1,467 research outputs found

    Deletion mutants in COP9/Signalosome subunits in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe display distinct phenotypes

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    The COP9/signalosome complex is highly conserved in evolution and possesses significant structural similarity to the 19S regulatory lid complex of the proteasome. It also shares limited similarity to the translation initiation factor eIF3. The signalosome interacts with multiple cullins in mammalian cells. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the Csn1 subunit is required for the removal of covalently attached Nedd8 from Pcu1, one of three S. pombe cullins. It remains unclear whether this activity is required for all the functions ascribed to the signalosome. We previously identified Csn1 and Csn2 as signalosome subunits in S. pombe. csn1 and csn2 null mutants are DNA damage sensitive and exhibit slow DNA replication. Two further putative subunits, Csn4 and Csn5, were identified from the S. pombe genome database. Herein, we characterize null mutations of csn4 and csn5 and demonstrate that both genes are required for removal of Nedd8 from the S. pombe cullin Pcu1 and that their protein products associate with Csn1 and Csn2. However, neither csn4 nor csn5 null mutants share the csn1 and csn2 mutant phenotypes. Our data suggest that the subunits of the signalosome cannot be considered as a distinct functional unit and imply that different subunits of the signalosome mediate distinct functions

    Near-infrared polarimetric observations of the afterglow of GRB 000301C

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    Based on near-infrared polarimetric observations we constrain the degree of linear polarization of the afterglow light of GRB 000301C to less than 30% 1.8 days after the burst.Comment: To appear in: Proc. 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, eds. J. C. Wheeler and H. Marte

    The Mass Dependence of Stellar Rotation in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    We have determined new rotation periods for 404 stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster using the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope on La Silla, Chile. Mass estimates are available for 335 of these and most have M < 0.3 M_sun. We confirm the existence of a bimodal period distribution for the higher mass stars in our sample and show that the median rotation rate decreases with increasing mass for stars in the range 0.1 < M <0.4 M_sun. While the spread in angular momentum (J) at any given mass is more than a factor of 10, the majority of lower mass stars in the ONC rotate at rates approaching 30% of their critical break-up velocity, as opposed to 5-10% for solar-like stars. This is a consequence of both a small increase in observed specific angular momentum (j=J/M) and a larger decrease in the critical value of j with decreasing mass. Perhaps the most striking fact, however, is that j varies by so little - less than a factor of two - over the interval 0.1-1.0 M_sun. The distribution of rotation rates with mass in the ONC (age ~ 1 My) is similar in nature to what is found in the Pleiades (age ~ 100 My). These observations provide a significant new guide and test for models of stellar angular momentum evolution during the proto-stellar and pre-main sequence phases.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of planting density and the composition of wheat cultivar mixtures on stripe rust: an analysis taking into account limits to the replication of controls

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    The effect of plant density on disease is not well understood in populations of a single host plant genotype and has been studied even less in mixtures of host genotypes. We performed an experiment to evaluate the effect of wheat planting density on infection by Puccinia striiformis in experimental plots with a single wheat genotype and in plots with two genotypes making up a range of frequencies. Stripe rust severity in single-genotype plots increased with planting density in 1997 but decreased with planting density in 1998. Disease in host mixtures was compared to the weighted mean of disease levels in the corresponding single-genotype plots. The design of the field experiment included limited replication of these reference treatments (that is, there was not a unique pair of single-genotype plots for each mixture plot); therefore, we devised an analysis based on collapsing the data into independent mean observations. Disease reduction due to host diversity was less when one genotype predominated than when both host genotypes were present at nearly equal frequencies. The greatest mean host-diversity effect for reduced disease was at the intermediate planting density of 250 seeds per m2

    Photoelectron spectra of anionic sodium clusters from time-dependent density-functional theory in real-time

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    We calculate the excitation energies of small neutral sodium clusters in the framework of time-dependent density-functional theory. In the presented calculations, we extract these energies from the power spectra of the dipole and quadrupole signals that result from a real-time and real-space propagation. For comparison with measured photoelectron spectra, we use the ionic configurations of the corresponding single-charged anions. Our calculations clearly improve on earlier results for photoelectron spectra obtained from static Kohn-Sham eigenvalues

    Laser cooling with electromagnetically induced transparency: Application to trapped samples of ions or neutral atoms

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    A novel method of ground state laser cooling of trapped atoms utilizes the absorption profile of a three (or multi-) level system which is tailored by a quantum interference. With cooling rates comparable to conventional sideband cooling, lower final temperatures may be achieved. The method was experimentally implemented to cool a single Ca+^+ ion to its vibrational ground state. Since a broad band of vibrational frequencies can be cooled simultaneously, the technique will be particularly useful for the cooling of larger ion strings, thereby being of great practical importance for initializing a quantum register based on trapped ions. We also discuss its application to different level schemes and for ground state cooling of neutral atoms trapped by a far detuned standing wave laser field.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Appl Phys B 200

    Relationship between HER2 expression and efficacy with first-line trastuzumab emtansine compared with trastuzumab plus docetaxel in TDM4450g: a randomized phase II study of patients with previously untreated HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

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    IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to retrospectively explore the relationship between human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) messenger RNA (mRNA) expression and efficacy in patients receiving trastuzumab plus docetaxel (HT) or trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1).MethodsPatients with HER2-positive, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (MBC) were randomly assigned to HT (n=70) or T-DM1 (n=67). HER2 status was assessed locally using immunohistochemistry or fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmed retrospectively by central testing. HER2 mRNA expression was assessed using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction.ResultsHER2 mRNA levels were obtained for 116/137 patients (HT=61; T-DM1=55). Median pretreatment HER2 mRNA was 8.9. The risk of disease progression in the overall population was lower with T-DM1 than with HT (hazard ratio (HR)=0.59; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.36 to 0.97). This effect was more pronounced in patients with HER2 mRNA≥median (HR=0.39; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.85) versus ConclusionsThis exploratory analysis suggests that while overall, patients with HER2-positive MBC show improved PFS with T-DM1 relative to HT, the effect is enhanced in patients with tumor HER2 mRNA ≥ median.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT00679341

    Proper Motions of the Jets in the Region of HH 30 and HL/XZ Tau. Evidence for a Binary Exciting Source of the HH 30 Jet

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    We present [SII] images of the HH 30 and HL/XZ Tau region obtained at two epochs, as well as long-slit optical spectroscopy of the HH 30 jet. We measured proper motions of about 100-300 km/s for the HH 30 jet and counterjet, and of about 120 km/s for the HL Tau jet. Inclination angles with respect to the plane of the sky are 0-40 deg for the HH 30 jet and 60 deg for the HL Tau jet. Comparison with previous observations suggests that most of the jet knots consist of persisting structures. Also, we corroborate that the HH 30-N knots correspond to the head of the HH 30 jet. The overall HH 30 jet structure can be well described by a wiggling ballistic jet, arising either by the orbital motion of the jet source around a primary or by precession of the jet axis because of the tidal effects of a companion. In the first scenario, the orbital period would be 53 yr and the total mass 0.25-2 solar masses. In the precession scenario, the mass of the jet source would be 0.1-1 solar masses, the orbital period <1 yr, and the mass of the companion less than a few times 0.01 solar masses, thus being a substellar object or a giant exoplanet. In both scenarios a binary system with a separation <18 AU (<0.13 arcsec) is required. Since the radius of the flared disk observed with the HST is about 250 AU, we conclude that this disk appears to be circumbinary rather than circumstellar, suggesting that the search for the collimating agent of the HH 30 jet should be carried out at much smaller scales.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. To Appear in The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 133 No. 6 (June 2007