14,964 research outputs found

    Development and application of a sensitive, high precision weighing lysimeter for use in greenhouses

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    A high precision weighing lysimeter for measuring evapotranspiration in greenhouses was developed. The instrument has a measurement of sensitivity of one part in 106, that is one order of magnitude better than any other so far described in the literature. With it, evaporation rates in a greenhouse, even at night, can be measured on a one minute time scale. Development and construction of the instrument are described and measurements of the transpiration of a tomato crop in a greenhouse are used to demonstrate its capabilities

    The MCGA (multiple cubic gradient approximation) method for the analysis of Raman spectra

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    An easily accessible interactive method for the analysis of Raman spectra consisting of many overlapping peaks is presented. A combination of a three- or four-dimensional grid and gradient searching is applied. The method can handle spectra with up to about 50 lines, based on a broad background. Analytical and user-defined or tabulated basic functions can be included. The merits of the method are discussed with both artificial and real spectra

    The thermodynamics of computational copying in biochemical systems

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    Living cells use readout molecules to record the state of receptor proteins, similar to measurements or copies in typical computational devices. But is this analogy rigorous? Can cells be optimally efficient, and if not, why? We show that, as in computation, a canonical biochemical readout network generates correlations; extracting no work from these correlations sets a lower bound on dissipation. For general input, the biochemical network cannot reach this bound, even with arbitrarily slow reactions or weak thermodynamic driving. It faces an accuracy-dissipation trade-off that is qualitatively distinct from and worse than implied by the bound, and more complex steady-state copy processes cannot perform better. Nonetheless, the cost remains close to the thermodynamic bound unless accuracy is extremely high. Additionally, we show that biomolecular reactions could be used in thermodynamically optimal devices under exogenous manipulation of chemical fuels, suggesting an experimental system for testing computational thermodynamics.Comment: Accepted versio

    Real-time fault diagnosis for propulsion systems

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    Current research toward real time fault diagnosis for propulsion systems at NASA-Lewis is described. The research is being applied to both air breathing and rocket propulsion systems. Topics include fault detection methods including neural networks, system modeling, and real time implementations

    Investigation of the transient fuel preburner manifold and combustor

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with finite rate reactions, FDNS, was developed to study the start transient of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) fuel preburner (FPB). FDNS is a time accurate, pressure based CFD code. An upwind scheme was employed for spatial discretization. The upwind scheme was based on second and fourth order central differencing with adaptive artificial dissipation. A state of the art two-equation k-epsilon (T) turbulence model was employed for the turbulence calculation. A Pade' Rational Solution (PARASOL) chemistry algorithm was coupled with the point implicit procedure. FDNS was benchmarked with three well documented experiments: a confined swirling coaxial jet, a non-reactive ramjet dump combustor, and a reactive ramjet dump combustor. Excellent comparisons were obtained for the benchmark cases. The code was then used to study the start transient of an axisymmetric SSME fuel preburner. Predicted transient operation of the preburner agrees well with experiment. Furthermore, it was also found that an appreciable amount of unburned oxygen entered the turbine stages

    Alpha-canonical form representation of the open loop dynamics of the Space Shuttle main engine

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    A parameter and structure estimation technique for multivariable systems is used to obtain a state space representation of open loop dynamics of the space shuttle main engine in alpha-canonical form. The parameterization being used is both minimal and unique. The simplified linear model may be used for fault detection studies and control system design and development
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