45,162 research outputs found

    Tadpole renormalization and relativistic corrections in lattice NRQCD

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    We make a comparison of two tadpole renormalization schemes in the context of the quarkonium hyperfine splittings in lattice NRQCD. Improved gauge-field and NRQCD actions are analyzed using the mean-link u0,Lu_{0,L} in Landau gauge, and using the fourth root of the average plaquette u0,Pu_{0,P}. Simulations are done for ccˉc\bar c, bcˉb\bar c, and bbˉb\bar b systems. The hyperfine splittings are computed both at leading and at next-to-leading order in the relativistic expansion. Results are obtained at lattice spacings in the range of about 0.14~fm to 0.38~fm. A number of features emerge, all of which favor tadpole renormalization using u0,Lu_{0,L}. This includes much better scaling behavior of the hyperfine splittings in the three quarkonium systems when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used. We also find that relativistic corrections to the spin splittings are smaller when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used, particularly for the ccˉc\bar c and bcˉb\bar c systems. We also see signs of a breakdown in the NRQCD expansion when the bare quark mass falls below about one in lattice units. Simulations with u0,Lu_{0,L} also appear to be better behaved in this context: the bare quark masses turn out to be larger when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used, compared to when u0,Pu_{0,P} is used on lattices with comparable spacings. These results also demonstrate the need to go beyond tree-level tadpole improvement for precision simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures (minor changes to some phraseology and references

    Quarkonium spin structure in lattice NRQCD

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    Numerical simulations of the quarkonium spin splittings are done in the framework of lattice nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD). At leading order in the velocity expansion the spin splittings are of O(MQv4)O(M_Q v^4), where MQM_Q is the renormalized quark mass and v2v^2 is the mean squared quark velocity. A systematic analysis is done of all next-to-leading order corrections. This includes the addition of O(MQv6)O(M_Q v^6) relativistic interactions, and the removal of O(a2MQv4)O(a^2 M_Q v^4) discretization errors in the leading-order interactions. Simulations are done for both S- and P-wave mesons, with a variety of heavy quark actions and over a wide range of lattice spacings. Two prescriptions for the tadpole improvement of the action are also studied in detail: one using the measured value of the average plaquette, the other using the mean link measured in Landau gauge. Next-to-leading order interactions result in a very large reduction in the charmonium splittings, down by about 60% from their values at leading order. There are further indications that the velocity expansion may be poorly convergent for charmonium. Prelimary results show a small correction to the hyperfine splitting in the Upsilon system.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX v3.1, 5 postscript figures include

    Thermospheric winds and temperatures above Mawson, Antarctica, observed with an all-sky imaging, Fabry-Perot spectrometer

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    A new all-sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometer has been installed at Mawson station (67°36' S, 62°52' E), Antarctica. This instrument is capable of recording independent spectra from many tens of locations across the sky simultaneously. Useful operation began in March 2007, with spectra recorded on a total of 186 nights. Initial analysis has focused on the large-scale daily and average behavior of winds and temperatures derived from observations of the 630.0 nm airglow line of atomic oxygen, originating from a broad layer centered around 240 km altitude, in the ionospheric F-region. <br><br> The 1993 Horizontal Wind Model (HWM93), NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model, and the Coupled Thermosphere/Ionosphere Plasmasphere (CTIP) model were used for comparison. During the geomagnetically quiet period studied, observed winds and temperatures were generally well modelled, although temperatures were consistently higher than NRLMSISE-00 predicted, by up to 100 K. CTIP temperatures better matched our data, particularly later in the night, but predicted zonal winds which were offset from those observed by 70–180 ms<sup>−1</sup> westward. During periods of increased activity both winds and temperatures showed much greater variability over time-scales of less than an hour. For the active night presented here, a period of 45 min saw wind speeds decrease by around 180 ms<sup>−1</sup>, and temperatures increase by approximately 100 K. Active-period winds were poorly modelled by HWM93 and CTIP, although observed median temperatures were in better agreement with NRLMSISE-00 during such periods. <br><br> Average behavior was found to be generally consistent with previous studies of thermospheric winds above Mawson. The collected data set was representative of quiet geomagnetic and solar conditions. Geographic eastward winds in the afternoon/evening generally continued until around local midnight, when winds turned equatorward. Geographic meridional and zonal winds in the afternoon were approximately 50 ms<sup>−1</sup> weaker than expected from HWM93, as was the transition to equatorward flow around midnight. There was also a negligible geographic zonal component to the post-midnight wind where HWM93 predicted strong westward flow. Average temperatures between 19:00 and 04:00 local solar time were around 60 K higher than predicted by NRLMSISE-00

