27 research outputs found

    A Small but Efficient Collaboration for the Spiral2 Control System Development

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/ICALEPCS2013/papers/tucobab01.pdfThe Spiral2 radioactive ion beam facility to be commissioned in 2014 at Ganil (Caen) is built within international collaborations. This also concerns the control system development shared by three laboratories: Ganil has to coordinate the control and automated systems work packages, CEA/IRFU is in charge of the "injector" (sources and low energy beam lines) and the LLRF, CNRS/IPHC provides the emittancemeters and a beam diagnostics platform. Besides the technology Epics based, this collaboration, although being handled with a few people, nevertheless requires an appropriate and tight organization to reach the objectives given by the project. This contribution describes how, started in 2006, the collaboration for controls has been managed both from the technological point of view and the organizational one, taking into account not only the previous experience, technical background or skill of each partner, but also their existing working practices and "cultural" approaches. A first feedback comes from successful beam tests carried out at Saclay and Grenoble; a next challenge is the migration to operation, Ganil having to run Spiral2 as the other members are moving to new projects

    Tumour-derived and host-derived nitric oxide differentially regulate breast carcinoma metastasis to the lungs

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    To study the role of nitric oxide (NO) in lung metastasis of breast carcinoma, we isolated two cell clones (H and J) from the parental EMT-6 murine breast carcinoma cell line, based on their differential NO production. In vitro, EMT-6 J cells, but not EMT-6H cells, constitutively expressed inducible NO synthase (NOS II) and secreted high levels of NO. IL-1beta increased NO production in both clones, and TNF-alpha had a synergistic effect on IL-1beta-induced NO production, but NO production by EMT-6 J cells was always higher than by EMT-6H cells. Proliferation, survival and adhesion to lung-derived endothelial cells of both clones were similar and were not affected by NO. In vivo, both clones similarly located in the lungs of syngeneic mice 48 h after injection. However, EMT-6H cells were significantly more tumorigenic than EMT-6 J cells as assessed at later time points. Injection of EMT-6 J cells and simultaneous treatment of mice with aminoguanidine (AG), a NOS II inhibitor, significantly increased tumour formation. Injection of EMT-6H and EMT-6 J cells into NOS II-deficient mice resulted in a significant survival increase as compared with wild-type animals. Simultaneous administration of AG increased the death rate of NOS II-deficient mice injected with EMT-6 J cells. These results demonstrate that: (i) NO does not influence the early stages of tumour metastasis to the lungs and (ii) NOS II expression in tumour cells reduces, while NOS II expression in host cells enhances, tumour nodule development. In conclusion, the cellular origin and the local NO production are critical in the metastatic proces

    Status of the SPIRAL2 injector commissioning

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    International audienceThe SPIRAL2 injector, installed in its tunnel, is currently under commissioning at GANIL, Caen,France. The injector is composed of two low energy beam transport lines: one is dedicated tothe light ion beam production, the other to the heavy ions. The first light ion beam, created by a2.45 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source, has been successfully produced in December2014. The first beam of the PHOENIX V2 18 GHz heavy ion source was analyzed on 10 July2015. A status of the SPIRAL2 injector commissioning is given. An upgrade of the heavy ionsource, named PHOENIX V3 aimed to replace the V2, is presented. The new version features adoubled plasma chamber volume and the high charge state beam intensity is expected to increase bya factor of 1.5 to 2 up to the mass ∼50. A status of its assembly is proposed

    Overview of the Iseult 11.7 T MRI Cryoplant Operation

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    International audienceThe Iseult whole-body MRI delivered its first images in October 2021. The masterpiece of this MRI is an actively shielded NbTi magnet providing a homogeneous magnetic field of 11.7 T within a 90 cm warm bore. A dedicated cryoplant was constructed to cool the magnet at 1.8 K using a superfluid helium bath and it is in nominal operation since March 2019. This paper will present the cryoplant design, as well as the connection of the cryogenic ancillary equipment with the magnet. Estimated thermal losses will be compared with experimental data collected since the beginning of the cooling phase. Then, we will describe the system maintenance and the periodic controls of the various pressurized components performed keeping the continuous nominal operation of the MRI. Finally, we will present the first lessons learned on this unique cryogenic system operation and possible options to improve its reliability

    Progress in the Design of the ASTERICS 28 GHz ECR Ion Source Superconducting Magnet for the NEWGAIN Project at GANIL

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    International audienceIn the framework of the NEWGAIN project (NEW GAnil INjector), a new injector is under development to supply the SPIRAL2 LINAC at GANIL with heavy ion of a mass to charge-state ratio up to A/q = 7. In order to produce this heavy ion beam, a superconducting 28 GHz ECR Ion Source called ASTERICS is under development and its superconducting magnet used for plasma confinement is designed at CEA in collaboration with LPSC and GANIL. The magnetic design of the ion source is based on the well-proved sextupole-in-solenoids configuration used in different laboratories worldwide. The superconducting coils will be in Nb-Ti placed in a He bath cooled by 6 in-situ cryocoolers. A magnetic and protection optimization has been done to meet the NEWGAIN requirements which calls for a bigger plasma chamber than the existing superconducting ECR ion sources while maintaining the same temperature margin in the coils. This paper focuses on the magnetic analysis, the protection studies and the choice of the superconducting conductor for the sextupole and the solenoids. To validate the coil fabrication steps and the assumptions made in the magnetic design, some winding trials have been done. Both simulations and mock-up results are presented here

    Progress in the Design of the ASTERICS 28 GHz ECR Ion Source Superconducting Magnet for the NEWGAIN Project at GANIL

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    International audienceIn the framework of the NEWGAIN project (NEW GAnil INjector), a new injector is under development to supply the SPIRAL2 LINAC at GANIL with heavy ion of a mass to charge-state ratio up to A/q = 7. In order to produce this heavy ion beam, a superconducting 28 GHz ECR Ion Source called ASTERICS is under development and its superconducting magnet used for plasma confinement is designed at CEA in collaboration with LPSC and GANIL. The magnetic design of the ion source is based on the well-proved sextupole-in-solenoids configuration used in different laboratories worldwide. The superconducting coils will be in Nb-Ti placed in a He bath cooled by 6 in-situ cryocoolers. A magnetic and protection optimization has been done to meet the NEWGAIN requirements which calls for a bigger plasma chamber than the existing superconducting ECR ion sources while maintaining the same temperature margin in the coils. This paper focuses on the magnetic analysis, the protection studies and the choice of the superconducting conductor for the sextupole and the solenoids. To validate the coil fabrication steps and the assumptions made in the magnetic design, some winding trials have been done. Both simulations and mock-up results are presented here