2,688 research outputs found

    Contribuição para o controlo da infeção nosocomial de Candida parapsilosis por tipagem com marcadores de DNA microssatélite

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    Fungal infections constitute a relevant problem in hospitals from all over the world. Their easy transmission through the air, water, or by direct or indirect contact with contaminated persons, surfaces or objects lead to an increasing preoccupation with those infections, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Regarding the enormous importance of Candida parapsilosis as agent of bloodstream infections and hospital outbreaks, the presented work aimed to contribute to the development of new molecular tools able to answer to epidemiological questions related with infections by this species and their application in favor of patient safetyAs infecções fúngicas constituem um problema hospitalar relevante em todo o mundo. A fácil transmissão dos fungos pelo ar, água ou pelo contato direto ou indireto com pessoas, superfícies ou objetos contaminados conduz a uma crescente preocupação com este tipo de infecções, principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Considerando a grande relevância da levedura Candida parapsilosis em Portugal como agente etiológico de infecções sistémicas e de surtos hospitalares, o trabalho apresentado teve como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas moleculares que permitissem responder a questões epidemiológicas relacionadas com esta espécie e posterior aplicação desta ferramenta em prol da segurança do paciente

    Charge Influence On Mini Black Hole's Cross Section

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    In this work we study the electric charge effect on the cross section production of charged mini black holes (MBH) in accelerators. We analyze the charged MBH solution using the {\it fat brane} approximation in the context of the ADD model. The maximum charge-mass ratio condition for the existence of a horizon radius is discussed. We show that the electric charge causes a decrease in this radius and, consequently, in the cross section. This reduction is negligible for protons and light ions but can be important for heavy ions.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D

    Estaquia de castanheira-do-Brasil: influência de substratos, suplementação mineral e ácido bórico no enraizamento adventício.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de substratos, adubação e ácido bórico no enraizamento adventício de estacas de B. excelsa, espécie de importância ecologia e econômica para a Região Amazônica

    Scalar Casimir Effect on a D-dimensional Einstein Static Universe

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    We compute the renormalised energy momentum tensor of a free scalar field coupled to gravity on an (n+1)-dimensional Einstein Static Universe (ESU), RxS^n, with arbitrary low energy effective operators (up to mass dimension n+1). A generic class of regulators is used, together with the Abel-Plana formula, leading to a manifestly regulator independent result. The general structure of the divergences is analysed to show that all the gravitational couplings (not just the cosmological constant) are renormalised for an arbitrary regulator. Various commonly used methods (damping function, point-splitting, momentum cut-off and zeta function) are shown to, effectively, belong to the given class. The final results depend strongly on the parity of n. A detailed analytical and numerical analysis is performed for the behaviours of the renormalised energy density and a quantity `sigma' which determines if the strong energy condition holds for the `quantum fluid'. We briefly discuss the quantum fluid back-reaction problem, via the higher dimensional Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations, observe that equilibrium radii exist and unveil the possibility of a `Casimir stabilisation of Einstein Static Universes'.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, v2: minor changes in sections 1, 2.5, 3 and 4; version published in CQ

    Solar radiation use efficiency by soybean under field conditions in the amazon region.

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    Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the ef? ciency of soybean (Glycine max) in intercepting and using solar radiation under natural ? eld conditions, in the Amazon region, Brazil. The meteorological data and the values of soybean growth and leaf area were obtained from an agrometeorological experiment carried out in Paragominas, Pará state, during 2007 and 2008. The radiation use ef? ciency (RUE) was obtained from the ratio between the above-ground biomass production and the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) accumulated to 99 and 95 days after sowing, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Climatic conditions during the experiment were very distinct, with reduction in rainfall in 2007, which began during the soybean mid-cycle, due to the El Niño phenomenon. An important reduction in the leaf area index and biomass production was observed during 2007. Under natural ? eld conditions in the Amazon region, the values of RUE were 1.46 and 1.99 g MJ-1 PAR in the 2007 and 2008 experiments, respectively. The probable reason for the differences found between these years might be associated to the water restriction in 2007 coupled with the higher air temperature and vapor pressure de? cit, and also to the increase in the fraction of diffuse radiation that reached the land surface in 2008. Index terms: Glycine max, Amazon region, leaf area index, radiation interception

    Implicit Regularization and Renormalization of QCD

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    We apply the Implicit Regularization Technique (IR) in a non-abelian gauge theory. We show that IR preserves gauge symmetry as encoded in relations between the renormalizations constants required by the Slavnov-Taylor identities at the one loop level of QCD. Moreover, we show that the technique handles divergencies in massive and massless QFT on equal footing.Comment: (11 pages, 2 figures