    Knowledge tree: Putting discourse into computer‐based learning

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    Most CBL materials currently in use model only the declarative aspects of the learning process. If such courseware is used without careful planning, this can be dangerous because one of the most fundamental aspects of education is the dialogue that occurs between teachers and the students. Traditionally, this has taken place in informal discussions as well as in formal small‐group learning sessions such as the conventional tutorial. However, as the student‐staff ratio increases, so does the opportunity for this type of personal dialogue decrease. Modern networking technology offers a huge potential to add discourse to CBL, but there are many pedagogical problems involved with the intrinsically ephemeral and anarchic nature both of the Internet and of most conferencing or bulletin‐board systems. In this paper we describe a software system called Knowledge Tree (KT) which we have developed to address some of these issues. KT combines a hierarchical concept‐oriented database functionality with that of a Usenet‐style bulletin board Using this, a knowledge garden may be developed for any subject area. These each contain a hypermedia database of frequently asked questions, together with answers provided by subject experts. There is provision for inter‐student discussions of problems and issues. When students ask new questions these are automatically emailed to a relevant subject expert (determined by a subject‐specific concept thesaurus). The answer is then placed in the database which eventually grows to become a valuable teaching resource. KT is discipline‐independent as the concept thesaurus can be changed to encapsulate any domain of knowledge. We have used it in support of conventional lecture courses, as an important component of a multimedia course, and for general IT support. These examples illustrate the role that this system can play both in basic information provision, and in facilitating the discussion of deep issues

    Precision Upsilon Spectroscopy from Nonrelativistic Lattice QCD

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    The spectrum of the Upsilon system is investigated using the Nonrelativistic Lattice QCD approach to heavy quarks and ignoring light quark vacuum polarization. We find good agreement with experiment for the Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), Upsilon(3S) and for the center of mass and fine structure of the chi_b states. The lattice calculations predict b-bbar D-states with center of mass at (10.20 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.03)GeV. Fitting procedures aimed at extracting both ground and excited state energies are developed. We calculate a nonperturbative dispersion mass for the Upsilon(1S) and compare with tadpole-improved lattice perturbation theory.Comment: 8 pages, latex, SCRI-94-57, OHSTPY-HEP-T-94-00

    BB Decay Constants from NRQCD with Dynamical Fermions

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    We present a lattice investigation of the heavy-light meson decay constants using Wilson light quarks and NRQCD heavy quarks, partially including the effects of dynamical sea quarks. We calculate the pseudoscalar and vector decay constants over a wide range in heavy quark mass and are able to perform a detailed analysis of heavy quark symmetry. We find consistency between the extrapolation of the NRQCD results and the static case, as expected. We find the slope of the decay constants with 1/M1/M is significantly larger than naive expectations and the results of previous lattice calculations. For the first time we extract the non-perturbative coefficients of the slope arising from the O(1/M)O(1/M) heavy quark interactions separately and show the kinetic energy of the heavy quark is dominant and responsible for the large slope. In addition, we find that significant systematic errors remain in the decay constant extracted around the BB meson mass due to truncating the NRQCD series at O(1/M)O(1/M). We estimate the higher order contributions to fBf_B are approximately 20%20\%; roughly the same size as the systematic errors introduced by using the Wilson action for light quarks.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 14 postscript figure

    The Index Theorem and Universality Properties of the Low-lying Eigenvalues of Improved Staggered Quarks

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    We study various improved staggered quark Dirac operators on quenched gluon backgrounds in lattice QCD generated using a Symanzik-improved gluon action. We find a clear separation of the spectrum into would-be zero modes and others. The number of would-be zero modes depends on the topological charge as expected from the Index Theorem, and their chirality expectation value is large (approximately 0.7). The remaining modes have low chirality and show clear signs of clustering into quartets and approaching the random matrix theory predictions for all topological charge sectors. We conclude that improvement of the fermionic and gauge actions moves the staggered quarks closer to the continuum limit where they respond correctly to QCD topology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mesonic decay constants in lattice NRQCD

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    Lattice NRQCD with leading finite lattice spacing errors removed is used to calculate decay constants of mesons made up of heavy quarks. Quenched simulations are done with a tadpole improved gauge action containing plaquette and six-link rectangular terms. The tadpole factor is estimated using the Landau link. For each of the three values of the coupling constant considered, quarkonia are calculated for five masses spanning the range from charmonium through bottomonium, and one set of quark masses is tuned to the B(c). "Perturbative" and nonperturbative meson masses are compared. One-loop perturbative matching of lattice NRQCD with continuum QCD for the heavy-heavy vector and axial vector currents is performed. The data are consistent with the vector meson decay constants of quarkonia being proportional to the square root of their mass and the B(c) decay constant being equal to 420(13) MeV.Comment: 25 pages in REVTe
