7,633 research outputs found

    How do liquids confined at the nanoscale influence adhesion?

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    Liquids play an important role in adhesion and sliding friction. They behave as lubricants in human bodies especially in the joints. However, in many biological attachment systems they acts like adhesives, e.g. facilitating insects to move on ceilings or vertical walls. Here we use molecular dynamics to study how liquids confined at the nanoscale influence the adhesion between solid bodies with smooth and rough surfaces. We show that a monolayer of liquid may strongly affect the adhesion.Comment: 5 pages, 9 color figures. Some figures are in Postscript Level 3 format. Minimal changes with respect to the previous version. Added doi and reference to the published article also inside the pape

    Rubber friction on (apparently) smooth lubricated surfaces

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    We study rubber sliding friction on hard lubricated surfaces. We show that even if the hard surface appears smooth to the naked eye, it may exhibit short wavelength roughness, which may give the dominant contribution to rubber friction. That is, the observed sliding friction is mainly due to the viscoelastic deformations of the rubber by the substrate surface asperities. The presented results are of great importance for rubber sealing and other rubber applications involving (apparently) smooth surfaces.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figure

    Herschel-HIFI observations of H2O, NH3, and N2H+ toward high-mass starless and protostellar clumps identified by the Hi-GAL survey

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    Context. Our present understanding of high-mass star formation still remains very schematic. In particular, it is not yet clear how much of the difference between low-mass and high-mass star formation occurs during the earliest star formation phases. Aims. The chemical characteristics of massive cold clumps, and the comparison with those of their low-mass counterparts, could provide crucial clues about the exact role that chemistry plays in differentiating the early phases of low-mass and high-mass star formation. Water, in particular, is a unique probe of physical and chemical conditions in star-forming regions. Methods. Using the HIFI instrument of Herschel, we have observed the ortho−NH3 (10 −00 ) (572 GHz), ortho−H2 O (110 −101 ) (557 GHz), and N2 H+ (6−5) (559 GHz) lines toward a sample of high-mass starless and protostellar clumps selected from the Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL). We compare our results to previous studies of low-mass and high-mass protostellar objects. Results. At least one of the three molecular lines was detected in 4 (out of 35) and 7 (out of 17) objects in the l = 59° and l = 30° galactic regions, respectively. All detected sources are protostellar. The water spectra are complex and consist of several kinematic components, identified through a Gaussian decomposition, and we detected inverse and regular P-Cygni profiles in a few sources. All water line profiles of the l = 59° region are dominated by a broad Gaussian emission feature, indicating that the bulk of the water emission arises in outflows. No such broad emission is detected toward the l = 30° objects. The ammonia line in some cases also shows line wings and an inverse P-Cygni profile, thus confirming that NH3 rotational transitions can be used to probe the dynamics of high-mass, star-forming regions. Both bolometric and water line luminosity increase with the continuum temperature. Conclusions. The higher water abundance toward the l = 59° sources, characterized by the presence of outflows and shocks, supports a scenario in which the abundance of this molecule is linked to the shocked gas. Various indicators suggest that the detected sources toward the l = 30° region are in a somewhat later evolutionary phase compared to the l = 59° field, although a firm conclusion is limited by the small number of observed sources. We find many similarities with studies carried out toward low-mass protostellar objects, but there are indications that the level of infall and turbulence in the high-mass protostars studied here could be significantly higher

    Fluid flow at the interface between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces

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    I study fluid flow at the interface between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces. I use the contact mechanics model of Persson to take into account the elastic interaction between the solid walls and the Bruggeman effective medium theory to account for the influence of the disorder on the fluid flow. I calculate the flow tensor which determines the pressure flow factor and, e.g., the leak-rate of static seals. I show how the perturbation treatment of Tripp can be extended to arbitrary order in the ratio between the root-mean-square roughness amplitude and the average interfacial surface separation. I introduce a matrix D(Zeta), determined by the surface roughness power spectrum, which can be used to describe the anisotropy of the surface at any magnification Zeta. I present results for the asymmetry factor Gamma(Zeta) (generalized Peklenik number) for grinded steel and sandblasted PMMA surfaces.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Interfacial separation between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces: comparison of experiment with theory

