139 research outputs found

    Data-driven smooth tests when the hypothesis Is composite

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    In recent years several authors have recommended smooth tests for testing goodness of fit. However, the number of components in the smooth test statistic should be chosen well; otherwise, considerable loss of power may occur. Schwarz's selection rule provides one such good choice. Earlier results on simple null hypotheses are extended here to composite hypotheses, which tend to be of more practical interest. For general composite hypotheses, consistency of the data-driven smooth tests holds at essentially any alternative. Monte Carlo experiments on testing exponentiality and normality show that the data-driven version of Neyman's test compares well to other, even specialized, tests over a wide range of alternatives

    Vanishing shortcoming and asymptotic relative efficiency

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    The shortcoming of a test is the difference between the maximal attainable power and the power of the test under consideration. Vanishing shortcoming, when the number of observations tends to infinity, is therefore an optimality property of a test. Other familiar optimality criteria are based on the asymptotic relative efficiency of the test. The relations between these optimality criteria are investigated. It turns out that vanishing shortcoming is seemingly slightly stronger than first-order efficiency, but in regular cases there is equivalence. The results are in particular applied on tests for goodness-of-fit

    Data driven smooth tests for composite hypotheses comparison of powers

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    Rao's score statistic is a standard tool for constructing statistical tests.If departures from the null model are described by some k-dimensional exponential family the resulting score test is called also smooth test or Neyman's smooth test with k components. An important practical question in applying a smooth test in the goodness-of-fit problem is how large k should be taken. Since a wrong choice may give a considerable loss of power,it is important to make a careful selection.Renewed research in this area shows that the simple question has no simple deterministic answer. Therefore,edwina introduced,for testing a simple goodness-of-fit hypothesis,a data driven version of Neyman's smooth test. First,Schwarz's rule is applied to find a suitable dimension and then the smooth test statistic in the “right" dimension finishes the job. Simulation results and some theoretical considerations show that this data driven version of smooth tests performs well for a wide range of alternatives,and is competitive with other recently introduced (data driven) procedures.This data-dependent choice of the number of components is extended in this paper to testing the goodness-of-fit problem with composite null hypothesis,being of more practical interest.A k-dimensional exponential family for modelling departures from the null hypothesis is given and the related Rao's score test is described. A suitable version of Schwarz's rule is proposed and some simplifications of it are discussed.To check validity of the proposed construction,the method is applied to testing exponentiality and normality.In the extensive simulation study,presented in this paper,it turns out that the data driven version of smooth tests compares well for a wide range of alternatives with other,more specialized,commonly used tests

    Dinâmica da vegetação infestante das vinhas da Região Vitivinicola do Dão

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    With the aim of analysing the influence of both the sub-region and weed-control practices on vegetation composition and dynamics in the Portuguese Dão Winegrowing Region, 120 vineyards were surveyed for weeds and winegrowers were asked to respond to a questionnaire in 2008. 206 taxa distributed across 31 families were recorded, with a predominance of Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae. The predominant vineyard inter-row soil management techniques were cover cropping (53%), with some cover sown but mostly relying on resident vegetation, and soil tillage (31%). Herbicides were applied in the row in 46%, and in the overall area in 4%, of the vineyards. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed signifi cant effects of the sub-region and the different soil management strategies on vineyard community structure. Compared with the last (and only) study, which took place in 1950, weed composition was different and species diversity increased. The present study showed that resident vegetation also increased plant diversity. The dynamics of the perennial weed species Cynodon dactylon and Convolvulus arvensis must be carefully evaluated in order to avoid severe competition with the vine

    Pemanfaatan Internet Dalam Pengembangan Usaha Kuliner Desa Tumpaan Kecamatan Tumpaan

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                Pemanfaatan internet oleh para pengusaha dan masyarakat yang ada di Desa Tumpaan Kecamatan Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan, telah membangun hubungan komunikasi simbiosis mutualisme atau hubungan saling menguntungkan satu sama lain. Internet berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi dalam memesan makanan dan juga mempromosikan makanan yang dijual oleh pengusaha. Internet dalam bisnis digunakan untuk pertukaran informasi, katalog produk, media promosi, surat elektronik, bulletin boards, kuesioner elektronik, dan mailing list. Internet juga bisa digunakan untuk berdialog, berdiskusi, dan konsultasi dengan konsumen secara on-line, sehingga konsumen dapat dilibatkan secara proaktif dan interaktif dalam perancangan, pengembangan, pemasaran, dan penjualan produk. Penelitian iinakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini jelas komunikasi yang terbangun dapat membentuk sebuah interaksi yakni interaksi social. Interaksi sosial dapat terjadi bila antara dua individu atau kelompok terdapat kontak sosial dan komunikasi. Kontak sosial merupakan tahap pertama dari terjadinya hubungan sosial Komunikasi merupakan penyampaian suatu informasi dan pemberian tafsiran dan reaksi terhadap informasi yang disampaikan. Karp dan Yoels menunjukkan beberapa hal yang dapat menjadi sumber informasi bagi dimulainya komunikasi atau interaksi sosial.  Kata Kunci : Pemanfaatan, Internet, Usaha KulinerÂ

