66 research outputs found

    Dynamic modelling of a 3-CPU parallel robot via screw theory

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    The article describes the dynamic modelling of I.Ca.Ro., a novel Cartesian parallel robot recently designed and prototyped by the robotics research group of the Polytechnic University of Marche. By means of screw theory and virtual work principle, a computationally efficient model has been built, with the final aim of realising advanced model based controllers. Then a dynamic analysis has been performed in order to point out possible model simplifications that could lead to a more efficient run time implementation

    Dynamic modelling of a 3-CPU parallel robot via screw theory

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    Abstract. The article describes the dynamic modelling of I.Ca.Ro., a novel Cartesian parallel robot recently designed and prototyped by the robotics research group of the Polytechnic University of Marche. By means of screw theory and virtual work principle, a computationally efficient model has been built, with the final aim of realising advanced model based controllers. Then a dynamic analysis has been performed in order to point out possible model simplifications that could lead to a more efficient run time implementation

    Tools and Methods for Human Robot Collaboration: Case Studies at i-LABS

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    The collaboration among humans and machines is one of the most relevant topics in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Collaborative robotics owes part of the enormous impact it has had in small and medium size enterprises to its innate vocation for close cooperation between human operators and robots. The i-Labs laboratory, which is introduced in this paper, developed some case studies in this sense involving different technologies at different abstraction levels to analyse the feasibility of human-robot interaction in common, yet challenging, application scenarios. The ergonomics of the processes, safety of operators, as well as effectiveness of the cooperation are some of the aspects under investigation with the main objective of drawing to these issues the attention from industries who could benefit from them

    Elementi determinanti correlati alla più corretta costruzione del lavoro di allenamento e della performance nello sport. L'attentivirà operativa valutata tramite l'Inattentional Blindness Paradigm nel multisport.

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    The detailed observation of modern sport has led to highlight the current characteristics that have been appropriately studied in order to determine what may be the less used, but effective elements, on which pinpoint work during training to achieve increasingly qualitative performance. We focused our attention and researches to an element that we consider a little bit underestimated, that is attention, or better attentiveness linked to actions decision making, to be taken both in a propositive sense meaningfully connected to the adversary response. Perception remains, in our point of view, the qualifying basis of actions. Perceive external stimuli allows us to create, therefore, targeted actions, both proposal and response, more effective in the various situations of sport actions; in this work we investigated the influence of some variables, such as age, gender, subjective characteristics and sports training, on the Inattentional Blindness Paradigm, in a range of sport activities in groups of young people in the school and beyond, to determine, in the conclusive analysis, if there was an activity that produces or not a minor manifestation of functional perceptual deficit, and to establish in case the motivations. L’osservazione dettagliata dello sport moderno ha fatto sì che ne emergessero le attuali caratteristiche che sono state opportunamente studiate al fine di determinare quali possano essere gli elementi meno utilizzati ma di reale efficacia sui quali lavorare in sede di allenamento per realizzare prestazioni sempre più qualitativamente performanti. Noi ci siamo dedicati ad un elemento che riteniamo un pò sottostimato e cioè l’attenzione, o meglio l’attentività legata alle scelte dell’azione da intraprendere sia in senso propositivo sia nel senso di risposta ad un’azione dell’avversario. La percezione rimane, a nostro modo di vedere, la base qualificativa delle azioni intraprese. Percepire coscientemente gli stimoli esterni permette di proporre quindi delle azioni mirate, sia di proposta che di risposta, più efficaci nelle varie situazioni di gioco sportivo; in questo lavoro abbiamo indagato l’influenza di alcune variabili, quali l’età, il genere, le caratteristiche soggettive e la formazione sportiva, sull’Inattentional Blindness Paradigm, in un ventaglio di attività sportive in gruppi di giovani nella scuola e non solo, per determinare, all’analisi conclusiva, se ci fosse un’ attività che produca o meno una minor manifestazione di deficit percettivo funzionale, e per stabilirne nel caso le motivazioni

    Practical range of applicability of a linear stiffness model of an elliptical flexure hinge

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    This paper presents the analysis of a linear stiffness model of an elliptical flexure hinge. The purpose of the study is to support the mechanical designer in choosing the geometric dimensions of the hinge based on design specifications, driven by the accuracy that can later be achieved in planning its motion using the related stiffness model. Results are presented as a comparison between the analytical model and a finite element model of the flexure hinge, showing the practical range of applicability of the analytical model and its limitations. A case study show how to design a flexure hinge of small size for micro scale robotic or mechatronic operations

    The Decision Making Process based on the Attention, particularly on Team Sports to Avoid Perceptual Functional and Biomechanical Deficits for a Quality Sport Performance

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    The foundamental mistake in the normal evolution of the motor learning process and gestural sports and consequently in its related performance is mainly physiological. In the normal dynamic of learning, and even more in biomechanically complex gestures learning, such as many specific technical-sports gestures, error or better errors are without any doubt an integral part of said acquisition process. Often, in these cases, we use to focus only on the purely mechanical elements of the gesture itself and rarely, simultaneously, giving weight, as we have been advocating for a long time, to the element that then becomes decisive in terms of success or failure of the gesture chosen in a performative sense, which is the decision-making, in its complexity. What operators sometimes, however, do is to omit or neglect the cognitive aspects related to the attention process, which therefore produce most of the students' errors. That error, even if it is usually detected and modified by technicians during the normal didactic method, on the basis of mechanical or physical-athletic, results to be often superficially addressed in psycho-pedagogical terms. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to focus our attention on those elements which we believe may determine significant learning ability and the resulting very significant high percentage of athletes performance, namely those related to attentional capacity and quality
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