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    We study the average separation between an elastic solid and a hard solid with a nominal flat but randomly rough surface, as a function of the squeezing pressure. We present experimental results for a silicon rubber (PDMS) block with a flat surface squeezed against an asphalt road surface. The theory shows that an effective repulse pressure act between the surfaces of the form p proportional to exp(-u/u0), where u is the average separation between the surfaces and u0 a constant of order the root-mean-square roughness, in good agreement with the experimental results.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Numerical Investigation of Second Mode Attenuation over Carbon/Carbon Surfaces on a Sharp Slender Cone

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    We have carried out axisymmetric numerical simulations of a spatially developing hypersonic boundary layer over a sharp 7^{\circ{}}-half-angle cone at M=7.5M_\infty=7.5 inspired by the experimental investigations by Wagner (2015). Simulations are first performed with impermeable (or solid) walls with a one-time broadband pulse excitation applied upstream to determine the most convectively-amplified frequencies resulting in the range 260kHz -- 400kHz, consistent with experimental observations of second-mode instability waves. Subsequently, we introduce harmonic disturbances via continuous periodic suction and blowing at 270kHz and 350kHz. For each of these forcing frequencies complex impedance boundary conditions (IBC), modeling the acoustic response of two different carbon/carbon (C/C) ultrasonically absorptive porous surfaces, are applied at the wall. The IBCs are derived as an output of a pore-scale aeroacoustic analysis -- the inverse Helmholtz Solver (iHS) -- which is able to return the broadband real and imaginary components of the surface-averaged impedance. The introduction of the IBCs in all cases leads to a significant attenuation of the harmonically-forced second-mode wave. In particular, we observe a higher attenuation rate of the introduced waves with frequency of 350kHz in comparison with 270kHz, and, along with the iHS impedance results, we establish that the C/C surfaces absorb acoustic energy more effectively at higher frequencies.Comment: AIAA-SciTech 201

    Master equation approach to friction at the mesoscale

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    At the mesoscale friction occurs through the breaking and formation of local contacts. This is often described by the earthquake-like model which requires numerical studies. We show that this phenomenon can also be described by a master equation, which can be solved analytically in some cases and provides an efficient numerical solution for more general cases. We examine the effect of temperature and aging of the contacts and discuss the statistical properties of the contacts for different situations of friction and their implications, particularly regarding the existence of stick-slip.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Market dynamics associated with credit ratings: a literature review.

