28 research outputs found


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    The study focused on the comparative evaluation of economic benefits of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks in aquaculture enterprises in Ibadan, Oyo state. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured interview schedule, administered through personal interviews and observations to elicit information from 100 fish farmers using purposive and convenience sampling procedure. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive, budgetary and inferential statistics. The study revealed that the mean age, male, married, household size, educated and fish farming experience were 41 years, 83.0%, 87.0%, 5 persons, 96.0% and 8 years, respectively. Earthen fish ponds users earned mean revenue of N3,322,189.85 with gross margin of N2,188,397.89 while concrete tank users earned N2,412,271.08 with gross margin of N1,413,299.46. The results showed profitability indices (0.61 and 0.47), Variable Cost ratio (0.35 and 0.30), Benefit Cost Ratio (2.55 and 1.89), Gross ratio (0.40 and 0.54) and Expenses structure ratio (0.13 and 0.23) for both the earthen ponds and concrete fish tanks, respectively. There were significant differences (t = 42.53, p≤0.05) between the profit level of earthen fish ponds and concrete tanks. Major constraints affecting economic status of the respondents were high cost of quality feed, insufficient funds, poaching and poor marketing channel. In conclusion, aquaculture is a more profitable and viable business regardless of the culture system. Government should assist the fish farmers by subsidizing feeds cost, granting and monitoring of loan.Temelj ovog istraživanja bila je usporedba procjene ekonomske koristi zemljanih bazena ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika u akvakulturnim poduzećima grada Ibadana u državi Oyo. U izboru 100 uzgajivača ribe korištena je kombinacija svrsishodnog i praktičnog uzorkovanja, a uzgajivači su bili podvrgnuti strukturiranom intervjuu radi prikupljanja primarnih podataka u svrhu deskriptivne statistike, proračunske tehnike i inferencijalne statistike. Istraživanje je rezultiralo sljedećim podacima: prosječna životna dob bila je 41 godina, muškaraca je bilo 83,0%, oženjenih 87,0%, u većini slučajeva bilo je 5 članova kućanstva, obrazovanih je bilo 96,0%, a iskustvo uzgoja riba kod ispitanika bilo je 8 godina. Korisnici zemljanih bazena ribnjaka imali su srednji prihod od N3,322,189.85 s bruto maržom od N2,188,397.89, dok su korisnici betonskih spremnika zaradili N2,412,271.08 s bruto maržom od N1,413,299.46. Indeks profitabilnosti bio je 0,61 i 0,47, varijabilni omjer troškova 0,35 i 0,30, omjer troškova i koristi 2,55 i 1,89, bruto omjer 0,40 i 0,54, a omjer strukture troškova bio je 0,13 i 0,23. Značajna je razlika između razine profita od zemljanih ribnjaka i betonskih spremnika (t = 42,53, p ≤ 0,05). Glavne prepreke koje utječu na ekonomski status ispitanika bili su visoki troškovi kvalitetne prehrane, neadekvatnost fondova, krivolov i loš marketing. Zaključno, akvakultura je isplativo i održivo područje poduzetništva, bez obzira na kulturni sustav. Vlada bi trebala pomoći uzgajivačima ribe subvencioniranjem troškova prehrane, odobravanjem i praćenjem kredita

    Progress towards early detection services for infants with hearing loss in developing countries

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    BACKGROUND: Early detection of infants with permanent hearing loss through infant hearing screening is recognised and routinely offered as a vital component of early childhood care in developed countries. This article investigates the initiatives and progress towards early detection of infants with hearing loss in developing countries against the backdrop of the dearth of epidemiological data from this region. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive study based on responses to a structured questionnaire eliciting information on the nature and scope of early hearing detection services; strategies for financing services; parental and professional attitudes towards screening; and the performance of screening programmes. Responses were complemented with relevant data from the internet and PubMed/Medline. RESULTS: Pilot projects using objective screening tests are on-going in a growing number of countries. Screening services are provided at public/private hospitals and/or community health centres and at no charge only in a few countries. Attitudes amongst parents and health care workers are typically positive towards such programmes. Screening efficiency, as measured by referral rate at discharge, was generally found to be lower than desired but several programmes achieved other international benchmarks. Coverage is generally above 90% but poor follow-up rates remain a challenge in some countries. The mean age of diagnosis is usually less than six months, even for community-based programmes. CONCLUSION: Lack of adequate resources by many governments may limit rapid nationwide introduction of services for early hearing detection and intervention, but may not deter such services altogether. Parents may be required to pay for services in some settings in line with the existing practice where healthcare services are predominantly financed by out-of-pocket spending rather than public funding. However, governments and their international development partners need to complement current voluntary initiatives through systematic scaling-up of public awareness and requisite manpower development towards sustainable service capacities at all levels of healthcare delivery

    The Effects of Thermal and Cold Therapies on the Flexibility of Hamstring Muscle: A Comparative Study

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    Background/Objectives: There have been several reports on the severity of hamstring tightness and its consequences both in sports - related injuries as well as in pathological conditions particularly low back pain. The relative effects of the application of heating and cooling modalities on the muscles prior to the performance of flexibility exercises have not been extensively studied. This study was therefore designed to determine and compare the effects of thermal (heat) and cold (ice) therapies on the flexibility of the hamstring muscle group (HMG). Methodology: Forty-three (43) apparently healthy individuals who presented with hamstring muscle tightness participated in this study. They were randomly assigned into three groups: Heat, cold and control groups. Active knee extension lag (hamstring muscle tightness) was measured for all the participants before and after intervention using active knee extension test (AKET). All the participants were placed on static stretch exercises for 5 - consecutive days and in addition, the participants in the heat and cold groups received heat and cold therapies respectively on the HMG. Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference in the flexibility of the HMG between the participants in the cold and control groups (p > 0.05), however there was a significant difference in the flexibility of the HMG between the participants in the heat and cold groups (Right leg - t = 5.39, p = 0.02; Left leg - t = 5.41, p = 0.04)). Conclusion: It was concluded that hamstring muscle flexibility may be better enhanced by the application of superficial heat to the hamstring muscle group prior to the performance of flexibility (stretching) exercises. Keywords: Hamstring Tightness, Thermal Therapy, Cold Therapy, Stretching Exercises. Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences Vol. 6 (2) 2007: pp. 39-4

    Editorial perspective : Mental health needs of children and young people of Black ethnicity. Is it time to reconceptualise racism as a traumatic experience?

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    We explore racial inequality in relation to Black children and young people (CYP) and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). We argue that the experience of racism should be universally considered an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE). We argue that racism and the vicarious trauma arising from exposure to frequent media reports of racially motivated violence against persons of Black ethnicity can all predispose Black CYP to increased risk of mental health problems. We make recommendations to improve Black CYP’s early access to CAMHS, and to reduce their overrepresentation in psychiatric in-patient settings in the UK. This would require making CAMHS more welcoming to Black CYP and consideration of the impact of racism and trauma in the diagnostic and treatment formulation for Black CYP. This should include: the impact of racism in staff training, improving the cultural competence of CAMHS staff, and supporting Black CYP to articulate their experiences of racism and related traumas whilst facilitating their development of coping strategies to manage these experiences