40,241 research outputs found

    Thriving not just surviving: A review of research on teacher resilience

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    Retaining teachers in the early stages of the profession is a major issue of concern in many countries. Teacher resilience is a relatively recent area of investigation which provides a way of understanding what enables teachers to persist in the face of challenges and offers a complementary perspective to studies of stress, burnout and attrition. We have known for many years that teaching can be stressful, particularly for new teachers, but little appears to have changed. This paper reviews recent empirical studies related to the resilience of early career teachers. Resilience is shown to be the outcome of a dynamic relationship between individual risk and protective factors. Individual attributes such as altruistic motives and high self-efficacy are key individual protective factors. Contextual challenges or risk factors and contextual supports or protective factors can come from sources such as school administration, colleagues, and pupils. Challenges for the future are to refine conceptualisations of teacher resilience and to develop and examine interventions in multiple contexts. There are many opportunities for those who prepare, employ and work with prospective and new teachers to reduce risk factors and enhance protective factors and so enable new teachers to thrive, not just survive

    Study of pickup of cometary ions in turbulent solar winds

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    The influence of moderately strong magnetic disturbances on the ion pickup process near a comet is studied by a test-particle method. The research is motivated by recent observations with ICE and Giotto at Giacobini-Zinner and Halley. In this numerical study, the intrinsic hydromagnetic turbulence is modelled based on the Giotto and ICE data. The time evolution of the distribution function of the newborn ions is investigated. It is found that, when the level of the intrinsic turbulence is sufficiently high, the pickup ions can form a shell distribution function rapidly. The typical time scale for such a process is of the order of a couple of ion gyroperiods. On the other hand, if the turbulence is not strong, the pickup ions usually form an incomplete shell in the initial stage. The results seem to be consistent with available observations

    Surface roughness detector Patent

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    Roughness detector for recording surface pattern of irregularitie

    Use of remote sensing techniques for geological hazard surveys in vegetated urban regions

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    The feasibility of using aerial photography for lithologic differentiation in a heavily vegetated region is investigated using multispectral imagery obtained from LANDSAT satellite and aircraft-borne photography. Delineating and mapping of localized vegetal zones can be accomplished by the use of remote sensing because a difference in morphology and physiology results in different natural reflectances or signatures. An investigation was made to show that these local plant zones are affected by altitude, topography, weathering, and gullying; but are controlled by lithology. Therefore, maps outlining local plant zones were used as a basis for lithologic map construction

    Exploring whole body interaction and design for museums

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    Museums increasingly use digital technology to enhance exhibition experiences for families, notably in relation to physically mediated installations for young children through natural user interfaces. Yet little is known about how families and children engage with such installations and the kinds of interactive experiences they engender in museum spaces. This paper addresses a pressing need for research to adopt an analytical focus on the body during such digitally mediated interactions in order to understand how bodily interaction contributes to meaning making in the museum context. It reports an observation study of families and children interacting with a whole-body interface (using Kinect) in the context of an installation in a museum exhibit on rare Chinese paintings. The study shows how the installation design engenders particular forms of bodily interaction, collaboration and meaning making. It also contributes design insights into whole-body interaction installations in museums and public spaces

    Mobile experiences of historical place: a multimodal analysis of emotional engagement

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    This article explores how to research the opportunities for emotional engagement that mobile technologies provide for the design and enactment of learning environments. In the context of mobile technologies that foster location-based linking, we make the case for the centrality of in situ real-time observational research on how emotional engagement unfolds and for the inclusion of bodily aspects of interaction. We propose that multimodal methods offer tools for observing emotion as a central facet of personā€“environment interaction and provide an example of these methods put into practice for a study of emotional engagement in mobile history learning. A multimodal analysis of video data from 16 pairs of 9- to 10-year-olds learning about the World War II history of their local Common is used to illustrate how studentsā€™ emotional engagement was supported by their use of mobile devices through multimodal layering and linking of stimuli, the creation of digital artifacts, and changes in pace. These findings are significant for understanding the role of digital augmentation in fostering emotional engagement in history learning, informing how digital augmentation can be designed to effectively foster emotional engagement for learning, and providing insight into the benefits of multimodality as an analytical approach for examining emotion through bodily interaction

    Phenolic cutter for machining foam insulation

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    Pre-pregged fiber glass is an efficient abrasive for machining polystyrene and polyurethane foams. It bonds easily to any cutter base made of aluminum, steel, or phenolic, is inexpensive, and is readily available

    Molecules, ices and astronomy

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    Molecules in interstellar gas and in interstellar ices play a fundamental role in astronomy. However, the formation of the simplest molecule, molecular hydrogen, is still not fully understood. Similarly, although interstellar ice analogues have received much attention in the laboratory, the evolution of ices in the interstellar medium still requires further study. At UCL we have developed two separate experiments to address these issues and explore the following questions: How is H formed on dust-grain surfaces? What is the budget between internal, kinetic and surface energies in the formation process? What are the astronomical consequences of these results? For ices, we ask: How do molecules desorb from pure and from mixed ices in regions warmed by newly formed stars? What can molecules released from ices tell us about the star-formation process? We put our results in the context of other laboratory work and we describe their application to current problems in astronomy

    Tidal interaction in binary black hole inspiral

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    In rotating viscous fluid stars, tidal torque leads to an exchange of spin and orbital angular momentum. The horizon of a black hole has an effective viscosity that is large compared to that of stellar fluids, and an effective tidal torque may lead to important effects in the strong field interaction at the endpoint of the inspiral of two rapidly rotating holes. In the most interesting case both holes are maximally rotating and all angular momenta (orbital and spins) are aligned. We point out here that in such a case (i) the transfer of angular momentum may have an important effect in modifying the gravitational wave ``chirp'' at the endpoint of inspiral. (ii) The tidal transfer of spin energy to orbital energy may increase the amount of energy being radiated. (iii) Tidal transfer in such systems may provide a mechanism for shedding excess angular momentum. We argue that numerical relativity, the only tool for determining the importance of tidal torque, should be more specifically focused on binary configurations with aligned, large, angular momenta.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Integrating visual and tactile information in the perirhinal cortex

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    By virtue of its widespread afferent projections, perirhinal cortex is thought to bind polymodal information into abstract object-level representations. Consistent with this proposal, deficits in cross-modal integration have been reported after perirhinal lesions in nonhuman primates. It is therefore surprising that imaging studies of humans have not observed perirhinal activation during visualā€“tactile object matching. Critically, however, these studies did not differentiate between congruent and incongruent trials. This is important because successful integration can only occur when polymodal information indicates a single object (congruent) rather than different objects (incongruent). We scanned neurologically intact individuals using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while they matched shapes. We found higher perirhinal activation bilaterally for cross-modal (visualā€“tactile) than unimodal (visualā€“visual or tactileā€“tactile) matching, but only when visual and tactile attributes were congruent. Our results demonstrate that the human perirhinal cortex is involved in cross-modal, visualā€“tactile, integration and, thus, indicate a functional homology between human and monkey perirhinal cortices
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