7,141 research outputs found
Differences in the size-internal velocity relation of galactic and extragalactic HII regions
The nature of the size-internal velocity relation in extragalactic HII regions is examined in order to improve their use as distance determinants. The relation between the linear size and the internal velocity was compared for HII regions in the Galaxy and in external galaxies. Data for the former are from the researcher's own studies at high spatial resolution, while the latter have been the subject of spectroscopy that includes almost the entire objects. The Galactic HII regions are corrected to values of the internal velocity that would be observed if they were at extragalactic distances. A very different size-internal velocity relation was found for the two types of objects in the sense that the extragalactic objects are some ten times larger at the same internal velocity. This is interpreted to mean that the extragalactic HII regions are actually complexes of small HII regions comparable in size to their Galactic counterparts
Spectrophotometry of comets
Photoelectric spectrophotometric- and image tube equipped spectrographic-studies on comets are used to formulate a new model for the cometary nucleus that is physically similar to the icy-conglomerate. Absolute flux distributions of the principal spectral features for five comets of different compositions and heliocentric distances were evaluated. Comparison of visible and infrared brightnesses was used to calculate the optical albedos of observed particles
Dual latching solenoid valve Patent
Valve assembly for controlling simultaneously more than one fluid flow, and having stable qualities under load
The Space Telescope Observatory
A convenient guide to the expected characteristics of the Space Telescope Observatory for astronomers and physicists is presented. An attempt is made to provide enough detail so that a professional scientist, observer or theorist, can plan how the observatory may be used to further his observing programs or to test theoretical models
Modeling the surface and interior structure of comet nuclei using a multidisciplinary approach
The goal was to investigate the structural properties of the surface of comet nucleus and how the surface should change with time under effect of solar radiation. The basic model that was adopted was that the nucleus is an aggregate of frosty particles loosely bound together, so that it is essentially a soil. The nucleus must mostly be composed of dust particles. The observed mass ratios of dust to gas in the coma is never much greater than unity, but this ratio is probably a much lower limit than that of the nucleus because it is vastly easier to remove the gaseous component by sublimation than by carrying off the dust. Therefore the described models assumed that the particles in the soil were frost covered grains of submicron basic size, closely resembling the interstellar grains. The surface properties of such a nucleus under the effects of heating and cooling as the nucleus approaches and recedes from the Sun generally characterized
Economic Empowerment: An Avenue to Gender Equality in Afghanistan
This paper examines the state of women’s rights in Afghanistan, recommending economic empowerment as the most effective and culturally sensitive tool in achieving gender equality. Women’s rights in Afghanistan came to the forefront of the international community’s attention following the entry of the United States armed forces in 2001. Media outlets highlighted the Taliban’s egregious treatment of women and government agencies and international NGOs poured into the country with aims of liberating women from oppressive circumstances. While significant strides have been made since the Taliban\u27s fall from power, in many ways, women today remain subordinate. Over a decade later, women continue to experience lower levels of education, poorer health, and less participation in politics. While education, legal rights, political participation, and physical security are important pieces of the gender equality puzzle in Afghanistan, economic empowerment should be the top priority in improving women’s rights in the long-term. Women who gain economic skills that are valuable to their household and community will eventually wield greater political influence and ability to advocate for their own rights. Approaching gender relations from an economic angle will also be less threatening than doing so using human rights discourse, which many Muslims consider at odds with Islam or an imposition of Western values
Accounting for Student Engagement Through Pre-Service Teacher Assessment
The purpose of this study was to examine student engagement within a pre-service teacher performance assessment, the Educators Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA). Engagement strategies were selected and used based on the language of rubric seven of the edTPA. This study was completed in an urban fourth grade setting. Data was collected during the English Language Arts content block. Data collection methods included lesson plans incorporating the engagement strategy, student self-reports of engagement through exit slips, university supervisor checklists when observed, and teacher candidate engagement log in which notes were made of the engagement strategy selection process and reaction to collected data. Results indicate that certain strategies are more influential than others and much of the success of strategies reflected the strategy being paired with appropriate content. Further research could include comparative data with other fourth grade classrooms and other grade levels
An Examination of the Junior Church and Corporate Worship as Methods of Training Children to Worship
Today a great deal of discussion is going on among church leaders as to the value of graded worship as a means of training children to worship. This discussion is not new for as earl y as 1872, the question of graded literature came up. At the turn of the century the public school system began t o place great er emphasis on grading and educational psychology. This stimulated a change in religious education from a Sunday School that had everyone in the same room using the same literature to a departmental Sunday School. The departmental Sunday School divided the children into age groups and graded all the literature and activities to their age level. This method of grading began to influence the worship service and the Junior Church became popular. In the over-all picture the departmental Sunday School was established in most American churches. .Yet many educators take issue as to the effectiveness of the Junior Church as a method of training children to worship
Circumstellar material around young stars in Orion
The star cluster associated with the Orion nebula is one of the richest known. Lying at the nearside of the Orion Molecular cloud and at a distance of about 500 pc from us, it contains many premain-sequence stars with ages of about 300,000 yr. The nebula itself is a blister type, representing a wall of material ionized by the hottest star in the Trapezium group (member C). Although this is not the closest star formation region, it is probably the easiest place to detect circumstellar, possibly proto-planetary, material around these solar mass stars. This is because the same process of photoionization that creates the nebula also photoionizes these circumstellar clouds, thus rendering them easily visible. Moreover, their dust component is made visible by extinction of light from the background nebula. Young stars with circumstellar material were found in Orion on the second set of HST images and were called proplyds, indicating their special nature as circumstellar clouds caused to be luminous by being in or near a gaseous nebula. The brightest objects in the field had previously been seen in the optical and radio, and although their true nature had been hypothesized it was the HST images that made it clear what they are. The forms vary from cometlike when near the Trapezium to elliptical when further away, with the largest being 1000 AU and the bright portions of the smallest, which are found closest to the Trapezium, being about 100 AU in diameter. We now have a second set of HST observations made immediately after the refurbishment mission that provides even greater detail and reveals even more of these objects. About half of all the low-luminosity stars are proplyds. The poster paper describes quantitative tests about their fundamental structure and addresses the question of whether the circumstellar material is a disk or shell. One object (HST 16) is seen only in silhouette against the nebula and is easily resolved into an elliptical form of optical depth monotonically increasing toward the central star
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