3,078 research outputs found

    Surface composition of BaTiO3/SrTiO3(001) films grown by atomic oxygen plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy

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    We have investigated the growth of BaTiO3 thin films deposited on pure and 1% Nb-doped SrTiO3(001) single crystals using atomic oxygen assisted molecular beam epitaxy (AO-MBE) and dedicated Ba and Ti Knudsen cells. Thicknesses up to 30 nm were investigated for various layer compositions. We demonstrate 2D growth and epitaxial single crystalline BaTiO3 layers up to 10 nm before additional 3D features appear; lattice parameter relaxation occurs during the first few nanometers and is completed at {\guillemotright}10 nm. The presence of a Ba oxide rich top layer that probably favors 2D growth is evidenced for well crystallized layers. We show that the Ba oxide rich top layer can be removed by chemical etching. The present work stresses the importance of stoichiometry and surface composition of BaTiO3 layers, especially in view of their integration in devices.Comment: In press in J. Appl. Phy

    Local Dynamics and Strong Correlation Physics I: 1D and 2D Half-filled Hubbard Models

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    We report on a non-perturbative approach to the 1D and 2D Hubbard models that is capable of recovering both strong and weak-coupling limits. We first show that even when the on-site Coulomb repulsion, U, is much smaller than the bandwith, the Mott-Hubbard gap never closes at half-filling in both 1D and 2D. Consequently, the Hubbard model at half-filling is always in the strong-coupling non-perturbative regime. For both large and small U, we find that the population of nearest-neighbour singlet states approaches a value of order unity as T0T\to 0 as would be expected for antiferromagnetic order. We also find that the double occupancy is a smooth monotonic function of U and approaches the anticipated non-interacting limit and large U limits. Finally, in our results for the heat capacity in 1D differ by no more than 1% from the Bethe ansatz predictions. In addition, we find that in 2D, the heat capacity vs T for different values of U exhibits a universal crossing point at two characteristic temperatures as is seen experimentally in a wide range of strongly-correlated systems such as 3He^3He, UBe3UBe_3, and CeCu6xAlxCeCu_{6-x}Al_x. The success of this method in recovering well-established results that stem fundamentally from the Coulomb interaction suggests that local dynamics are at the heart of the physics of strongly correlated systems.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures included in text, Final version for publication with a reference added and minor corrections. Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    A Polynomial Spectral Calculus for Analysis of DG Spectral Element Methods

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    We introduce a polynomial spectral calculus that follows from the summation by parts property of the Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature. We use the calculus to simplify the analysis of two multidimensional discontinuous Galerkin spectral element approximations

    Finite Temperature Density Instability at High Landau Level Occupancy

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    We study here the onset of charge density wave instabilities in quantum Hall systems at finite temperature for Landau level filling ν>4\nu>4. Specific emphasis is placed on the role of disorder as well as an in-plane magnetic field. Beyond some critical value, disorder is observed to suppress the charge density wave melting temperature to zero. In addition, we find that a transition from perpendicular to parallel stripes (relative to the in-plane magnetic field) exists when the electron gas thickness exceeds 60\approx 60\AA. The perpendicular alignment of the stripes is in agreement with the experimental finding that the easy conduction direction is perpendicular to the in-plane field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures. We show explicitly that a transition from perpendicular to parallel stripes (relative to the in-plane magnetic field) exists when the electron gas thickness exceeds 60\approx 60\AA. The perpendicular alignment of the stripes is in agreement with the experimental finding that the easy conduction direction is perpendicular to the in-plane fiel

    Membranous nephropathy in the UK Biobank

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    Background Despite MN being one of the most common causes of nephrotic syndrome worldwide, its biological and environmental determinants are poorly understood in large-part due to it being a rare disease. Making use of the UK Biobank, a unique resource holding a clinical dataset and stored DNA, serum and urine for ~500,000 participants, this study aims to address this gap in understanding. Methods The primary outcome was putative MN as defined by ICD-10 codes occurring in the UK Biobank. Univariate relative risk regression modelling was used to assess the associations between the incidence of MN and related phenotypes with sociodemographic, environmental exposures, and previously described increased-risk SNPs. Results 502,507 patients were included in the study of whom 100 were found to have a putative diagnosis of MN; 36 at baseline and 64 during the follow-up. Prevalence at baseline and last follow-up were 72 and 199 cases/million respectively. At baseline, as expected, the majority of those previously diagnosed with MN had proteinuria, and there was already evidence of proteinuria in patients diagnosed within the first 5 years of follow-up. The highest incidence rate for MN in patients was seen in those homozygous for the high-risk alleles (9.9/100,000 person-years). Conclusion It is feasible to putatively identify patients with MN in the UK Biobank and cases are still accumulating. This study shows the chronicity of disease with proteinuria present years before diagnosis. Genetics plays an important role in disease pathogenesis, with the at-risk group providing a potential population for recall

    Miniinvasive approach in esophageal tumoral pathology

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    Institultul Clinic Fundeni - Clinica Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Chirurgia esofagiană este grevată de morbiditate şi mortalitate crescute legate în special de trauma chirurgicală. Abordul miniinvaziv are ca scop optimizarea acestor parametrii prin diminuarea traumei chirurgicale. Este prezentată experienţa Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic “Dan Setlacec” din Institutul Clinic Fundeni în abordul miniinvaziv în patologia tumorală esofagiană.Morbidity and mortality in esophageal resection remain high, due especially to surgical injury. Miniinvasive surgical approach is used in order to decrease both parameters, by lowering surgical associated trauma.The aim of this study is to analyze the outcome of patients reffered for miniinvasive esophageal resection in Center for General Surgery and Liver Transplantation “Dan Setlacec” from Fundeni Clinical Institute

    Modulation Induced Phase Transition from Fractional Quantum Hall to Stripe State at nu=5/3

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    We have investigated the effect of unidirectional periodic potential modulation on the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state at filling factors nu=5/3 and 4/3. For large enough modulation amplitude, we find that the resistivity minimum at nu=5/3 gives way to a peak that grows with decreasing temperature. Density matrix renormalization group calculation reveals that phase transition from FQH state to unidirectional striped state having a period sim 4 l (with l the magnetic length) takes place at nu=1/3 (equivalent to nu=5/3 by the particle-hole symmetry) with the increase of the modulation amplitude, suggesting that the observed peak is the manifestation of the stripe phase.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; minor revisio

    Topological semimetal in a fermionic optical lattice

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    Optical lattices play a versatile role in advancing our understanding of correlated quantum matter. The recent implementation of orbital degrees of freedom in chequerboard and hexagonal optical lattices opens up a new thrust towards discovering novel quantum states of matter, which have no prior analogs in solid state electronic materials. Here, we demonstrate that an exotic topological semimetal emerges as a parity-protected gapless state in the orbital bands of a two-dimensional fermionic optical lattice. The new quantum state is characterized by a parabolic band-degeneracy point with Berry flux 2π2\pi, in sharp contrast to the π\pi flux of Dirac points as in graphene. We prove that the appearance of this topological liquid is universal for all lattices with D4_4 point group symmetry as long as orbitals with opposite parities hybridize strongly with each other and the band degeneracy is protected by odd parity. Turning on inter-particle repulsive interactions, the system undergoes a phase transition to a topological insulator whose experimental signature includes chiral gapless domain-wall modes, reminiscent of quantum Hall edge states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures and Supplementary Informatio