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    Credit ratings produced by the major credit rating agencies (CRAs) aim to measure the creditworthiness, or more specifically the relative creditworthiness of companies, i.e. their ability to meet their debt servicing obligations. In principle, the rating process focuses on the fundamental long-term credit strength of a company. It is typically based on both public and private information, except for unsolicited ratings, which focus only on public information. The basic rationale for using ratings is to achieve information economies of scale and solve principal-agent problems. Partly for the same reasons, the role of credit ratings has expanded significantly over time. Regulators, banks and bondholders, pension fund trustees and other fiduciary agents have increasingly used ratings-based criteria to constrain behaviour. As a result, the influence of the opinions of CRAs on markets appears to have grown considerably in recent years. One aspect of this development is its potential impact on market dynamics (i.e. the timing and path of asset price adjustments, credit spreads, etc.), either directly, as a consequence of the information content of ratings themselves, or indirectly, as a consequence of the “hardwiring” of ratings into regulatory rules, fund management mandates, bond covenants, etc. When considering the impact of ratings and rating changes, two conclusions are worth highlighting. – First, ratings correlate moderately well with observed credit spreads, and rating changes with changes in spreads. However, other factors, such as liquidity, taxation and historical volatility clearly also enter into the determination of spreads. Recent research suggests that reactions to rating changes may also extend beyond the immediately-affected company to its peers, and from bond to equity prices. Furthermore, this price reaction to rating changes seems to be asymmetrical, i.e. more pronounced for downgrades than for upgrades, and may be more significant for equity prices than for bond prices. – Second, the hardwiring of regulatory and market rules, bond covenants, investment guidelines, etc., to ratings may influence market dynamics, and potentially lead to or magnify threshold effects. The more that different market participants adopt identical ratings-linked rules, or are subject to similar ratings-linked regulations, the more “spiky” the reaction to a credit event is likely to be. This reaction may include, in some cases, the emergence of severe liquidity pressures. Efforts have recently been made, notably with support from the rating agencies themselves, to encourage a more systematic disclosure of rating triggers and to renegotiate and smooth the possibly more destabilising forms of rating triggers. However, the lack of a clear disclosure regime makes it difficult to assess how far this process has evolved. Questions also remain as to the extent to which ratings-based criteria introduce a fundamentally new element into market behaviour, or, conversely, the extent to which they are simply a va riant of more traditional contractual covenants. Rating agencies strive to provide credit assessments that remain broadly stable through the course of the business cycle (rating “through the cycle”). Agencies and other analysts frequently contrast the fundamental credit analysis on which ratings are based with market sentiment — measured for example by bond spreads — which is arguably subject to more short-term influences. Agencies are adamant that they do not directly incorporate market sentiment into ratings (although they may use market prices as a diagnostic tool). On the contrary, they make every effort to exclude transient market sentiment. However, as reliance on ratings grows, CRAs are being increasingly expected to satisfy a widening range of constituencies, with different, and even sometimes conflicting, interests: issuers and “traditional” asset managers will look for more than a simple statement of near-term probability of loss, and will stress the need for ratings to exhibit some degree of stability over time. On the other hand, mark-to-market traders, active investors and risk managers may seek more frequent indications of credit changes. Hence, in the wake of major bankruptcies with heightened credit stress, rating agencies have been under considerable pressure to provide higher-frequency readings of credit status, without loss of quality. So far, they have responded to this challenge largely by adding more products to their traditional range, but also through modifications in the rating process. The rating process and the range of products offered by rating agencies have thus evolved over time, with, for instance, an increasing emphasis on the analysis of liquidity risks, a new focus on the hidden liabilities of companies and an increased use of market-based tools. It is too early, however, to judge whether these changes should simply be regarded as a refinement of the agencies’ traditional methodology or whether they suggest a more fundamental shift in the approach to credit risk measurement. For the same reason, it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions about changes in the effects of credit ratings on market dynamics.

    Nonlinear sliding friction of adsorbed overlayers on disordered substrates

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    We study the response of an adsorbed monolayer on a disordered substrate under a driving force using Brownian molecular-dynamics simulation. We find that the sharp longitudinal and transverse depinning transitions with hysteresis still persist in the presence of weak disorder. However, the transitions are smeared out in the strong disorder limit. The theoretical results here provide a natural explanation for the recent data for the depinning transition of Kr films on gold substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figs, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of sodium-chloride overlayers on the stepped Cu(311) surface: Experimental and theoretical study

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    The physical properties of ultrathin NaCl overlayers on the stepped Cu(311) surface have been characterized using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy, and density functional calculations. Simulations of STM images and differential conductance spectrum were based on the Tersoff-Hamann approximation for tunneling with corrections for the modified tunneling barrier at larger voltages and calculated Kohn-Sham states. Characteristic features observed in the STM images can be directly related to calculated electronic and geometric properties of the overlayers. The measured apparent barrier heights for the mono-, bi-, and trilayers of NaCl and the corresponding adsorption-induced changes in the work function, as obtained from the distance dependence of the tunneling current, are well reproduced by and understood from the calculated results. The measurements revealed a large reduction of the tunneling conductance in a wide voltage region, resembling a band gap. However, the simulated spectrum showed that only the onset at positive sample voltages may be viewed as a valence band edge, whereas the onset at negative voltages is caused by the drastic effect of the electric field from the tip on the tunneling barrier