2,679 research outputs found

    Computer simulations of electrorheological fluids in the dipole-induced dipole model

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    We have employed the multiple image method to compute the interparticle force for a polydisperse electrorheological (ER) fluid in which the suspended particles can have various sizes and different permittivites. The point-dipole (PD) approximation being routinely adopted in computer simulation of ER fluids is shown to err considerably when the particles approach and finally touch due to multipolar interactions. The PD approximation becomes even worse when the dielectric contrast between the particles and the host medium is large. From the results, we show that the dipole-induced-dipole (DID) model yields very good agreements with the multiple image results for a wide range of dielectric contrasts and polydispersity. As an illustration, we have employed the DID model to simulate the athermal aggregation of particles in ER fluids both in uniaxial and rotating fields. We find that the aggregation time is significantly reduced. The DID model accounts for multipolar interaction partially and is simple to use in computer simulation of ER fluids.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Applications of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to gravitational lensing

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    In this geometrical approach to gravitational lensing theory, we apply the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to the optical metric of a lens, modelled as a static, spherically symmetric, perfect non-relativistic fluid, in the weak deflection limit. We find that the focusing of the light rays emerges here as a topological effect, and we introduce a new method to calculate the deflection angle from the Gaussian curvature of the optical metric. As examples, the Schwarzschild lens, the Plummer sphere and the singular isothermal sphere are discussed within this framework.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, IoP styl

    Statistical-mechanical theory of the overall magnetic properties of mesocrystals

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    The mesocrystal showing both electrorheological and magnetorheological effects is called electro-magnetorheological (EMR) solids. Prediction of the overall magnetic properties of the EMR solids is a challenging task due to the coexistence of the uniaxially anisotropic behavior and structural transition as well as long-range interaction between the suspended particles. To consider the uniaxial anisotropy effect, we present an anisotropic Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation for calculating the effective permeabilities by adopting an explicit characteristic spheroid rather than a characteristic sphere used in the derivation of the usual Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation. Further, by applying an Ewald-Kornfeld formulation we are able to investigate the effective permeability by including the structural transition and long-range interaction explicitly. Our theory can reduce to the usual Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation and Onsager equation naturally. To this end, the numerical simulation shows the validity of monitoring the structure of EMR solids by detecting their effective permeabilities.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Gaming with eutrophication: Contribution to integrating water quantity and quality management at catchment level

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    The Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo (MRSP) hosts 18 million inhabitants. A complex system of 23 interconnected reservoirs was built to ensure its water supply. Half of the potable water produced for MRSP's population (35 m3/s) is imported from a neighbour catchment, the other half is produced within the Alto Tietê catchment, where 99% of the population lives. Perimeters of land use restriction were defined to contain uncontrolled urbanization, as domestic effluents were causing increasing eutrophication of some of these reservoirs. In the 90's catchment committees and sub committees were created to promote discussion between stakeholders and develop catchment plans. The committees are very well structured "on paper". However, they are not very well organised and face a lack of experience. The objective of this work was to design tools that would strengthen their discussion capacities. The specific objective of the AguAloca process was to integrate the quality issue and its relation to catchment management as a whole in these discussions. The work was developed in the Alto Tietê Cabeceiras sub-catchment, one of the 5 sub catchments of the Alto-Tietê. It contains 5 interconnected dams, and presents competitive uses such as water supply, industry, effluent dilution and irrigated agriculture. A RPG was designed following a companion modelling approach (Etienne et al., 2003). It contains a friendly game-board, a set of individual and collective rules and a computerized biophysical model. The biophysical model is used to simulate water allocation and quality processes at catchment level. It articulates 3 modules. A simplified nutrient discharge model permits the estimation of land use nutrient exportation. An arc-node model simulates water flows and associated nutrient charges from one point of the hydrographical network to another. The Vollenweider model is used for simulating specific reservoir dynamics. The RPG allows players to make individual and collective decisions related to water allocation and the management of its quality. Impacts of these decisions are then simulated using the biophysical model. Specific indicators of the game are then updated and may influence player's behaviour (actions) in following rounds. To introduce discussions on the management of water quality at a catchment level, an issue that is rarely explicitly dealt with, four game sessions were implemented involving representatives of basin committees and water and sanitation engineers. During the game session, the participants took advantage of the water quality output of the biophysical model to test management alternatives such as rural sewage collection or effluent dilution. The biophysical model accelerated calculations of flows and eutrophication rates that were then returned to the game board with explicit indicators of quantity and quality. Players could easily test decisions impacting on qualitative water processes and visualize the simulation results directly on the game board that was representing a friendly, virtual and simplified catchment. The Agualoca game proved its ability to turn complex water processes understandable for a non totally initiated public. This experience contributed to a better understanding of multiple-use water management and also of joint management of water quality and quantity. (Résumé d'auteur

    A finite-volume scheme for modeling compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows at low Mach numbers in stellar interiors

