201 research outputs found

    Decoupling Limits in M-Theory

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    Limits of a system of N Dn-branes in which the bulk and string degrees of freedom decouple to leave a `matter' theory are investigated and, for n>4, either give a free theory or require taking N→∞N \to \infty. The decoupled matter theory is described at low energies by the N→∞N \to \infty limit of n+1 dimensional \sym, and at high energies by a free type II string theory in a curved space-time. Metastable bound states of D6-branes with mass MM and D0-branes with mass mm are shown to have an energy proportional to M1/3m2/3M^{1/3}m^{2/3} and decouple, whereas in matrix theory they only decouple in the large N limit.Comment: 23 Pages, Tex, Phyzzx Macro. Minor correction

    Comparison of K+K^+ and e−e^- Quasielastic Scattering

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    We formulate K+K^+-nucleus quasielastic scattering in a manner which closely parallels standard treatments of e−e^--nucleus quasielastic scattering. For K+K^+ scattering, new responses involving scalar contributions appear in addition to the Coulomb (or longitudinal) and transverse (e,eâ€Č)(e,e') responses which are of vector character. We compute these responses using both nuclear matter and finite nucleus versions of the Relativistic Hartree Approximation to Quantum Hadrodynamics including RPA correlations. Overall agreement with measured (e,eâ€Č)(e,e') responses and new K+K^+ quasielastic scattering data for 40^{40}Ca at |\qs|=500 MeV/c is good. Strong RPA quenching is essential for agreement with the Coulomb response. This quenching is notably less for the K+K^+ cross section even though the new scalar contributions are even more strongly quenched than the vector contributions. We show that this ``differential quenching'' alters sensitive cancellations in the expression for the K+K^+ cross section so that it is reduced much less than the individual responses. We emphasize the role of the purely relativistic distinction between vector and scalar contributions in obtaining an accurate and consistent description of the (e,eâ€Č)(e,e') and K+K^+ data within the framework of our nuclear structure model.Comment: 26 pages, 5 uuencoded figures appended to end of this fil

    Crossover effects in a discrete deposition model with Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling

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    We simulated a growth model in 1+1 dimensions in which particles are aggregated according to the rules of ballistic deposition with probability p or according to the rules of random deposition with surface relaxation (Family model) with probability 1-p. For any p>0, this system is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, but it presents a slow crossover from the Edwards-Wilkinson class (EW) for small p. From the scaling of the growth velocity, the parameter p is connected to the coefficient of the nonlinear term of the KPZ equation, lambda, giving lambda ~ p^gamma, with gamma = 2.1 +- 0.2. Our numerical results confirm the interface width scaling in the growth regime as W ~ lambda^beta t^beta, and the scaling of the saturation time as tau ~ lambda^(-1) L^z, with the expected exponents beta =1/3 and z=3/2 and strong corrections to scaling for small lambda. This picture is consistent with a crossover time from EW to KPZ growth in the form t_c ~ lambda^(-4) ~ p^(-8), in agreement with scaling theories and renormalization group analysis. Some consequences of the slow crossover in this problem are discussed and may help investigations of more complex models.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    String-String Duality in Ten Dimensions

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    The heterotic string occurs as a soliton of the type I superstring in ten dimensions, supporting the conjecture that these two theories are equivalent. The conjecture that the type IIB string is self-dual, with the strong coupling dynamics described by a dual type IIB theory, is supported by the occurrence of the dual string as a Ramond-Ramond soliton of the weakly-coupled theory.Comment: 14 pages, phyzz

    A Space-Time Orbifold: A Toy Model for a Cosmological Singularity

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    We explore bosonic strings and Type II superstrings in the simplest time dependent backgrounds, namely orbifolds of Minkowski space by time reversal and some spatial reflections. We show that there are no negative norm physical excitations. However, the contributions of negative norm virtual states to quantum loops do not cancel, showing that a ghost-free gauge cannot be chosen. The spectrum includes a twisted sector, with strings confined to a ``conical'' singularity which is localized in time. Since these localized strings are not visible to asymptotic observers, interesting issues arise regarding unitarity of the S-matrix for scattering of propagating states. The partition function of our model is modular invariant, and for the superstring, the zero momentum dilaton tadpole vanishes. Many of the issues we study will be generic to time-dependent cosmological backgrounds with singularities localized in time, and we derive some general lessons about quantizing strings on such spaces.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Brane-anti-brane Democracy

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    We suggest a duality invariant formula for the entropy and temperature of non-extreme black holes in supersymmetric string theory. The entropy is given in terms of the duality invariant parameter of the deviation from extremality and 56 SU(8) covariant central charges. It interpolates between the entropies of Schwarzschild solution and extremal solutions with various amount of unbroken supersymmetries and therefore serves for classification of black holes in supersymmetric string theories. We introduce the second auxiliary 56 via E(7) symmetric constraint. The symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of these two multiplets are related via moduli to the corresponding two fundamental representations of E(7): brane and anti-brane "numbers." Using the CPT as well as C symmetry of the entropy formula and duality one can explain the mysterious simplicity of the non-extreme black hole area formula in terms of branes and anti-branes.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, no figure

