78 research outputs found

    Collapse of a semiflexible polymer in poor solvent

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    We investigate the dynamics and the pathways of the collapse of a single, semiflexible polymer in a poor solvent via 3-D Brownian Dynamics simulations. Earlier work indicates that the condensation of semiflexible polymers generically proceeds via a cascade through metastable racquet-shaped, long-lived intermediates towards the stable torus state. We investigate the rate of decay of uncollapsed states, analyze the preferential pathways of condensation, and describe likelihood and lifespan of the different metastable states. The simulation are performed with a bead-stiff spring model with excluded volume interaction and exponentially decaying attractive potential. The semiflexible chain collapse is studied as functions of the three relevant length scales of the phenomenon, i.e., the total chain length LL, the persistence length LpL_p and the condensation length L0=kBTLp/u0L_0 = \sqrt{k_B T L_p/u_0}, where u0u_0 is a measure of the attractive potential per unit length. Two dimensionless ratios, L/LpL/L_p and L0/LpL_0/L_p, suffice to describe the decay rate of uncollapsed states, which appears to scale as (L/Lp)1/3(L0/Lp)(L/L_p)^{1/3} (L_0/L_p). The condensation sequence is described in terms of the time series of the well separated energy levels associated with each metastable collapsed state. The collapsed states are described quantitatively through the spatial correlation of tangent vectors along the chain. We also compare the results obtained with a locally inextensible bead-rod chain and with a phantom bead-spring model. Finally, we show preliminary results on the effects of steady shear flow on the kinetics of collapse.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Information Invariance and Quantum Probabilities

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    We consider probabilistic theories in which the most elementary system, a two-dimensional system, contains one bit of information. The bit is assumed to be contained in any complete set of mutually complementary measurements. The requirement of invariance of the information under a continuous change of the set of mutually complementary measurements uniquely singles out a measure of information, which is quadratic in probabilities. The assumption which gives the same scaling of the number of degrees of freedom with the dimension as in quantum theory follows essentially from the assumption that all physical states of a higher dimensional system are those and only those from which one can post-select physical states of two-dimensional systems. The requirement that no more than one bit of information (as quantified by the quadratic measure) is contained in all possible post-selected two-dimensional systems is equivalent to the positivity of density operator in quantum theory.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. This article is dedicated to Pekka Lahti on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Found. Phys. (2009

    Information Needs of Hong Kong Chinese Patients Undergoing Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The provision of information to patients is an important aspect of contemporary health care. Limitations in health resources necessitates that the provision of information is carefully planned and culturally specific to maximize the benefits to patients from the resources available. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the study were to recognize Chinese surgical patients' information needs on admission and ascertain why the information is important to assist in understanding how it is used and, therefore, its potential impact. METHODS: A descriptive study design was used. A convenience sample of 83 surgical patients took part comprising 51 men and 32 women. An eight-item questionnaire based on the right of patients to information as listed in the Patients' Charter in Hong Kong using a 5-point Likert scale and one open-ended question to comment on why the information was important to them was completed by patients on the day of admission. RESULTS: Patients rated highly the need for all types of information. They rated most highly the need for information about the signs and symptoms indicating postoperative complications and when to seek medical help. Patients did not rate as highly, information regarding why the doctor believes the surgery is important, treatment alternatives and explanation of the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that Chinese patients are desirous of a range of relevant information. RELEVANCE TO PRACTICE: Nursing staff, in particular, need to consider the 'timeliness' of information and the cultural appropriateness of how information is delivered

    A Measurement of Psi(2S) Resonance Parameters

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    Cross sections for e+e- to hadons, pi+pi- J/Psi, and mu+mu- have been measured in the vicinity of the Psi(2S) resonance using the BESII detector operated at the BEPC. The Psi(2S) total width; partial widths to hadrons, pi+pi- J/Psi, muons; and corresponding branching fractions have been determined to be Gamma(total)= (264+-27) keV; Gamma(hadron)= (258+-26) keV, Gamma(mu)= (2.44+-0.21) keV, and Gamma(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (85+-8.7) keV; and Br(hadron)= (97.79+-0.15)%, Br(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (32+-1.4)%, Br(mu)= (0.93+-0.08)%, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Conformational dynamics and internal friction in homopolymer globules: equilibrium vs. non-equilibrium simulations

