7,157 research outputs found

    Flow over a cylinder subjected to combined translational and rotational oscillations

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    The experimental research reported here employs particle image velocimetry to extend the study of Nazarinia et al. (2009a), recording detailed vorticity fields in the near-wake of a circular cylinder undergoing combined translational and rotational oscillatory motions. The focus of the present study is to examine the effect of the ratio between the cross-stream translational and rotational velocities and frequencies on the synchronization of the near- wake structures for multiple phase differences between the two motions. The frequencies are fixed close to that of the natural frequency of vortex shedding. The results are presented for a fixed amplitude of rotational oscillation of 1 rad and a range of ratios between the translational and rotational velocities ðVRÞ 1⁄4 1⁄20:25,0:5,1:0,1:

    Harnessing Electrical Power from Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Circular Cylinder

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    The generation of electrical power from Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) of a cylinder is investigated numerically. The cylinder is free to oscillate in the direction transverse to the incoming flow. The cylinder is attached to a magnet that can move along the axis of a coil made from conducting wire. The magnet and the coil together constitute a basic electrical generator. When the cylinder undergoes VIV, the motion of the magnet creates a voltage across the coil, which is connected to a resistive load. By Lenz's law, induced current in the coil applies a retarding force to the magnet. Effectively, the electrical generator applies a damping force on the cylinder with a spatially varying damping coefficient. For the initial investigation reported here, the Reynolds number is restricted to Re < 200, so that the flow is laminar and two-dimensional (2D). The incompressible 2D Navier-Stokes equations are solved using an extensively validated spectral-element based solver. The effects of the electromagnetic (EM) damping constant xi_m, coil dimensions (radius a, length L), and mass ratio on the electrical power extracted are quantified. It is found that there is an optimal value of xi_m (xi_opt) at which maximum electrical power is generated. As the radius or length of the coil is increased, the value of xi_opt is observed to increase. Although the maximum average power remains the same, a larger coil radius or length results in a more robust system in the sense that a relatively large amount of power can be extracted when xi_m is far from xi_opt, unlike the constant damping ratio case. The average power output is also a function of Reynolds number, primarily through the increased maximum oscillation amplitude that occurs with increased Reynolds number at least within the laminar range, although the general qualitative findings seem likely to carry across to high Reynolds number VIV

    Why do firms hold so much cash? A tax-based explanation

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    U.S. corporations hold significant amounts of cash on their balance sheets, and these cash holdings have been justified in the existing empirical literature by transaction costs and precautionary motives. An additional explanation, considered in this study, is that U.S. multinational firms hold cash in their foreign subsidiaries because of the tax costs associated with repatriating foreign income. Consistent with this hypothesis, firms that face higher repatriation tax burdens hold higher levels of cash, hold this cash abroad, and hold this cash in affiliates that trigger high tax costs when repatriating earnings. Estimates indicate that a one standard deviation increase in the tax burden from repatriating foreign income is associated with a 7.9% increase in the ratio of cash to net assets. In addition, certain firms, specifically those that are less financially constrained domestically and those that are more technology intensive, exhibit a higher sensitivity of affiliate cash holdings to repatriation tax burdens.

    Study of aerodynamic technology for single-cruise-engine VSTOL fighter/attack aircraft, phase 1

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    A conceptual design and analysis on a single engine VSTOL fighter/attack aircraft is completed. The aircraft combines a NASA/deHavilland ejector with vectored thrust and is capable of accomplishing the mission and point performance of type Specification 169, and a flight demonstrator could be built with an existing F101/DFE engine. The aerodynamic, aero/propulsive, and propulsive uncertainties are identified, and a wind tunnel program is proposed to address those uncertainties associated with wing borne flight

    Math modeling for helicopter simulation of low speed, low altitude and steeply descending flight

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    A math model was formulated to represent some of the aerodynamic effects of low speed, low altitude, and steeply descending flight. The formulation is intended to be consistent with the single rotor real time simulation model at NASA Ames Research Center. The effect of low speed, low altitude flight on main rotor downwash was obtained by assuming a uniform plus first harmonic inflow model and then by using wind tunnel data in the form of hub loads to solve for the inflow coefficients. The result was a set of tables for steady and first harmonic inflow coefficients as functions of ground proximity, angle of attack, and airspeed. The aerodynamics associated with steep descending flight in the vortex ring state were modeled by replacing the steady induced downwash derived from momentum theory with an experimentally derived value and by including a thrust fluctuations effect due to vortex shedding. Tables of the induced downwash and the magnitude of the thrust fluctuations were created as functions of angle of attack and airspeed