    Medium Modification to the Ω\Omega-Meson Mass in the Walecka Model

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    We calculate the effective mass of the ω\omega meson in nuclear matter in a relativistic random-phase approximation to the Walecka model. The dressing of the meson propagator is driven by its coupling to particle-hole pairs and nucleon-antinucleon (NNˉN\bar{N}) excitations. We report a reduction in the ω\omega-meson mass of about 170~MeV at nuclear-matter saturation density. This reduction arises from a competition between the density-dependent (particle-hole) dressing of the propagator and vacuum polarization (NNˉN\bar{N} pairs). While density-dependent effects lead to an increase in the mass proportional to the classical plasma frequency, vacuum polarization leads to an even larger reduction caused by the reduced effective nucleon mass in the medium.Comment: 14 pages in ReVTeX, 3 uuencoded figures are available upon request, FSU-SCRI-93-132 and ADP-93-223/T14

    Glucocorticoids prime the inflammatory response of human hippocampal cells through up-regulation of inflammatory pathways

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    Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and an overactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis have both been implicated in the pathogenesis of depression. However, these explanations appear contradictory because glucocorticoids are well recognised for their anti-inflammatory effects. Two hypotheses exist to resolve this paradox: the mediating presence of glucocorticoid receptor resistance, or the possibility that glucocorticoids can potentiate inflammatory processes in some circumstances. We sought to investigate these hypotheses in a cell model with significant relevance to depression: human hippocampal progenitor cells. We demonstrated that dexamethasone in vitro given for 24 hours and followed by a 24 hours rest interval before an immune challenge potentiates inflammatory effects in these neural cells, that is, increases the IL-6 protein secretion induced by stimulation with IL-1\u3b2 (10 ng/mL for 24 hours) by + 49% (P < 0.05) at a concentration of 100 nM and by + 70% (P < 0.01) for 1 \u3bcM. These effects are time- and dose-dependent and require activation of the glucocorticoid receptor. Gene expression microarray assays using Human Gene 2.1st Array Strips demonstrated that glucocorticoid treatment up-regulated several innate immune genes, including chemokines and Nod-like receptor, NLRP6; using transcription factor binding motifs we found limited evidence that glucocorticoid resistance was induced in the cells. Our data suggests a mechanism by which stress may prime the immune system for increased inflammation and suggests that stress and inflammation may be synergistic in the pathogenesis of depression

    Solitonic Strings and BPS Saturated Dyonic Black Holes

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    We consider a six-dimensional solitonic string solution described by a conformal chiral null model with non-trivial N=4N=4 superconformal transverse part. It can be interpreted as a five-dimensional dyonic solitonic string wound around a compact fifth dimension. The conformal model is regular with the short-distance (`throat') region equivalent to a WZW theory. At distances larger than the compactification scale the solitonic string reduces to a dyonic static spherically-symmetric black hole of toroidally compactified heterotic string. The new four-dimensional solution is parameterised by five charges, saturates the Bogomol'nyi bound and has nontrivial dilaton-axion field and moduli fields of two-torus. When acted by combined T- and S-duality transformations it serves as a generating solution for all the static spherically-symmetric BPS-saturated configurations of the low-energy heterotic string theory compactified on six-torus. Solutions with regular horizons have the global space-time structure of extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black holes with the non-zero thermodynamic entropy which depends only on conserved (quantised) charge vectors. The independence of the thermodynamic entropy on moduli and axion-dilaton couplings strongly suggests that it should have a microscopic interpretation as counting degeneracy of underlying string configurations. This interpretation is supported by arguments based on the corresponding six-dimensional conformal field theory. The expression for the level of the WZW theory describing the throat region implies a renormalisation of the string tension by a product of magnetic charges, thus relating the entropy and the number of oscillations of the solitonic string in compact directions.Comment: 27 Pages, uses RevTeX (solution for the axion field corrected, erratum to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    In-medium relativistic kinetic theory and nucleon-meson systems

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    Within the σ−ω\sigma-\omega model of coupled nucleon-meson systems, a generalized relativistic Lenard--Balescu--equation is presented resulting from a relativistic random phase approximation (RRPA). This provides a systematic derivation of relativistic transport equations in the frame of nonequilibrium Green's function technique including medium effects as well as flucuation effects. It contains all possible processes due to one meson exchange and special attention is kept to the off--shell character of the particles. As a new feature of many particle effects, processes are possible which can be interpreted as particle creation and annihilation due to in-medium one meson exchange. In-medium cross sections are obtained from the generalized derivation of collision integrals, which possess complete crossing symmetries.Comment: See nucl-th/9310032 for revised version which the authors incompetently resubmitted rather than correctly replacing thi
