109 research outputs found

    Intensity-intensity correlations as a probe of interferences - under conditions of none in the intensity

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    The different behaviour of first order interferences and second order correlations are investigated for the case of two coherently excited atoms. For intensity measurements this problem is equivalent to Young's double slit experiment and was investigated in an experiment by Eichmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2359 (1993)] and later analyzed in detail by Itano et al. [Phys. Rev. A 57, 4176 (1998)]. Our results show that in cases where the intensity interferences disappear the intensity-intensity correlations can display an interference pattern with a visibility of up to 100%. The contrast depends on the polarization selected for the detection and is independent of the strength of the driving field. The nonclassical nature of the calculated intensity-intensity correlations is also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Heralded Entanglement of Arbitrary Degree in Remote Qubits

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    Incoherent scattering of photons off two remote atoms with a Lambda-level structure is used as a basic Young-type interferometer to herald long-lived entanglement of an arbitrary degree. The degree of entanglement, as measured by the concurrence, is found to be tunable by two easily accessible experimental parameters. Fixing one of them to certain values unveils an analog to the Malus' law. An estimate of the variation in the degree of entanglement due to uncertainties in an experimental realization is given.Comment: published version, 4 pages and 2 figure

    Operational determination of multi-qubit entanglement classes via tuning of local operations

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    We present a physical setup with which it is possible to produce arbitrary symmetric long-lived multiqubit entangled states in the internal ground levels of photon emitters, including the paradigmatic GHZ and W states. In the case of three emitters, where each tripartite entangled state belongs to one of two well-defined entanglement classes, we prove a one-to-one correspondence between well-defined sets of experimental parameters, i.e., locally tunable polarizer orientations, and multiqubit entanglement classes inside the symmetric subspace.Comment: Improved version. Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Generation of Total Angular Momentum Eigenstates in Remote Qubits

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    We propose a scheme enabling the universal coupling of angular momentum of NN remote noninteracting qubits using linear optical tools only. Our system consists of NN single-photon emitters in a Λ\Lambda-configuration that are entangled among their long-lived ground-state qubits through suitably designed measurements of the emitted photons. In this manner, we present an experimentally feasible algorithm that is able to generate any of the 2N2^N symmetric and nonsymmetric total angular momentum eigenstates spanning the Hilbert space of the NN-qubit compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, improved presentation. Accepted in Physical Review

    Generation of Symmetric Dicke States of Remote Qubits with Linear Optics

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    We propose a method for generating all symmetric Dicke states, either in the long-lived internal levels of N massive particles or in the polarization degrees of freedom of photonic qubits, using linear optical tools only. By means of a suitable multiphoton detection technique, erasing Welcher-Weg information, our proposed scheme allows the generation and measurement of an important class of entangled multiqubit states.Comment: New version, a few modifications and a new figure, accepted in Physical Review Letter

    A versatile source of polarization-entangled photons

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    We propose a method for the generation of a large variety of entangled states, encoded in the polarization degrees of freedom of N photons, within the same experimental setup. Starting with uncorrelated photons, emitted from N arbitrary single photon sources, and using linear optical tools only, we demonstrate the creation of all symmetric states, e.g., GHZ- and W-states, as well as all symmetric and non-symmetric total angular momentum eigenstates of the N qubit compound.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlocality from N>2 independent single-photon emitters

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    We demonstrate that intensity correlations of second order in the fluorescence light of N>2 single-photon emitters may violate locality while the visibility of the signal remains below 1/√2≈71%. For this, we derive a homogeneous Bell-Wigner-type inequality, which can be applied to a broad class of experimental setups. We trace the violation of this inequality back to path entanglement created by the process of detection

    Creating path entanglement and violating bell inequalities by independent photon sources

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    We demonstrate a novel approach of violating position-dependent Bell inequalities by photons emitted via independent single photon sources in free space. We trace this violation back to path entanglement created a posteriori by the selection of modes due to the process of detection

    Quantum Imaging with Incoherent Photons

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    We propose a technique to obtain sub-wavelength resolution in quantum imaging with potentially 100% contrast using incoherent light. Our method requires neither path-entangled number states nor multi-photon absorption. The scheme makes use of N photons spontaneously emitted by N atoms and registered by N detectors. It is shown that for coincident detection at particular detector positions a resolution of \lambda / N can be achieved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, improved presentation. Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Monitoring the Dipole-Dipole Interaction via Quantum Jumps of Individual Atoms

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    The emission characteristics in the fluorescence of two laser-driven dipole-dipole-interacting three level atoms is investigated. When the light from both atoms is detected separately a correlation of the emission processes is observed in dependence of the dipole-dipole interaction. This opens the possibility to investigate the dipole-dipole interaction through the emission behavior. We present Monte-Carlo simulations which are in good agreement with the analytic solutions
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