57 research outputs found

    Carbon dioxide emissions from reed canary grass during two growing seasons after restoration of an abandoned agricultural peat soil

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    Reed canary grass (RCG) can be a suitable energy crop on abandoned agricultural peatland as it can be harvested for more than 10 years without re-establishment, and nutrient recycling to rhizomes lowers the fertilizer demand. A field near Mala in Sweden was restored by improving drainage and sowing RCG in 2010. In the first growing season, CO2 emissions from the soil were lower and groundwater level and soil water content higher for the RCG field than for a nearby unrestored field. Possible reasons were peat compaction by agricultural machinery in the restored field and higher transpiration and respiration from vegetation in the unrestored field. In the second growing season, the groundwater level was raised in some restored plots and CO2 emissions and RCG growth were found to be unaffected by this practice

    Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict nitrogen uptake by winter wheat within fields with high variability in organic matter

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    In this study, the ability to predict N-uptake in winter wheat crops using NIR-spectroscopy on soil samples was evaluated. Soil samples were taken in unfertilized plots in one winter wheat field during three years (1997-1999) and in another winter wheat field nearby in one year (2000). Soil samples were analyzed for organic C content and their NIR-spectra. N-uptake was measured as total N-content in aboveground plant materials at harvest. Models calibrated to predict N-uptake were internally cross validated and validated across years and across fields. Cross-validated calibrations predicted N-uptake with an average error of 12.1 to 15.4 kg N ha-1. The standard deviation divided by this error (RPD) ranged between 1.9 and 2.5. In comparison, the corresponding calibrations based on organic C alone had an error from 11.7 to 28.2 kg N ha-1 and RPDs from 1.3 to 2.5. In three of four annual calibrations within a field, the NIR-based calibrations worked better than the organic C based calibrations. The prediction of N-uptake across years, but within a field, worked slightly better with an organic C based calibration than with a NIR based one, RPD = 1.9 and 1.7 respectively. Across fields, the corresponding difference was large in favour of the NIR-calibration, RPD = 2.5 for the NIR-calibration and 1.5 for the organic C calibration. It was concluded that NIR-spectroscopy integrates information about organic C with other relevant soil components and therefore has a good potential to predict complex functions of soils such as N-mineralization. A relatively good agreement of spectral relationships to parameters related to the N-mineralization of datasets across the world suggests that more general models can be calibrated

    Effect of four plant species on soil 15N-access and herbage yield in temporary agricultural grasslands

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    Positive plant diversity-productivity relationships have been reported for experimental semi-natural grasslands (Cardinale et al. 2006; Hector et al. 1999; Tilman et al. 1996) as well as temporary agricultural grasslands (Frankow-Lindberg et al. 2009; Kirwan et al. 2007; Nyfeler et al. 2009; Picasso et al. 2008). Generally, these relationships are explained, on the one hand, by niche differentiation and facilitation (Hector et al. 2002; Tilman et al. 2002) and, on the other hand, by greater probability of including a highly productive plant species in high diversity plots (Huston 1997). Both explanations accept that diversity is significant because species differ in characteristics, such as root architecture, nutrient acquisition and water use efficiency, to name a few, resulting in composition and diversity being important for improved productivity and resource use (Naeem et al. 1994; Tilman et al. 2002). Plant diversity is generally low in temporary agricultural grasslands grown for ruminant fodder production. Grass in pure stands is common, but requires high nitrogen (N) inputs. In terms of N input, two-species grass-legume mixtures are more sustainable than grass in pure stands and consequently dominate low N input grasslands (Crews and Peoples 2004; Nyfeler et al. 2009; Nyfeler et al. 2011). In temperate grasslands, N is often the limiting factor for productivity (Whitehead 1995). Plant available soil N is generally concentrated in the upper soil layers, but may leach to deeper layers, especially in grasslands that include legumes (Scherer-Lorenzen et al. 2003) and under conditions with surplus precipitation (Thorup-Kristensen 2006). To improve soil N use efficiency in temporary grasslands, we propose the addition of deep-rooting plant species to a mixture of perennial ryegrass and white clover, which are the most widespread forage plant species in temporary grasslands in a temperate climate (Moore 2003). Perennial ryegrass and white clover possess relatively shallow root systems (Kutschera and Lichtenegger 1982; Kutschera and Lichtenegger 1992) with effective rooting depths of <0.7 m on a silt loamy site (Pollock and Mead 2008). Grassland species, such as lucerne and chicory, grow their tap-roots into deep soil layers and exploit soil nutrients and water in soil layers that the commonly grown shallow-rooting grassland species cannot reach (Braun et al. 2010; Skinner 2008). Chicory grown as a catch crop after barley reduced the inorganic soil N down to 2.5 m depth during the growing season, while perennial ryegrass affected the inorganic soil N only down to 1 m depth (Thorup-Kristensen 2006). Further, on a Wakanui silt loam in New Zealand chicory extracted water down to 1.9 m and lucerne down to 2.3 m soil depth, which resulted in greater herbage yields compared with a perennial ryegrass-white clover mixture, especially for dryland plots (Brown et al. 2005). There is little information on both the ability of deep- and shallow-rooting grassland species to access soil N from different vertical soil layers and the relation of soil N-access and herbage yield in temporary agricultural grasslands. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to test the hypotheses 1) that a mixture comprising both shallow- and deep-rooting plant species has greater herbage yields than a shallow-rooting binary mixture and pure stands, 2) that deep-rooting plant species (chicory and lucerne) are superior in accessing soil N from 1.2 m soil depth compared with shallow-rooting plant species, 3) that shallow-rooting plant species (perennial ryegrass and white clover) are superior in accessing soil N from 0.4 m soil depth compared with deep-rooting plant species, 4) that a mixture of deep- and shallow-rooting plant species has greater access to soil N from three soil layers compared with a shallow-rooting two-species mixture and that 5) the leguminous grassland plants, lucerne and white clover, have a strong impact on grassland N acquisition, because of their ability to derive N from the soil and the atmosphere

