518 research outputs found

    Demonstration of fundamental mode only propagation in highly multimode fibre for high power EDFAs

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    The use of short lengths of large core phosphate glass fibre, doped with high concentrations of Er or Er:Yb represents an attractive route to achieving high power erbium doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) and lasers (EDFLs). With the aim of investigating the potential of achieving diffraction limited output from such large core fibres, we present experimental results of fundamental mode propagation through a 20 cm length of passive 300 micrometer core multimode fibre when the input is a well-aligned Gaussian beam. Through careful control of fibre geometry, input beam parameters and alignment, we measured an output M squared of 1.1 + - 0.05. The fibre had a numerical aperture of 0.389, implying a V number of 236.8. To our knowledge, this is the largest core fibre through which diffraction limited fundamental mode propagation has been demonstrated. Although the results presented here relate to undoped fibre, they do provide the practical basis for a new generation of EDFAs and EDFLs.Comment: 5 figure

    Bosonic Operator Methods for the Quark Model

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    Quark model matrix elements can be computed using bosonic operators and the holomorphic representation for the harmonic oscillator. The technique is illustrated for normal and exotic baryons for an arbitrary number of colors. The computations are much simpler than those using conventional quark model wavefunctions

    1/N Expansion for Exotic Baryons

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    The 1/N expansion for exotic baryons is developed, and applied to the masses, meson couplings and decay widths. Masses and widths of the 27 and 35 pentaquark states in the same tower as the Theta+ are related by spin-flavor symmetry. The 27 and 35 states can decay within the pentaquark tower, as well as to normal baryons, and so have larger decay widths than the lightest pentaquark Theta. The 1/N expansion also is applied to baryon exotics containing a single heavy antiquark. The decay widths of heavy pentaquarks via pion emission, and to normal baryons plus heavy D^(*),B^(*) mesons are studied, and relations following from large-N spin-flavor symmetry and from heavy quark symmetry are derived.Comment: Major additions: plots of widths and branching ratios, discussion of strong decays of heavy pentaquarks, including consequences of heavy quark symmetr

    Deriving Gauge Symmetry and Spontaneous Lorentz Violation

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    We consider a class of field theories with a four-vector field AÎĽ(x)A_{\mu}(x) in addition to other fields supplied with a global charge symmetry - theories which have partial gauge symmetry in the sense of only imposing it on those terms in the Lagrangian density which have derivatives as factors in them. We suppose that spontaneous Lorentz invariance breaking occurs in such a theory due to the four-vector field taking a non-zero vacuum expectation value. Under some very mild assumptions, we show that this Lorentz violation is not observable and the whole theory is practically gauge invariant. A very important presupposition for this theorem is that an initial condition is imposed on the no-derivative expressions corresponding to the early Universe being essentially in a vacuum state. This condition then remains true forever and can be interpreted as a gauge constraint. We formulate the conditions under which the spontaneous Lorentz violation becomes observable. Spontaneously broken Lorentz invariance could be seen by some primordially existing or created "fossil" charges with the property of moving through the Universe with a fixed velocity.Comment: Extended versio

    Large N_c, Constituent Quarks, and N, Delta Charge Radii

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    We show how one may define baryon constituent quarks in a rigorous manner, given physical assumptions that hold in the large-N_c limit of QCD. This constituent picture gives rise to an operator expansion that has been used to study large-N_c baryon observables; here we apply it to the case of charge radii of the N and Delta states, using minimal dynamical assumptions. For example, one finds the relation r_p^2 - r_{Delta^+}^2 = r_n^2 - r_{Delta^0}^2 to be broken only by three-body, O(1/N_c^2) effects for any N_c.Comment: 15 pages, 1 eps figure. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Excited Baryon Decay Widths in Large N_c QCD

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    We study excited baryon decay widths in large N_c QCD. It was suggested previously that some spin-flavor mixed-symmetric baryon states have strong couplings of O(N_c^{-1/2}) to nucleons [implying narrow widths of O(1/N_c)], as opposed to the generic expectation based on Witten's counting rules of an O(N_c^0) coupling. The calculation obtaining these narrow widths was performed in the context of a simple quark-shell model. This paper addresses the question of whether the existence of such narrow states is a general property of large N_c QCD. We show that a general large N_c QCD analysis does not predict such narrow states; rather they are a consequence of the extreme simplicity of the quark model.Comment: 9 page

    Excited Baryons in Large N_c QCD Revisited: The Resonance Picture Versus Single-Quark Excitations

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    We analyze excited baryon properties via a 1/N_c expansion from two perspectives: as resonances in meson-nucleon scattering, and as single-quark excitations in the context of a simple quark model. For both types of analysis one can derive novel patterns of degeneracy that emerge as N_c --> \infty, and that are shown to be compatible with one another. This helps justify the single-quark excitation picture and may give some insight into its successes. We also find that in the large N_c limit one of the S_{11} baryons does not couple to the pi-N channel but couples to the eta-N channel. This is empirically observed in the N(1535), which couples very weakly to the pi-N channel and quite strongly to the eta-N channel. The comparatively strong coupling of the N(1650) to the pi-N channel and weak coupling to eta-N channel is also predicted. In the context of the simple quark model picture we reproduce expressions for mixing angles that are accurate up to O(1/N_c) corrections and are in good agreement with mixing angles extracted phenomenologically.Comment: 13 pages, ReVTeX

    Negative Parity 70-plet Baryon Masses in the 1/Nc Expansion

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    The masses of the negative parity SU(6) 70-plet baryons are analyzed in the 1/Nc expansion to order 1/Nc and to first order in SU(3) breaking. At this level of precision there are twenty predictions. Among them there are the well known Gell-Mann Okubo and equal spacing relations, and four new relations involving SU(3) breaking splittings in different SU(3) multiplets. Although the breaking of SU(6) symmetry occurs at zeroth order in 1/Nc, it turns out to be small. The dominant source of the breaking is the hyperfine interaction which is of order 1/Nc. The spin-orbit interaction, of zeroth order in 1/Nc, is entirely fixed by the splitting between the singlet states Lambda(1405) and Lambda(1520), and the spin-orbit puzzle is solved by the presence of other zeroth order operators involving flavor exchange.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    The Predictive Validity of the Early Warning System Tool

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    The Early Warning System (EWS) is a tool developed by the National High School Center to collect data on indicators including attendance, GPA, course failures and credits earned. These indicators have been found to be highly predictive of a student’s likelihood of dropping out of high school in large, urban areas. The EWS tool was studied in two suburban schools. With the exception of attendance data, findings suggest that the indicators and suggested threshold for risk determination are predictive in suburban contexts

    1/Nc1/N_c Expansion for Excited Baryons

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    We derive consistency conditions which constrain the possible form of the strong couplings of the excited baryons to the pions. The consistency conditions follow from requiring the pion-excited baryon scattering amplitudes to satisfy the large-N_c Witten counting rules and are analogous to consistency conditions used by Dashen, Jenkins and Manohar and others for s-wave baryons. The consistency conditions are explicitly solved, giving the most general allowed form of the strong vertices for excited baryons in the large-N_c limit. We show that the solutions to the large-N_c consistency conditions coincide with the predictions of the nonrelativistic quark model for these states, extending the results previously obtained for the s-wave baryons. The 1/N_c corrections to these predictions are studied in the quark model with arbitrary number of colors N_c.Comment: 56 pages, REVTeX; one new Appendix added containing a discussion of the results in the language of quark operator
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