835 research outputs found

    Opt Out Or Top Up? Voluntary Healthcare Insurance And The Public Vs. Private Substitution

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    We investigate whether people enrolled into voluntary health insurance (VHI) substitute public consumption with private (opt out) or just enlarge their private consumption, without reducing reliance upon public provisions (top up). We study the case of Italy, where a mixed insurance system is in place. To this purpose, we specify a joint model for public and private specialist visits counts, and allow for different degrees of endogenous supplementary insurance coverage, looking at the insurance coverage as driven by a trinomial choice process. We disentangle the effect of income and wealth by going through two channels: the direct impact on the demand for healthcare and that due to selection into VHI. We find evidence of opting out: richer and wealthier individuals consume more private services and concomitantly reduce those services publicly provided through selection into for-profit VHI. These results imply that the market for VHI eases the redistribution from high income (doubly insured) individuals to low income (not doubly insured) ones operated by the Italian National Health Service (NHS). Accounting for VHI endogeneity in the joint model of the two counts is crucial to this conclusion.

    On Intergenerational Transmission of Reading Habits in Italy: Is a Good Example the Best Sermon?

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    The intergenerational transmission of preference and attitudes has been less investigated in the literature than the intergenerational transmission of education and income. Using the Italian Time Use Survey (2002-2003) conducted by ISTAT, we analyse the intergenerational transmission of reading habits: are children more likely to allocate time to studying and reading when they observe their parents doing the same activity? The intergeneration transmission of attitudes towards studying and reading can be explained by both cultural and educational transmission from parents to children and by imitating behaviours. The latter channel is of particular interest, since it entails a direct influence parents may have on child’s preference formation through their role model, and it opens the scope for active policies aimed at promoting good parents’ behaviours. We follow two fundamental approaches to estimation: a “long run” model, consisting of OLS intergenerational type regressions for the reading habit, and “short run” household fixed effect models, where we aim at identifying the impact of the role model exerted by parents, exploiting different exposure of sibling to parents’ example within the same household. Our long run results show that children are more likely to read and study when they live with parents that are used to read. Mothers seem to be more important than fathers in this type of intergenerational transmission. Moreover, the short run analysis shows that there is an imitation effect: in the day of the survey children are more likely to read after they saw either the mother or the father reading.

    The Gender Gaps in Time-Use Within Italian Households During 2002-2014

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    How are Italian parents sharing family duties when they are both working full-time? We estimate gender gaps in the allocation of time by young Italian couples with children and document their trends over the years 2002-2014, disentangling time use on weekdays and weekend days. We show that the gaps in time devoted to Market work and Household work have narrowed over the years 2002-2014, while the gap in Basic childcare and Leisure remained almost constant. But the negative gap (females-males) in Market work shrunk much more than the positive gap in Household work (46% against 25%) The best-case scenario for gender parity is the one in which partners share similar work responsibilities and are relatively young; however, we show that family duties remain heavily unbalanced across gender in this sample. In 2014, full-time working mothers devote to Total work (paid and unpaid) 11 h per week more and to Leisure 9.7 h per week less than their partners. On the positive side, the gender gap in Quality childcare exhibits a reversed sign, which is driven by fathers' engagement on weekend days