    Multivariate modeling of chromium-induced oxidative stress and biochemical changes in plants of Pistia stratiotes L.

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    Biochemical changes in the plants of Pistia stratiotes L., a free floating macrophyte exposed to different concentrations of hexavalent chromium (0, 10, 40, 60, 80 and 160 μM) for 48, 96 and 144 h were studied. Chromium-induced oxidative stress in macrophyte was investigated using the multivariate modeling approaches. Cluster analysis rendered two fairly distinct clusters (roots and shoots) of similar characteristics in terms of their biochemical responses. Discriminant analysis identified ascorbate peroxidase (APX) as discriminating variable between the root and shoot tissues. Principal components analysis results suggested that malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), APX, non-protein thiols (NP-SH), cysteine, ascorbic acid, and Cr-accumulation are dominant in root tissues, whereas, protein and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) in shoots of the plant. Discriminant partial least squares analysis results further confirmed that MDA, SOD, NP-SH, cysteine, GPX, APX, ascorbic acid and Cr-accumulation dominated in the root tissues, while protein in the shoot. Three-way analysis helped in visualizing simultaneous influence of metal concentration and exposure duration on biochemical variables in plant tissues. The multivariate approaches, thus, allowed for the interpretation of the induced biochemical changes in the plant tissues exposed to chromium, which otherwise using the conventional approaches is difficult

    The role of plant diversity and composition for nitrate leaching in grasslands

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    The relationship between plant diversity and nitrate leaching into groundwater was investigated in a mid-European semi-natural grassland ecosystem. An experimental approach was used to directly manipulate plant diversity in the field, while holding other environmental factors constant. Species loss was simulated by establishing grassland communities of 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, and 0 plant species, composed of 3, 2, or I functional groups (grasses. legumes, and non-legume herbs). Every diversity treatment was replicated with several different species mixtures. Nitrate leaching was determined by continuous extraction of soil solution below the rooting zone and modeling of seepage rates. The concentration of nitrate in the soil solution was highly variable within each level of diversity. In bare ground plots and several low-diversity mixtures containing legumes, nitrate concentrations were higher than the official European Union threshold value for drinking water of 50 mg/L, with maximum values of up to 350 mg/L measured in Trifolium pratense monocultures. Total annual loss of nitrate was unaffected by the number of plant species or functional groups, but it was highly dependent on the specific species composition of the communities, and plots with legumes lost significantly more nitrate than plots without them. Aboveground biomass had no influence on nitrate loss, whereas leaching was negatively correlated with increasing root biomass. The abundance of legumes within a community, litter decomposition rates, and net nitrification were all positively correlated with total nitrate loss. However, in those communities containing legumes, leaching decreased with increasing diversity, because higher species richness led to a reduction in legume dominance, to a reduced nitrate supply through nitrification, and to a complementary uptake of nitrate by grasses and non-leguminous herbs. Based on these results, we expect that increasing the diversity of non-leguminous species or functional groups would reduce the risk of nitrate leaching in low-diversity grass-clover mixtures of ley-farming systems, while allowing for a more efficient exploitation of the beneficial fertilization effect provided by legumes