    Nota sobre a utilização dos raios X na detecção do parasitismo e mortalidade das pupas de machos de Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera - Lymantridae)

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    Realizaram-se radiografias das pupas de machos de L. dispar num aparelho de raios X (moles) para se estudar a possibilidade de por este método se avaliarem as taxas de parasitismo e mortalidade nesta fase de vida do insecto, con- cluindo-se que o método apresenta boas perspectivas para ser utilizado como rotina. Descrevem-se as imagens radiográficas dos cinco tipos de evolução das pupas, originando, respectivamente: a) adultos, b) parasitas, c) ficando o adulto completamente formado, sem contudo eclodir, d) abortando a pupa, e) abortando o parasita. Este estudo constitui uma base para futura interpretação de radiografias deste material, a integrar em estudos de dinâmica de populaçõesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nota sobre a utilização dos raios X para o estudo do desenvolvimento imaginal da Lymantria dispar L.

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    Com o objectivo de averiguar as possibilidades oferecidas pelo emprego dos Raios X para a realização de estudos em que haja interesse em não alterar as condições normais em que os insectos se desenvolvam, radiografaram-se diariamente pupas de Lymantria dispar (Lep. Lymantriidae) durante todo o período da fase pupal. Os resultados obtidos neste exemplo podem concretizar-se nas perspectivas oferecidas para trabalhos posteriores, nomeadamente quanto ao tempo da diferenciação progressiva dos imagos, bem como da diapausa quando esta acaso existainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orbital Polarons in the Metal-Insulator Transition of Manganites

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    The metal-insulator transition in manganites is strongly influenced by the concentration of holes present in the system. Based upon an orbitally degenerate Mott-Hubbard model we analyze two possible localization scenarios to account for this doping dependence: First, we rule out that the transition is initiated by a disorder-order crossover in the orbital sector, showing that its effect on charge mobility is only small. Second, we introduce the idea of orbital polarons originating from a strong polarization of orbitals in the vicinity of holes. Considering this direct coupling between charge and orbital degree of freedom in addition to lattice effects we are able to explain well the phase diagram of manganites for low and intermediate hole concentrations

    Transforming growth factor-β1 and soluble co-inhibitory immune checkpoints as putative drivers of immune suppression in patients with basal cell carcinoma

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data are available upon reasonable request. The data generated in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.The current study compared the levels and possible associations between systemic soluble immune checkpoints (sICPs, n = 17) and a group of humoral modulators of immune suppressor cells ( n = 7) in a cohort of patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC, n = 40) and a group of healthy control subjects ( n = 20). The seven humoral modulators of immunosuppressor cells were represented by the enzymes, arginase 1 and fibroblast activation protein (FAP), the chemokine, RANTES (CCL5) and the cytokines, interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), as well as the M2-type macrophage markers, soluble CD163 (sCD163) and sCD206. The plasma levels of six co-inhibitory sICPs, sCTLA-4, sLAG-3, sPD-1, sPD-L1, sTIM-3 and sPD-L2 were significantly elevated in the cohort of BCC patients ( p <0.001- p <0.00001), while that of sBTLA was significantly decreased ( p <0.006). Of the co-stimulatory sICPs, sCD27 and sGITR were significantly increased ( p< 0.0002 and p< 0.0538) in the cohort of BCC patients, while the others were essentially comparable with those of the control participants; of the dual active sICPs, sHVEM was significantly elevated ( p <0.00001) and TLR2 comparable with the control group. A correlation heat map revealed selective, strong associations of TGF-β1 with seven co-stimulatory ( z = 0.618468–0.768131) and four co-inhibitory ( z = 0.674040–0.808365) sICPs, as well as with sTLR2 ( z = 0.696431). Notwithstanding the association of BCC with selective elevations in the levels of a large group of co-inhibitory sICPs, our novel findings also imply the probable involvement of TGF-β1 in driving immunosuppression in this malignancy, possibly via activation of regulatory T cells. Notabhttps://www.elsevier.com/locate/tranonhj2024ImmunologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein