1,477 research outputs found

    (In)finite extensions of algebras from their Inonu-Wigner contractions

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    The way to obtain massive non-relativistic states from the Poincare algebra is twofold. First, following Inonu and Wigner the Poincare algebra has to be contracted to the Galilean one. Second, the Galilean algebra is to be extended to include the central mass operator. We show that the central extension might be properly encoded in the non-relativistic contraction. In fact, any Inonu-Wigner contraction of one algebra to another, corresponds to an infinite tower of abelian extensions of the latter. The proposed method is straightforward and holds for both central and non-central extensions. Apart from the Bargmann (non-zero mass) extension of the Galilean algebra, our list of examples includes the Weyl algebra obtained from an extension of the contracted SO(3) algebra, the Carrollian (ultra-relativistic) contraction of the Poincare algebra, the exotic Newton-Hooke algebra and some others. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Laurent Houart (1967-2011).Comment: 7 pages, revtex style; v2: Minor corrections, references added; v3: Typos correcte

    Scalar Kaluza-Klein modes in a multiply warped braneworld

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    The Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of a massive scalar field on a 3-brane embedded in six dimensional multiply warped spacetime are determined. Due to the presence of warping along both the extra dimensions the KK mass spectrum splits into two closely spaced branches which is a distinct feature of this model compared to the five dimensional Randall-Sundrum model. This new cluster of the KK mode spectrum is expected to have interesting phenomenological implications for the upcoming collider experiments. Such a scenario may also be extended for even larger number of orbifolded extra dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, Revte

    The (p,q) String Tension in a Warped Deformed Conifold

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    We find the tension spectrum of the bound states of p fundamental strings and q D-strings at the bottom of a warped deformed conifold. We show that it can be obtained from a D3-brane wrapping a 2-cycle that is stabilized by both electric and magnetic fluxes. Because the F-strings are Z_M-charged with non-zero binding energy, binding can take place even if (p,q) are not coprime. Implications for cosmic strings are briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum mechanical description of Stern-Gerlach experiments

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    The motion of neutral particles with magnetic moments in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is described in a quantum mechanical framework. The validity of the semi-classical approximations which are generally used to describe these phenomena is discussed. Approximate expressions for the evolution operator are derived and compared to the exact calculations. Focusing and spin-flip phenomena are predicted. The reliability of Stern-Gerlach experiments to measure spin projections is assessed in this framework.Comment: 12 pages, 7 eps figures included, revtex, submitted to PR

    Spinor vortices in non-relativistic Chern-Simons theory

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    The non-relativistic `Dirac' equation of L\'evy-Leblond is used to describe a spin {\small 1/2} particle interacting with a Chern-Simons gauge field. Static, purely magnetic, self-dual spinor vortices are constructed. The solution can be `exported' to a uniform magnetic background field.Comment: 7 pages, Plain Te

    No-Go Theorem for Horizon-Shielded Self-Tuning Singularities

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    We derive a simple no-go theorem relating to self-tuning solutions to the cosmological constant for observers on a brane, which rely on a singularity in an extra dimension. The theorem shows that it is impossible to shield the singularity from the brane by a horizon, unless the positive energy condition (rho+p >= 0) is violated in the bulk or on the brane. The result holds regardless of the kinds of fields which are introduced in the bulk or on the brane, whether Z_2 symmetry is imposed at the brane, or whether higher derivative terms of the Gauss-Bonnet form are added to the gravitational part of the action. However, the no-go theorem can be evaded if the three-brane has spatial curvature. We discuss explicit realizations of such solutions which have both self-tuning and a horizon shielding the singularity.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, revtex; added reference and minor correction

    The hierarchy problem, radion mass, localization of gravity and 4D effective Newtonian potential in string theory on S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2}

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    We present a systematical study of brane worlds in string theory on S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2}. Starting with the toroidal compactification of the NS/NS sector in (D+d) dimensions, we first obtain an effective DD-dimensional action, and then compactify one of the (D1)(D-1) spatial dimensions by introducing two orbifold branes as its boundaries. By combining the Gauss-Codacci and Lanczos equations, we write down explicitly the general gravitational field equations on each of the two branes, while using distribution theory we express the matter field equations on the branes in terms of the discontinuities of the first derivatives of the matter fields. Afterwards, we address three important issues: (i) the hierarchy problem; (ii) the radion mass; and (iii) the localization of gravity, the 4-dimensional Newtonian effective potential and the Yukawa corrections due to the gravitational high-order Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes. With a very conservative estimation, we find that the radion mass is of the order of 102GeV10^{-2} GeV. The gravity is localized on the visible brane, and the spectrum of the gravitational KK modes is discrete and can be of the order of TeV. The corrections to the 4-dimensional Newtonian potential from the higher order of gravitational KK modes are exponentially suppressed and can be safely neglected in current experiments. In an appendix, we also present a systematical and pedagogical study of the Gauss-Codacci equations and Israel's junction conditions across a (D-1)-dimensional hypersurface, which can be either spacelike or timelike.Comment: Considerably extended, Revtex4, 19 pages, 5 figures, published in IJMPA, 25, 1661-1698 (2010

    Dynamical Stability of Six-Dimensional Warped Brane-Worlds

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    We study a generalization of the Randall-Sundrum mechanism for generating the weak/Planck hierarchy, which uses two rather than one warped extra dimension, and which requires no negative tension branes. A 4-brane with one exponentially large compact dimension plays the role of the Planck brane. We investigate the dynamical stability with respect to graviton, graviphoton and radion modes. The radion is shown to have a tachyonic instability for certain models of the 4-brane stress-energy, while it is stable in others, and massless in a special case. If stable, its mass is in the milli-eV range, for parameters of the model which solve the hierarchy problem. The radion is shown to couple to matter with gravitational strength, so that it is potentially detectable by submillimeter-range gravity experiments. The radion mass can be increased using a bulk scalar field in the manner of Goldberger and Wise, but only to order MeV, due to the effect of the large extra dimension. The model predicts a natural scale of 10^{13} GeV on the 4-brane, making it a natural setting for inflation from the ultraviolet brane.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Can degenerate bound states occur in one dimensional quantum mechanics?

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    We point out that bound states, degenerate in energy but differing in parity, may form in one dimensional quantum systems even if the potential is non-singular in any finite domain. Such potentials are necessarily unbounded from below at infinity and occur in several different contexts, such as in the study of localised states in brane-world scenarios. We describe how to construct large classes of such potentials and give explicit analytic expressions for the degenerate bound states. Some of these bound states occur above the potential maximum while some are below. Various unusual features of the bound states are described and after highlighting those that are ansatz independent, we suggest that it might be possible to observe such parity-paired degenerate bound states in specific mesoscopic systems.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Covariance systems

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    We introduce new definitions of states and of representations of covariance systems. The GNS-construction is generalized to this context. It associates a representation with each state of the covariance system. Next, states are extended to states of an appropriate covariance algebra. Two applications are given. We describe a nonrelativistic quantum particle, and we give a simple description of the quantum spacetime model introduced by Doplicher et al.Comment: latex with ams-latex, 23 page