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    We study the conformational dynamics within homopolymer globules by solvent-implicit Brownian dynamics simulations. A strong dependence of the internal chain dynamics on the Lennard-Jones cohesion strength ε and the globule size N [subscript G] is observed. We find two distinct dynamical regimes: a liquid-like regime (for ε ε[subscript s] with slow internal dynamics. The cohesion strength ε[subscript s] of this freezing transition depends on N G . Equilibrium simulations, where we investigate the diffusional chain dynamics within the globule, are compared with non-equilibrium simulations, where we unfold the globule by pulling the chain ends with prescribed velocity (encompassing low enough velocities so that the linear-response, viscous regime is reached). From both simulation protocols we derive the internal viscosity within the globule. In the liquid-like regime the internal friction increases continuously with ε and scales extensive in N [subscript G] . This suggests an internal friction scenario where the entire chain (or an extensive fraction thereof) takes part in conformational reorganization of the globular structure.American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowshi

    Impacts of meeting minimum access on critical earth systems amidst the Great Inequality

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    The Sustainable Development Goals aim to improve access to resources and services, reduce environmental degradation, eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. However, the magnitude of the environmental burden that would arise from meeting the needs of the poorest is under debate—especially when compared to much larger burdens from the rich. We show that the ‘Great Acceleration’ of human impacts was characterized by a ‘Great Inequality’ in using and damaging the environment. We then operationalize ‘just access’ to minimum energy, water, food and infrastructure. We show that achieving just access in 2018, with existing inequalities, technologies and behaviours, would have produced 2–26% additional impacts on the Earth’s natural systems of climate, water, land and nutrients—thus further crossing planetary boundaries. These hypothetical impacts, caused by about a third of humanity, equalled those caused by the wealthiest 1–4%. Technological and behavioural changes thus far, while important, did not deliver just access within a stable Earth system. Achieving these goals therefore calls for a radical redistribution of resources

    Hierarchy of Scales in Language Dynamics

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    Methods and insights from statistical physics are finding an increasing variety of applications where one seeks to understand the emergent properties of a complex interacting system. One such area concerns the dynamics of language at a variety of levels of description, from the behaviour of individual agents learning simple artificial languages from each other, up to changes in the structure of languages shared by large groups of speakers over historical timescales. In this Colloquium, we survey a hierarchy of scales at which language and linguistic behaviour can be described, along with the main progress in understanding that has been made at each of them − much of which has come from the statistical physics community. We argue that future developments may arise by linking the different levels of the hierarchy together in a more coherent fashion, in particular where this allows more effective use of rich empirical data sets

    Phase Behavior of Aqueous Na-K-Mg-Ca-CI-NO3 Mixtures: Isopiestic Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling

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    A comprehensive model has been established for calculating thermodynamic properties of multicomponent aqueous systems containing the Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Mg{sup 2+}, Ca{sup 2+}, Cl{sup -}, and NO{sub 3}{sup -} ions. The thermodynamic framework is based on a previously developed model for mixed-solvent electrolyte solutions. The framework has been designed to reproduce the properties of salt solutions at temperatures ranging from the freezing point to 300 C and concentrations ranging from infinite dilution to the fused salt limit. The model has been parameterized using a combination of an extensive literature database and new isopiestic measurements for thirteen salt mixtures at 140 C. The measurements have been performed using Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) previously designed gravimetric isopiestic apparatus, which makes it possible to detect solid phase precipitation. Water activities are reported for mixtures with a fixed ratio of salts as a function of the total apparent salt mole fraction. The isopiestic measurements reported here simultaneously reflect two fundamental properties of the system, i.e., the activity of water as a function of solution concentration and the occurrence of solid-liquid transitions. The thermodynamic model accurately reproduces the new isopiestic data as well as literature data for binary, ternary and higher-order subsystems. Because of its high accuracy in calculating vapor-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria, the model is suitable for studying deliquescence behavior of multicomponent salt systems
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