6 research outputs found
HI and CO spectroscopy of the unusual host of GRB 171205A: A grand design spiral galaxy with a distorted HI field
International audienceGRBs produced by the collapse of massive stars are usually found near the most prominent star-forming regions of star-forming galaxies. GRB 171205A happened in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy, a peculiar location in an atypical GRB host. In this paper we present a highly-resolved study of the molecular gas of this host, with CO(1-0) observations from ALMA. We compare with GMRT atomic HI observations, and with data at other wavelengths to provide a broad-band view of the galaxy. The ALMA observations have a spatial resolution of 0.2" and a spectral resolution of 10 km/s, observed when the afterglow had a flux density of ~53 mJy. This allowed a molecular study both in emission and absorption. The HI observations allowed to study the host galaxy and its extended environment. The CO emission shows an undisturbed spiral structure with a central bar, and no significant emission at the location of the GRB. Our CO spectrum does not reveal any CO absorption, with a column density limit of < 10^15 cm^-2. This argues against the progenitor forming in a massive molecular cloud. The molecular gas traces the galaxy arms with higher concentration in the regions dominated by dust. The HI gas does not follow the stellar light or the molecular gas and is concentrated in two blobs, with no emission towards the centre of the galaxy, and is slightly displaced towards the southwest of the galaxy, where the GRB exploded. Within the extended neighbourhood of the host galaxy, we identify another prominent HI source at the same redshift, at a projected distance of 188 kpc. Our observations show that the progenitor of this GRB is not associated to a massive molecular cloud, but more likely related to low-metallicity atomic gas. The distortion in the HI gas field is indicator of an odd environment that could have triggered star formation and could be linked to a past interaction with the companion galaxy
HI and CO spectroscopy of the unusual host of GRB 171205A: A grand design spiral galaxy with a distorted HI field
International audienceGRBs produced by the collapse of massive stars are usually found near the most prominent star-forming regions of star-forming galaxies. GRB 171205A happened in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy, a peculiar location in an atypical GRB host. In this paper we present a highly-resolved study of the molecular gas of this host, with CO(1-0) observations from ALMA. We compare with GMRT atomic HI observations, and with data at other wavelengths to provide a broad-band view of the galaxy. The ALMA observations have a spatial resolution of 0.2" and a spectral resolution of 10 km/s, observed when the afterglow had a flux density of ~53 mJy. This allowed a molecular study both in emission and absorption. The HI observations allowed to study the host galaxy and its extended environment. The CO emission shows an undisturbed spiral structure with a central bar, and no significant emission at the location of the GRB. Our CO spectrum does not reveal any CO absorption, with a column density limit of < 10^15 cm^-2. This argues against the progenitor forming in a massive molecular cloud. The molecular gas traces the galaxy arms with higher concentration in the regions dominated by dust. The HI gas does not follow the stellar light or the molecular gas and is concentrated in two blobs, with no emission towards the centre of the galaxy, and is slightly displaced towards the southwest of the galaxy, where the GRB exploded. Within the extended neighbourhood of the host galaxy, we identify another prominent HI source at the same redshift, at a projected distance of 188 kpc. Our observations show that the progenitor of this GRB is not associated to a massive molecular cloud, but more likely related to low-metallicity atomic gas. The distortion in the HI gas field is indicator of an odd environment that could have triggered star formation and could be linked to a past interaction with the companion galaxy
Avaliação de cinco híbridos de milho (Zea mays, L.) em diferentes estádios de maturação: 4. Digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica e fibra em detergente neutro da porção vegetativa e planta inteira Evaluation of five corn hybrids (Zea mays, L.) at different maturity stages: 4. Dry matter digestibility, organic matter and neutral detergent fiber (FDN) of the vegetative portion and whole plant
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar cinco híbridos de milho (Zea mays L.), quanto à digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, matéria orgânica da planta inteira e do colmo, em diferentes estádios de maturação. Os tratamentos utilizados foram em parcelas de 7 x 8 m em um delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A colheita das amostras dos híbridos de milho Pioneer (P32R21, P30R07, P3041, P30F33 e P30F80) foi adotada estimando-se os cinco estádios de maturação da planta propostos (30, 34, 38, 42 e 46% de matéria seca). Na planta inteira, foram determinadas a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS). Na fração colmo + bainha, determinou-se a digestibilidade in vitro da FDN (DIVFDN) e DIVMS. A DIVMS e DIVFDN do colmo + bainha praticamente não variaram após a formação do grão (25% de MS na planta), com exceções para os híbridos superprecoce P32R21 (aumentou) e o semiprecoce P30F80 (diminuiu), apresentando os melhores valores para faixa de 25 a 39% de MS. Já a DIVMS e DIVMO da planta inteira praticamente não variaram após a formação do grão, com exceção do precoce P30F33, que aumentou em quinze unidades percentuais. Quando os teores de MS se elevaram de 30 para 35%, os melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade foram observados para faixa de 30 a 38% de MS.<br>The objective of this study was evaluate five corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids, while the dry matter "in vitro" digestibility, organic matter of whole plant and of the stem, at different maturity stages. The treatments were used in plots of 7 x 8 m in a randomized block design, with four replicates. The samples collected, of corn hybrid Pioneer (P32R21, P30R07, P3041, P30F33 and P30F80), were adopted trying to estimate phases of maturity of the plant: 30, 34, 38, 42 and 46% of dry matter (DM)). In the whole plant were determinated the organic matter in vitro digestibility (IVOMD) and the dry matter in vitro digestibility (IVDMD). From the stem + sheath fraction, the neuter insoluble fiber in vitro digestibility (IVNDFD) and IVDMD was determinated. The IVDMD and IVNDFD the stem + sheath practicable did not variable after a grain formation (25% the DM plant), with exceptions at the hybrids P32R21 (increased) and P30F80 (decreased) presented at the greatest variations at 25 a 39% DM. A IVDMD and IVOMD the whole plant, practicable did not change after a grain formation, except for the P30F33 hybrid at fifteen percentage units. When the DM levels increased from 30 to 35%, the best coefficients of digestibility were observed from 30 to 38% DM level