7 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological and molecular genetic evidence for sympatrically occuring cryptic species in African weakly electric fishes (Teleostei : Mormyridae : Campylomormyrus)

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    For two sympatric species of African weakly electric fish, Campylomormyrus tamandua and Campylomormyrus numenius, we monitored ontogenetic differentiation in electric organ discharge (EOD) and established a molecular phylogeny, based on 2222 bp from cytochrome b, the S7 ribosomal protein gene, and four flanking regions of unlinked microsatellite loci. In C tamandua, there is one common EOD type, regardless of age and sex, whereas in C numenius we were able to identify three different male adult EOD waveform types, which emerged from a single common EOD observed in juveniles. Two of these EOD types formed well supported clades in our phylogenetic analysis. In an independent line of evidence, we were able to affirm the classification into three groups by microsatellite data. The correct assignment and the high pairwise FST values support our hypothesis that these groups are reproductively isolated. We propose that in C numenius there are cryptic species, hidden behind similar and, at least as juveniles, identical morphs. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Effect of conductivity changes on the stability of electric signal waveforms in dwarf stonebashers (Mormyridae; Pollimyrus castelnaui, P. marianne).

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    The dwarf stonebasher sibling species Pollimyrus castelnaui and P. marianne use differences in the electric organ discharges (EODs) for species recognition. As EOD waveforms are affected by water conductivity changes, the reliability of species recognition might be impeded due to natural variability in the environment. EODs of P. castelnaui (N = 8) and P. marianne (N = 8) under high (250 µS/cm) and low (25 µS/cm) conductivity were recorded and compared. Local peaks of the EODs of both species were significantly and predictably modified due to the conductivity change but species-specific differences were always recognizable. The duration of the EODs was not influenced by the conductivity change. Temperature alterations modified the duration in a linear relationship, allowing the determination of Q10 values (1.6 for P. castelnaui's and 1.7 for P. marianne's EODs). As the species-specific differences are not masked by conductivity effects, EOD discrimination seems to be a reliable species recognition mechanism under natural circumstances


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    Preventing the formation of insoluble polyglutamine containing protein aggregates in neurons may represent an attractive therapeutic strategy to ameliorate Huntington's disease (HD). Therefore, the ability to screen for small molecules that suppress the self-assembly of huntingtin would have potential clinical and significant research applications. We have developed an automated filter retardation assay for the rapid identification of chemical compounds that prevent HD exon 1 protein aggregation in vitro. Using this method, a total of 25 benzothiazole derivatives that inhibit huntingtin fibrillogenesis in a dose-dependent manner were discovered from a library of 184,000 small molecules. The results obtained by the filter assay were confirmed by immunoblotting, electron microscopy, and mass spectrometry. Furthermore, cell culture studies revealed that 2-amino-4,7-dimethyl-benzothiazol-6-ol, a chemical compound similar to riluzole, significantly inhibits HD exon 1 aggregation in vivo. These findings may provide the basis for a new therapeutic approach to prevent the accumulation of insoluble protein aggregates in Huntington's disease and related glutamine repeat disorders

    Identification of benzothiazoles as potential polyglutamine aggregation inhibitors of Huntington's disease by using an automated filter retardation assay

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    Preventing the formation of insoluble polyglutamine containing protein aggregates in neurons may represent an attractive therapeutic strategy to ameliorate Huntington's disease (HD). Therefore, the ability to screen for small molecules that suppress the self-assembly of huntingtin would have potential clinical and significant research applications. We have developed an automated filter retardation assay for the rapid identification of chemical compounds that prevent HD exon 1 protein aggregation in vitro. Using this method, a total of 25 benzothiazole derivatives that inhibit huntingtin fibrillogenesis in a dose-dependent manner were discovered from a library of ≈184,000 small molecules. The results obtained by the filter assay were confirmed by immunoblotting, electron microscopy, and mass spectrometry. Furthermore, cell culture studies revealed that 2-amino-4,7-dimethyl-benzothiazol-6-ol, a chemical compound similar to riluzole, significantly inhibits HD exon 1 aggregation in vivo. These findings may provide the basis for a new therapeutic approach to prevent the accumulation of insoluble protein aggregates in Huntington's disease and related glutamine repeat disorders

    Identification of benzothiazoles as potential polyglutamine aggregation inhibitors of Huntington’s disease by using an automated filter retardation assay

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    Preventing the formation of insoluble polyglutamine containing protein aggregates in neurons may represent an attractive therapeutic strategy to ameliorate Huntington's disease (HD). Therefore, the ability to screen for small molecules that suppress the self-assembly of huntingtin would have potential clinical and significant research applications. We have developed an automated filter retardation assay for the rapid identification of chemical compounds that prevent HD exon 1 protein aggregation in vitro. Using this method, a total of 25 benzothiazole derivatives that inhibit huntingtin fibrillogenesis in a dose-dependent manner were discovered from a library of 184,000 small molecules. The results obtained by the filter assay were confirmed by immunoblotting, electron microscopy, and mass spectrometry. Furthermore, cell culture studies revealed that 2-amino-4,7-dimethyl-benzothiazol-6-ol, a chemical compound similar to riluzole, significantly inhibits HD exon 1 aggregation in vivo. These findings may provide the basis for a new therapeutic approach to prevent the accumulation of insoluble protein aggregates in Huntington's disease and related glutamine repeat disorders

    An arginine/lysine-rich motif is crucial for VCP/p97-mediated modulation of ataxin-3 fibrillogenesis

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    Arginine/lysine-rich motifs typically function as targeting signals for the translocation of proteins to the nucleus. Here, we demonstrate that such a motif consisting of four basic amino acids in the polyglutamine protein ataxin-3 (Atx-3) serves as a recognition site for the interaction with the molecular chaperone VCP. Through this interaction, VCP modulates the fibrillogenesis of pathogenic forms of Atx-3 in a concentration-dependent manner, with low concentrations of VCP stimulating fibrillogenesis and excess concentrations suppressing it. No such effect was observed with a mutant Atx-3 variant, which does not contain a functional VCP interaction motif. Strikingly, a stretch of four basic amino acids in the ubiquitin chain assembly factor E4B was also discovered to be critical for VCP binding, indicating that arginine/lysine-rich motifs might be generally utilized by VCP for the targeting of proteins. In vivo studies with Drosophila models confirmed that VCP selectively modulates aggregation and neurotoxicity induced by pathogenic Atx-3. Together, these results define the VCP–Atx-3 association as a potential target for therapeutic intervention and suggest that it might influence the progression of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3