    Efficient excitation of a two level atom by a single photon in a propagating mode

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    State mapping between atoms and photons, and photon-photon interactions play an important role in scalable quantum information processing. We consider the interaction of a two-level atom with a quantized \textit{propagating} pulse in free space and study the probability Pe(t)P_e(t) of finding the atom in the excited state at any time tt. This probability is expected to depend on (i) the quantum state of the pulse field and (ii) the overlap between the pulse and the dipole pattern of the atomic spontaneous emission. We show that the second effect is captured by a single parameter Λ[0,8π/3]\Lambda\in[0,8\pi/3], obtained by weighting the dipole pattern with the numerical aperture. Then Pe(t)P_e(t) can be obtained by solving time-dependent Heisenberg-Langevin equations. We provide detailed solutions for both single photon Fock state and coherent states and for various temporal shapes of the pulses.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Modification of three-dimensional transition in the wake of a rotationally oscillating cylinder

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    A study of the flow past an oscillatory rotating cylinder has been conducted, where the frequency of oscillation has been matched to the natural frequency of the vortex street generated in the wake of a stationary cylinder, at Reynolds number 300. The focus is on the wake transition to three-dimensional flow and, in particular, the changes induced in this transition by the addition of the oscillatory rotation. Using Floquet stability analysis, it is found that the fine-scale three-dimensional mode that typically dominates the wake at a Reynolds number beyond that at the second transition to three-dimensional flow (referred to as mode B) is suppressed for amplitudes of rotation beyond a critical amplitude, in agreement with past studies. However, the rotation does not suppress the development of three-dimensionality completely, as other modes are discovered that would lead to three-dimensional flow. In particular, the longer-wavelength mode that leads the three-dimensional transition in the wake of a stationary cylinder (referred to as mode A) is left essentially unaffected at low amplitudes of rotation. At higher amplitudes of oscillation, mode A is also suppressed as the two-dimensional near wake changes in character from a single- to a double- row wake; however, another mode is predicted to render the flow three-dimensional, dubbed mode D (for double row). This mode has the same spatio-temporal symmetries as mode A

    Airborne measurements of tropospheric ozone destruction and particulate bromide formation in the Arctic

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    Aircraft profiles of O3 concentrations over the Arctic ice pack in spring exhibit a depletion of O3 beneath the surface temperature inversion. One such profile from the NOAA WP-3D Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP) flights in April, 1986 north of Alert, NWT (YLT, 82.5 N) is shown. The gradient of O3 across the temperature inversion, which is essentially a step function from tropospheric values (35 to 40 ppbv) to 0, is somewhat masked by a 1-min running mean applied to the data. Evidence is presented that O3 destruction beneath the Arctic temperature inversion is the result of a photochemical reaction between gaseous Br compounds and O3 to produce particulate Br aerosol. It is noted that in springtime, O3 at the Alert Baseline Station regularly decreases from 30 to 40 ppbv to near 0 over the period of a few hours to a day. At the same time, there is a production of particulate Br with a near 1.0 anti-correlation to O3 concentration. Surface concentrations of bromoform in the Arctic exhibit a rapid decrease following polar sunrise. AGASP aircraft measurements of filterable bromine particulates in the Arctic (March-April, 1983 and 1986) are shown. The greatest concentrations of Br aerosol (shown as enrichment factors relative to to Na in seawater, EFBR (Na)) were observed in samples collected beneath the surface temperature inversion over ice. Samples collected at the same altitude over open ocean (off Spitzbergen) labeled Marine did not exhibit similar Br enrichments. A second region of particulate Br enrichment was observed in the lower stratosphere, which regularly descends to below 500 mb (5.5 km) in the high Arctic. The NOAA WP-3D flew in the stratosphere on all AGASP flights and occasionally measured O3 concentrations in excess of 300 ppbv