increased prostate cancer risk for pesticide applicators and pesticide manufacturing workers. Although underlying mechanisms are unknown, evidence suggests a role of oxidative DNA damage

    Cancer Incidence among Pesticide Applicators Exposed to Permethrin in the Agricultural Health Study

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    BACKGROUND: Permethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide widely used in agriculture, in public health, and in many U.S. homes and gardens. OBJECTIVE: In this study we evaluated the incidence of cancer among pesticide applicators exposed to permethrin in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS). METHODS: A total of 49,093 pesticide applicators were included in this analysis of the AHS, a prospective cohort study of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. Detailed information on pesticide exposure and lifestyle factors was obtained from self-administered questionnaires completed in 1993-1997. Average length of follow-up since applicator enrollment in the cohort was 9.14 years. We used two permethrin exposure metrics: a) lifetime days applicators personally mixed or applied permethrin and b) intensity-weighted lifetime days (lifetime days weighted by estimated intensity of exposure). We used Poisson regression analysis to estimate relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for malignancies by tertiles of exposure. RESULTS: We found no associations between permethrin and all malignant neoplasms combined, or between permethrin and melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, or cancers of the colon, rectum, lung, or prostate. We found elevated and statistically significant risks for multiple myeloma in the highest tertiles of both lifetime exposure-days (RR = 5.72; 95% CI, 2.76-11.87) and intensity-weighted lifetime exposure-days (RR = 5.01; 95% CI, 2.41-10.42), compared with applicators reporting they never used permethrin; these results are based on only 15 exposed cases. These findings were similar across a variety of alternative exposure metrics, exposure categories, and reference groups. CONCLUSIONS: This study found no association with most cancers analyzed. Although the suggested association with multiple myeloma was based on a small number of cases, it warrants further evaluation