5,116 research outputs found

    Ultrasoft NLL Running of the Nonrelativistic O(v) QCD Quark Potential

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    Using the nonrelativistic effective field theory vNRQCD, we determine the contribution to the next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) running of the effective quark-antiquark potential at order v (1/mk) from diagrams with one potential and two ultrasoft loops, v being the velocity of the quarks in the c.m. frame. The results are numerically important and complete the description of ultrasoft next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) order effects in heavy quark pair production and annihilation close to threshold.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; minor modifications, typos corrected, references added, footnote adde

    Ultrasoft Renormalization in Non-Relativistic QCD

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    For Non-Relativistic QCD the velocity renormalization group correlates the renormalization scales for ultrasoft, potential and soft degrees of freedom. Here we discuss the renormalization of operators by ultrasoft gluons. We show that renormalization of soft vertices can induce new operators, and also present a procedure for correctly subtracting divergences in mixed potential-ultrasoft graphs. Our results affect the running of the spin-independent potentials in QCD. The change for the NNLL t-tbar cross section near threshold is very small, being at the 1% level and essentially independent of the energy. We also discuss implications for analyzing situations where mv^2 ~ Lambda_QCD.Comment: 31 pages, 11 fig

    1S and MSbar Bottom Quark Masses from Upsilon Sum Rules

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    The bottom quark 1S mass, Mb1SM_b^{1S}, is determined using sum rules which relate the masses and the electronic decay widths of the ΄\Upsilon mesons to moments of the vacuum polarization function. The 1S mass is defined as half the perturbative mass of a fictitious 3S1{}^3S_1 bottom-antibottom quark bound state, and is free of the ambiguity of order ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} which plagues the pole mass definition. Compared to an earlier analysis by the same author, which had been carried out in the pole mass scheme, the 1S mass scheme leads to a much better behaved perturbative series of the moments, smaller uncertainties in the mass extraction and to a reduced correlation of the mass and the strong coupling. We arrive at Mb1S=4.71±0.03M_b^{1S}=4.71\pm 0.03 GeV taking αs(MZ)=0.118±0.004\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.118\pm 0.004 as an input. From that we determine the MSˉ\bar{MS} mass as mˉb(mˉb)=4.20±0.06\bar m_b(\bar m_b) = 4.20 \pm 0.06 GeV. The error in mˉb(mˉb)\bar m_b(\bar m_b) can be reduced if the three-loop corrections to the relation of pole and MSˉ\bar{MS} mass are known and if the error in the strong coupling is decreased.Comment: 20 pages, latex; numbers in Tabs. 2,3,4 corrected, a reference and a comment on the fitting procedure added, typos in Eqs. 2 and 23 eliminate

    Improved Perturbative QCD Approach to the Bottomonium Spectrum

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    Recently it has been shown that the gross structure of the bottomonium spectrum is reproduced reasonably well within the non-relativistic boundstate theory based on perturbative QCD. In that calculation, however, the fine splittings and the S-P level splittings are predicted to be considerably narrower than the corresponding experimental values. We investigate the bottomonium spectrum within a specific framework based on perturbative QCD, which incorporates all the corrections up to O(alpha_S^5 m_b) and O(alpha_S^4 m_b), respectively, in the computations of the fine splittings and the S-P splittings. We find that the agreement with the experimental data for the fine splittings improves drastically due to an enhancement of the wave functions close to the origin as compared to the Coulomb wave functions. The agreement of the S-P splittings with the experimental data also becomes better. We find that natural scales of the fine splittings and the S-P splittings are larger than those of the boundstates themselves. On the other hand, the predictions of the level spacings between consecutive principal quantum numbers depend rather strongly on the scale mu of the operator \propto C_A/(m_b r^2). The agreement of the whole spectrum with the experimental data is much better than the previous predictions when mu \simeq 3-4 GeV for alpha_S(M_Z)=0.1181. There seems to be a phenomenological preference for some suppression mechanism for the above operator.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures. Minor changes, to be published in PR

    Applications of QCD

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    Talk given at XIXth International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies (LP 99), Stanford, California, 9-14 August 1999.Comment: latex, 26 page

    Running of the heavy quark production current and 1/k potential in QCD

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    The 1/k contribution to the heavy quark potential is first generated at one loop order in QCD. We compute the two loop anomalous dimension for this potential, and find that the renormalization group running is significant. The next-to-leading-log coefficient for the heavy quark production current near threshold is determined. The velocity renormalization group result includes the alpha_s^3 ln^2(alpha_s) ``non-renormalization group logarithms'' of Kniehl and Penin.Comment: 30 pages, journal versio

    Top Quark Pair Production close to Threshold: Top Mass, Width and Momentum Distribution

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    The complete NNLO QCD corrections to the total cross section σ(e+e−→Z∗,γ∗→ttˉ)\sigma(e^+e^- \to Z*,\gamma*\to t\bar t) in the kinematic region close to the top-antitop threshold are calculated by solving the corresponding Schroedinger equations exactly in momentum space in a consistent momentum cutoff regularization scheme. The corrections coming from the same NNLO QCD effects to the top quark three-momentum distribution dσ/d∣k⃗t∣d\sigma/d |\vec k_t| are determined. We discuss the origin of the large NNLO corrections to the peak position and the normalization of the total cross section observed in previous works and propose a new top mass definition, the 1S mass M_1S, which stabilizes the peak in the total cross section. If the influence of beamstrahlung and initial state radiation on the mass determination is small, a theoretical uncertainty on the 1S top mass measurement of 200 MeV from the total cross section at the linear collider seems possible. We discuss how well the 1S mass can be related to the MSˉ\bar{MS} mass. We propose a consistent way to implement the top quark width at NNLO by including electroweak effects into the NRQCD matching coefficients, which then can become complex.Comment: 53 pages, latex; minor changes, a number of typos correcte

    Stability of twin circular tunnels in cohesive-frictional soil using the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM)

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    This paper presents an upper bound limit analysis procedure using the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) and second order cone programming (SOCP) to evaluate the stability of twin circular tunnels in cohesive-frictional soils subjected to surcharge loading. At first stage, kinematically admissible displacement fields of the tunnel problems are approximated by NS-FEM using triangular elements (NS-FEM-T3). Next, commercial software Mosek is employed to deal with the optimization problems, which are formulated as second order cone. Collapse loads as well as failure mechanisms of plane strain tunnels are obtained directly by solving the optimization problems. For twin circular tunnels, the distance between centers of two parallel tunnels is the major parameter used to determine the stability. In this study, the effects of mechanical soil properties and the ratio of tunnel diameter and the depth to the tunnel stability are investigated. Numerical results are verified with those available to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method

    Top quark mass definition and top quark pair production near threshold at the NLC

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    We suggest an infrared-insensitive quark mass, defined by subtracting the soft part of the quark self energy from the pole mass. We demonstrate the deep relation of this definition with the static quark-antiquark potential. At leading order in 1/m this mass coincides with the PS mass which is defined in a completely different manner. Going beyond static limit, the small normalization point introduces recoil corrections which are calculated here as well. Using this mass concept and other concepts for the quark mass we calculate the cross section of e+ e- -> t t-bar near threshold at NNLO accuracy adopting three alternative approaches, namely (1) fixing the pole mass, (2) fixing the PS mass, and (3) fixing the new mass which we call the PS-bar mass. We demonstrate that perturbative predictions for the cross section become much more stable if we use the PS or the PS-bar mass for the calculations. A careful analysis suggests that the top quark mass can be extracted from a threshold scan at NLC with an accuracy of about 100-200 MeV.Comment: published version, 21 pages in LaTeX including 11 PostScript figure
