1,116 research outputs found

    Density minimum and liquid-liquid phase transition

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    We present a high-resolution computer simulation study of the equation of state of ST2 water, evaluating the liquid-state properties at 2718 state points, and precisely locating the liquid-liquid critical point (LLCP) occurring in this model. We are thereby able to reveal the interconnected set of density anomalies, spinodal instabilities and response function extrema that occur in the vicinity of a LLCP for the case of a realistic, off-lattice model of a liquid with local tetrahedral order. In particular, we unambiguously identify a density minimum in the liquid state, define its relationship to other anomalies, and show that it arises due to the approach of the liquid structure to a defect-free random tetrahedral network of hydrogen bonds.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Noro-Frenkel scaling in short-range square well: A Potential Energy Landscape study

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    We study the statistical properties of the potential energy landscape of a system of particles interacting via a very short-range square-well potential (of depth −u0-u_0), as a function of the range of attraction Δ\Delta to provide thermodynamic insights of the Noro and Frenkel [ M.G. Noro and D. Frenkel, J.Chem.Phys. {\bf 113}, 2941 (2000)] scaling. We exactly evaluate the basin free energy and show that it can be separated into a {\it vibrational} (Δ\Delta-dependent) and a {\it floppy} (Δ\Delta-independent) component. We also show that the partition function is a function of ΔeÎČuo\Delta e^{\beta u_o}, explaining the equivalence of the thermodynamics for systems characterized by the same second virial coefficient. An outcome of our approach is the possibility of counting the number of floppy modes (and their entropy).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures accepted for publication on PR

    Saddles and softness in simple model liquids

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    We report a numerical study of saddles properties of the potential energy landscape for soft spheres with different softness, i.e. different power n of the interparticle repulsive potential. We find that saddle-based quantities rescale into master curves once energies and temperatures are scaled by mode-coupling temperature T_MCT, confirming and generalizing previous findings obtained for Lennard-Jones like models.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Diffusion Anomaly in an Associating Lattice Gas Model

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    We investigate the relation between thermodynamic and dynamic properties of an associating lattice gas (ALG) model. The ALG combines a two dimensional lattice gas with particles interacting through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. From the competition between the directional attractive forces and the soft core potential results two liquid phases, double criticality and density anomaly. We study the mobility of the molecules in this model by calculating the diffusion constant at a constant temperature, DD. We show that DD has a maximum at a density ρmax\rho_{max} and a minimum at a density ρmin<ρmax\rho_{min}<\rho_{max}. Between these densities the diffusivity differs from the one expected for normal liquids. We also show that in the pressure-temperature phase-diagram the line of extrema in diffusivity is close to the liquid-liquid critical point and it is inside the temperature of maximum density (TMD) line.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Structure and phase behavior of colloidal dumbbells with tunable attractive interactions

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    We investigate thermodynamic and structural properties of colloidal dumbbells in the framework provided by the Reference Interaction Site Model (RISM) theory of molecular fluids and Monte Carlo simulations. We consider two different models: in the first one we set identical square-well attractions on the two tangent spheres composing the molecule (SW-SW model); in the second scheme, one of square-well interactions is switched off (HS-SW model). Appreciable differences emerge between the physical properties of the two models. Specifically, the k→0k \to 0 behavior of SW-SW structure factors S(k)S(k) points to the presence of a gas-liquid coexistence, as confirmed by subsequent fluid phase equilibria calculations. Conversely, the HS-SW S(k)S(k) develops a low-kk peak, signaling the presence of aggregates; such a process destabilizes the gas-liquid phase separation, promoting at low temperatures the formation of a cluster phase, whose structure depends on the system density. We further investigate such differences by studying the phase behavior of a series of intermediate models, obtained from the original SW-SW by progressively reducing the depth of one square-well interaction. RISM structural predictions positively reproduce the simulation data, including the rise of S(k→0S(k \to 0) in the SW-SW model and the low-kk peak in the HS-SW structure factor. As for the phase behavior, RISM agrees with Monte Carlo simulations in predicting a gas-liquid coexistence for the SW-SW model (though the critical parameters appears overestimated by the theory) and its progressive disappearance moving toward the HS-SW model.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, 78 reference

    Thermodynamic and structural aspects of the potential energy surface of simulated water

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    Relations between the thermodynamics and dynamics of supercooled liquids approaching a glass transition have been proposed over many years. The potential energy surface of model liquids has been increasingly studied since it provides a connection between the configurational component of the partition function on one hand, and the system dynamics on the other. This connection is most obvious at low temperatures, where the motion of the system can be partitioned into vibrations within a basin of attraction and infrequent inter-basin transitions. In this work, we present a description of the potential energy surface properties of supercooled liquid water. The dynamics of this model has been studied in great details in the last years. Specifically, we locate the minima sampled by the liquid by ``quenches'' from equilibrium configurations generated via molecular dynamics simulations. We calculate the temperature and density dependence of the basin energy, degeneracy, and shape. The temperature dependence of the energy of the minima is qualitatively similar to simple liquids, but has anomalous density dependence. The unusual density dependence is also reflected in the configurational entropy, the thermodynamic measure of degeneracy. Finally, we study the structure of simulated water at the minima, which provides insight on the progressive tetrahedral ordering of the liquid on cooling

    Discovery of X-ray emission from the proto-stellar jet L1551 IRS5 (HH 154)

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    We have for the first time detected X-ray emission associated with a proto-stellar jet, on the jet emanating from L1551 IRS5. The IRS5 proto-star is hidden beyond a very large absorbing column density, making the direct observation of the jet's emission possible. The observed X-ray emission is likely associated with the shock ``working surface'', i.e. the interface between the jet and the circumstellar medium. The X-ray luminosity emanating from the jet is moderate, at LX ~ 3 times 10^29 erg/s, a significant fraction of the luminosity normally associated with the coronal emission from young stars. The spectrum of the X-ray emission is compatible with thermal emission from a hot plasma, with T ~ 0.5 MK, fully compatible with the temperature expected (on the basis of the jet's velocity) for the shock front produced by the jet hitting the circumstellar medium.Comment: To appear in "Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM Era", ASP Conference Series in press, F. Favata & J. Drake ed

    Dynamics in a supercooled molecular liquid: Theory and Simulations

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    We report extensive simulations of liquid supercooled states for a simple three-sites molecular model, introduced by Lewis and Wahnstr"om [L. J. Lewis and G. Wahnstr"om, Phys. Rev. E 50, 3865 (1994)] to mimic the behavior of ortho-terphenyl. The large system size and the long simulation length allow to calculate very precisely --- in a large q-vector range --- self and collective correlation functions, providing a clean and simple reference model for theoretical descriptions of molecular liquids in supercooled states. The time and wavevector dependence of the site-site correlation functions are compared with detailed predictions based on ideal mode-coupling theory, neglecting the molecular constraints. Except for the wavevector region where the dynamics is controlled by the center of mass (around 9 nm-1), the theoretical predictions compare very well with the simulation data.

    Test of the semischematic model for a liquid of linear molecules

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    We apply to a liquid of linear molecules the semischematic mode-coupling model, previously introduced to describe the center of mass (COM) slow dynamics of a network-forming molecular liquid. We compare the theoretical predictions and numerical results from a molecular dynamics simulation, both for the time and the wave-vector dependence of the COM density-density correlation function. We discuss the relationship between the presented analysis and the results from an approximate solution of the equations from molecular mode-coupling theory [R. Schilling and T. Scheidsteger, Phys. Rev. E 56 2932 (1997)].Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 4 figure