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    Fully compressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations are a fundamental tool for investigating the role of dynamo amplification in the generation of magnetic fields in deep convective layers of stars. The flows that arise in such environments are characterized by low (sonic) Mach numbers (M_son < 0.01 ). In these regimes, conventional MHD codes typically show excessive dissipation and tend to be inefficient as the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) constraint on the time step becomes too strict. In this work we present a new method for efficiently simulating MHD flows at low Mach numbers in a space-dependent gravitational potential while still retaining all effects of compressibility. The proposed scheme is implemented in the finite-volume Seven-League Hydro (SLH) code, and it makes use of a low-Mach version of the five-wave Harten-Lax-van Leer discontinuities (HLLD) solver to reduce numerical dissipation, an implicit-explicit time discretization technique based on Strang splitting to overcome the overly strict CFL constraint, and a well-balancing method that dramatically reduces the magnitude of spatial discretization errors in strongly stratified setups. The solenoidal constraint on the magnetic field is enforced by using a constrained transport method on a staggered grid. We carry out five verification tests, including the simulation of a small-scale dynamo in a star-like environment at M_son ~ 0.001 . We demonstrate that the proposed scheme can be used to accurately simulate compressible MHD flows in regimes of low Mach numbers and strongly stratified setups even with moderately coarse grids

    Nonlinear ac response of anisotropic composites

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    When a suspension consisting of dielectric particles having nonlinear characteristics is subjected to a sinusoidal (ac) field, the electrical response will in general consist of ac fields at frequencies of the higher-order harmonics. These ac responses will also be anisotropic. In this work, a self-consistent formalism has been employed to compute the induced dipole moment for suspensions in which the suspended particles have nonlinear characteristics, in an attempt to investigate the anisotropy in the ac response. The results showed that the harmonics of the induced dipole moment and the local electric field are both increased as the anisotropy increases for the longitudinal field case, while the harmonics are decreased as the anisotropy increases for the transverse field case. These results are qualitatively understood with the spectral representation. Thus, by measuring the ac responses both parallel and perpendicular to the uniaxial anisotropic axis of the field-induced structures, it is possible to perform a real-time monitoring of the field-induced aggregation process.Comment: 14 pages and 4 eps figure

    Well-balanced treatment of gravity in astrophysical fluid dynamics simulations at low Mach numbers

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    Accurate simulations of flows in stellar interiors are crucial to improving our understanding of stellar structure and evolution. Because the typically slow flows are merely tiny perturbations on top of a close balance between gravity and the pressure gradient, such simulations place heavy demands on numerical hydrodynamics schemes. We demonstrate how discretization errors on grids of reasonable size can lead to spurious flows orders of magnitude faster than the physical flow. Well-balanced numerical schemes can deal with this problem. Three such schemes were applied in the implicit, finite-volume Seven-League Hydro (SLH) code in combination with a low-Mach-number numerical flux function. We compare how the schemes perform in four numerical experiments addressing some of the challenges imposed by typical problems in stellar hydrodynamics. We find that the α\alpha-β\beta and deviation well-balancing methods can accurately maintain hydrostatic solutions provided that gravitational potential energy is included in the total energy balance. They accurately conserve minuscule entropy fluctuations advected in an isentropic stratification, which enables the methods to reproduce the expected scaling of convective flow speed with the heating rate. The deviation method also substantially increases accuracy of maintaining stationary orbital motions in a Keplerian disk on long timescales. The Cargo-LeRoux method fares substantially worse in our tests, although its simplicity may still offer some merits in certain situations. Overall, we find the well-balanced treatment of gravity in combination with low Mach number flux functions essential to reproducing correct physical solutions to challenging stellar slow-flow problems on affordable collocated grids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A Single Basis for Developmental Buffering of Drosophila Wing Shape

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    The nature of developmental buffering processes has been debated extensively, based on both theoretical reasoning and empirical studies. In particular, controversy has focused on the question of whether distinct processes are responsible for canalization, the buffering against environmental or genetic variation, and for developmental stability, the buffering against random variation intrinsic in developmental processes. Here, we address this question for the size and shape of Drosophila melanogaster wings in an experimental design with extensively replicated and fully controlled genotypes. The amounts of variation among individuals and of fluctuating asymmetry differ markedly among genotypes, demonstrating a clear genetic basis for size and shape variability. For wing shape, there is a high correlation between the amounts of variation among individuals and fluctuating asymmetry, which indicates a correspondence between the two types of buffering. Likewise, the multivariate patterns of shape variation among individuals and of fluctuating asymmetry show a close association. For wing size, however, the amounts of individual variation and fluctuating asymmetry are not correlated. There was a significant link between the amounts of variation between wing size and shape, more so for fluctuating asymmetry than for variation among individuals. Overall, these experiments indicate a considerable degree of shared control of individual variation and fluctuating asymmetry, although it appears to differ between traits

    Moving frames applied to shell elasticity

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    Exterior calculus and moving frames are used to describe curved elastic shells. The kinematics follow from the Lie-derivative on forms whereas the dynamics via stress-forms.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur