53 research outputs found

    Effect of endurance training on lung function: A one year study

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    The official published version can be accessed from the link below.Objective: To identify in a follow up study airway changes occurring during the course of a sport season in healthy endurance athletes training in a Mediterranean region. Methods: Respiratory pattern and function were analysed in 13 healthy endurance trained athletes, either during a maximal exercise test, or at rest and during recovery through respiratory manoeuvres (spirometry and closing volume tests). The exercise test was conducted on three different occasions: during basic endurance training and then during the precompetition and competitive periods. Results: During the competitive period, a slight but non-clinically significant decrease was found in forced vital capacity (−3.5%, p = 0.0001) and an increase in slope of phase III (+25%, p = 0.0029), both at rest and after exercise. No concomitant reduction in expiratory flow rates was noticed. During maximal exercise there was a tachypnoeic shift over the course of the year (mean (SEM) breathing frequency and tidal volume were respectively 50 (2) cycles/min and 3.13 (0.09) litres during basic endurance training v 55 (3) cycles/min and 2.98 (0.10) litres during the competitive period; p<0.05). Conclusions: This study does not provide significant evidence of lung function impairment in healthy Mediterranean athletes after one year of endurance training

    Análise comparativa da função respiratória de indivíduos hígidos em solo e na água

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    A mensuração da função respiratória oferece informações essenciais para caracterizar anormalidades pulmonares. A pressão hidrostática da água atua no tórax submerso de diversas formas, causando alterações no sistema respiratório. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar comparativamente variáveis que avaliam a função respiratória - volume minuto (Vmin), volume corrente (Vc), capacidade vital (Cvital) e frequência respiratória (FR) - de voluntárias no solo e com o tórax submerso em piscina terapêutica aquecida. A função respiratória de 30 voluntárias saudáveis (20,9±2,1 anos; 1,64±0,07 m; 58,8±9,2 kg; índice de massa corporal 21,78±2,63 kg/m²) foi avaliada por meio de ventilômetro em solo e aos 1 e 20 minutos de imersão, com água ao nível dos ombros, em posição sentada. Após 20 minutos de imersão, foi registrado aumento estatisticamente significativo no Vmin (p=0,015) e Vc (p=0,027); e uma redução estatisticamente significativa (p=0,016) na Cvital 1 minuto após imersão, em relação aos valores obtidos em solo. O maior tempo de imersão alterou assim os valores obtidos em solo, com exceção da Cvital, que sofreu alteração significativa desde o primeiro minuto de imersão. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os valores obtidos após 1 e 20 minutos na água. O estudo permite concluir que a imersão do tórax em piscina aquecida provocou aumento no Vmin e Vc e diminuição na Cvital de voluntárias saudáveis.Measuring respiratory function provides essential information to assess pulmonary changes. Effects of water hydrostatic pressure on the submerged chest cause changes in the respiratory system. The purpose here was to compare respiratory function variables - minute volume (MV), tidal volume (TV), vital capacity (Vitalc), and respiratory rate (RR) - on the ground and with chest submerged in water. Respiratory function of 30 healthy female volunteers (mean age 20.93 ± 2.11; weight 58.8±9.2 kg; body mass index 21.78±2.63 kg/m²) was assessed by spirometry on the ground, and 1 and 20 minutes after immersion in warm water at shoulder level in the sitting position. As compared to ground levels, statistically significant increases were found in MV (p=0.015) and TV (p=0.027) 20 minutes after immersion, as well as a significant decrease (p=0.016) in Vitalc one minute after immersion. Longer time immersion has thus altered values obtained on ground, except for Vitalc, which showed significant reduction on the first minute after chest immersion. Comparison between variable values obtained 1 and 20 minutes in water showed no significant difference. It may thus be said that chest submersion in warm water caused an increase in MV and VT and a decrease in Vitalc of healthy subjects

    Individualized training reduces excessive exercise hyperventilation in asthmatics

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    Validation of a noninvasive tension-time index of inspiratory muscles

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    [What are the post-rehabilitation options for patients with COPD?].

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    Histamine and exercise-induced hypoxemia in highly trained athletes

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    Exercise-induced hypoxemia in older athletes

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