1,046 research outputs found

    Die California College Preparatory Academy. Eine nachhaltige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schule und Universität

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    Partnerships between universities and K-12 schools [from kindergarten (=K) for 4- to 6-year-olds through twelfth grade (12) for 17- to 19-year-olds] have a long history in the United States. The early partnerships typically involved elite or selective schools that catered to children from affluent households or children of academics. In the past few decades, a third wave of university schools has opened. These schools have a social justice and equity focus and are intended to provide quality educational experiences to children from low-income backgrounds and children from groups underrepresented in tertiary education. The California College Preparatory Academy (CAL Prep) is a member of this third wave and one of several school-university partnerships involving University of California campuses. CAL Prep opened in 2005 and is an ongoing partnership involving Aspire Pubic Schools and the University of California, Berkeley. This article provides a description of CAL Prep, and an overview of the circumstances that led to CAL Prep\u27s formation. The partnership structures, which contributed to the longevity of the partnership, are also described. (DIPF/Orig.)Partnerschaften zwischen Universitäten und K-12-Schulen [Schulen, die vom Kindergarten bis zur zwölften Klasse führen] haben in den USA eine lange Geschichte. Die ersten Partnerschaften bestanden meist mit Eliteschulen, die entweder von Kindern aus wohlhabendem Elternhaus oder von Akademikerkindern besucht wurden. In den letzten Jahrzehnten kam es zur Gründung einer dritten Form von Universitätsschulen. Diesen Schulen geht es vor allem um soziale Gerechtigkeit und Chancengleichheit; sie sollen Kindern aus einkommensschwachen Elternhäusern und Kindern mit bildungsferner Herkunft eine qualifizierte Bildung bieten. Die California College Preparatory Academy (CAL Prep) gehört zu dieser dritten Gruppe; es handelt sich bei ihr um eine von mehreren Partnerschaften zwischen Universitäten und Schulen in Kalifornien. Die CAL Prep wurde im Jahre 2005 gegründet und beruht auf der Partnerschaft zwischen Aspire Public Schools und der University of California, Berkeley. Dieser Beitrag stellt die CAL Prep vor und erläutert die Umstände, die zu ihrer Gründung geführt haben. Außerdem werden die Strukturen beschrieben, die die Nachhaltigkeit dieser Partnerschaft gesichert haben. (DIPF/Orig.

    Measuring time perspective in adolescents : can you get the right answer by asking the wrong questions?

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    Time perspective continues to evolve as a psychological construct. The extant literature suggests that higher future orientation and lower present orientation are associated with better developmental outcomes. However, the extant literature also suggests that issues remain with the measurement of the construct. Recently, a 25-item version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI-25) was suggested for use based on high internal consistency estimates and good discriminant validity of scores in a sample of Italian adolescents. However, the genesis of this scale is uncertain. The present study examined the factorial validity, reliability, and concurrent validity of ZTPI-25 scores in Slovenian, American, and British adolescents. Results revealed satisfactory concurrent validity based on correlations with measures used in the development of the full ZTPI. However, internal consistency and factorial validity of scores were unsatisfactory. The present study questions the use of the ZTPI-25 with adolescents in the context of conceptual and measurement issues more broadly

    Open-Land Policy In Connecticut

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    Метаморфози терміна "ідентичність" у західній філософській традиції

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    Стаття присвячена інтерпретації категорії «ідентичність» у європейській філософській традиції від Парменіда до П. Рікера. Авторка виокремлює головні чотири парадигми її тлумачення: космологічну, теоцентричну, новоєвропейську та сучасну. У статті також простежується еволюція змістовних значень слова «ідентичність» у західній та вітчизняній філософії та інших галузях гуманітарного знання.Статья посвящена интерпретации категории «идентичность» в европейской философской традиции от Парменида до П. Рикера. Автор выделяет четыре главные парадигмы её толкования: космологическую, теоцентрическую, новоевропейскую и современную. В статье также прослеживается эволюция содержательных значений слова «идентичность» в западной и отечественной философии и других областях гуманитарного знания

    Hazardous Waste in The Netherlands: Dutch Policies from a Local Perspective

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    This paper is about risk management and environmental policy. Conventional approaches to risk management (Wynne et al., IIASA Working Papers on Hazardous Waste Management) tend to assume that risk is a technical phenomenon, and that successful risk management involves the elaboration and use of precise technical analytic models and regulatory instruments. The aim of this work is to show that this general approach is unrealistic. Firstly, it is shown that different perceptions and definitions of policy issues shape legislative and regulatory agendas in ways which mean that environmental management and specific definitions of risk problems are only a (varying) part of the broader agendas and concerns of interacting groups. Secondly, it is shown that even after apparently precise regulations have been established, the process of implementation effectively continues the negotiation of the basic agenda of issues as defined by different interests. This is shown to be the case at national and local levels. The family of Dutch case studies presented supports the argument of the IIASA hazardous waste papers, that effective regulatory instruments can only be identified in the context of interaction between the institutional realities of regulatory decision making and appropriate forms of technical knowledge. These vary from one regulatory system to another, making technical harmonization extremely problematic


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    This study contrasts the social media risk perceptions of undergraduate students, versus those of certified Human Resource professionals. Social media is widely used by most segments of the population, and particularly among the age group that includes most undergraduate students. Organizations hiring employees are increasingly examining job applicant\u27s social media postings as part of the applicant screening process. In this study we examine how these groups differ in their perceptions of the risks inherent in using social media, and what these differences may mean for students seeking employment. Recommendations are made for raising undergraduate student awareness of these risks

    Social Media Risk Perceptions of Human Resource Professionals: Issues Undergraduate Students Should Consider

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    This study contrasts the social media risk perceptions of undergraduate students, versus those of certified Human Resource professionals. Social media is widely used by most segments of the population, and particularly among the age group that includes most undergraduate students. Organizations hiring employees are increasingly examining job applicant\u27s social media postings as part of the applicant screening process. In this study we examine how these groups differ in their perceptions of the risks inherent in using social media, and what these differences may mean for students seeking employment. Recommendations are made for raising undergraduate student awareness of these risks

    Development of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for Direct Utilization of Hydrocarbon Fuels

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    In this study, we compare the performance of SOFC having composite Cu-based anodes but made with the following low-temperature electrolytes: samaria-doped ceria (SDC), Sr- and Mg-doped lanthanum gallate (LSGM), and scandia-stabilized zirconia (ScSZ). Performance (V-I) curves and impedance spectra were measured using H2 and n-butane fuels at 973 K. The results suggest that the use of electrolyte materials with higher ionic conductivity can lead to improved anodes for direct-utilization SOFC, although the performance of each of the cells in n-butane appears to be at least partially limited by the electrochemical oxidation reaction