    Can complementarity in water use explain diversity-productivity relationships in experimental grassland plots

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    Positive diversity-productivity relationships have repeatedly been found in experimental grassland plots, but mechanistic explanations are still under debate. We tested whether complementarity for the exploitation of the soil water resource helps to explain these relationships. In the dry summer of 2003, evapotranspiration (ET) was assessed at the Swedish BIODEPTH site using two different approaches: snapshot measurements of canopy surface temperature and simulation of time-accumulated ET by means of a soil water balance model. More diverse plots were characterized by lower surface temperatures and higher accumulated ET. Transgressive overyielding tests revealed that ET in polycultures was higher than in the best-performing monocultures, but this pattern was reversed at high degrees of water stress. Our results indicate that a more complete exploitation of soil water by more diverse grassland systems is on the one hand likely to be a driver for their increased biomass production, but on the other hand causes the more diverse communities to be affected earlier by drought. Nevertheless, the results also suggest that productivity may (at least partially) be maintained under dry conditions due to the higher likelihood of including drought-tolerant species in the more diverse communities.status: publishe

    Inorganic soil nitrogen under grassland plant communities of different species composition and diversity

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    We measured aboveground plant biomass and soil inorganic nitrogen pools in a biodiversity experiment in northern Sweden, with plant species richness ranging from 1 to 12 species. In general, biomass increased and nitrate pools decreased with increasing species richness. Transgressive overyielding of mixed plant communities compared to the most productive of the corresponding monocultures occurred in communities with and without legumes. N-2-fixing legumes had a fertilizing function, while non-legumes had a N retaining function. Plant communities with only legumes had a positive correlation between biomass and soil nitrate content, whereas in plant communities without legumes they were negatively correlated. Both nitrate and ammonium soil pools in mixed non-legume communities were approximately equal to the lowest observed in the corresponding monocultures. In mixed legume/non-legume communities, no correlation was found for soil nitrate with either biomass or legume biomass as percentage of total biomass. The idea of complementarity among species in nitrogen acquisition was supported in both pure non-legume and mixed non-legume/legume communities. In the latter, however, facilitation through increased nitrogen availability and retention, was probably dominating. Our results suggest that diversity effects on biomass and soil N pools through resource use complementarity depend on the functional traits of species, especially N-2 fixation or high productivity. [References: 48

    Temporal dynamics of soil nematode communities in a grassland plant diversity experiment.

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    We report here on an 8-year study examining links between plant and nematode communities in a grassland plant diversity experiment, located in the north of Sweden on previous agricultural soil. The examined plots contained 1, 4 and 12 common grassland plant species from three functional groups; grasses, legumes and forbs. The same plant species composition was maintained in the plots through weeding and resowing during the experimental period. The hypotheses were (i) that the nematode community would shift towards a more diverse and mature fauna over time and (ii) that the effects of both plant species identity and plant species richness would increase over time. As hypothesized, the Bongers' Maturity Index (a measure of nematode responses to disturbance) increased over time, but not nematode diversity. Instead, the nematode community development in the present grassland experiment seemed to be more characterized by shifts in dominance patterns than by colonization of new taxa. Clear temporal trends were found for plant-feeders and Adenophorea bacterial-feeders which increased in abundance over time in almost all plant treatments. Rhabditidae bacterial-feeders decreased in abundance over time, in particular in plots with legumes. Fungal-feeders, omnivores/predators and the two nematode indices PPI (Bongers' Plant Parasitic Index) and NCR (Nematode Channel Ratio) had significant interactions between plant composition and time giving some support to our second hypothesis. Our results highlight the need for long-term experiments to examine plant species effects on soil fauna, especially on taxa belonging to higher trophic levels. The results also stress the importance of plant composition for belowground soil faunal communities. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd