64 research outputs found

    La pesquería con arpón de peces picudos (Xiphiidae e Istiophoridae) en El Ñuro, Perú: Bases de una pesquería olvidada: The harpoon fishery for billfishes (Xiphiidae and Istiophoridae) from El Ñuro, Perú: Basis of a forgotten fishery

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    La pesca con arpón es un método ancestral de alta selectividad, desplazado en los últimos años por aparejos mecanizados que han logrado maximizar las capturas. A pesar de ello, en algunas partes del mundo, se sigue empleando esta práctica para la captura de grandes pelágicos como los peces picudos. Los reportes de la pesquería con arpón son cada vez más escasos y en el Perú, el último registro de desembarques de picudos capturados con arpón se remonta al año 1999. El objetivo de este estudio fue proveer información de base sobre esta pesquería en la caleta El Ñuro, a partir de muestreos mensuales de desembarques durante el 2019. Cuatro de las cinco especies reportadas para el Perú fueron registradas: Xiphias gladius, Kajikia audax, Makaira nigricans e Istiompax indica. De estas, el pez espada (X. gladius) compuso el 95% de los desembarques en términos de abundancia. Durante la temporada fría (mayo-noviembre) se reportaron los mayores desembarques, con picos en la captura efectiva por unidad de esfuerzo entre julio y agosto (>0,15 ind.hfp-1). Al menos el 96% de los individuos de X. gladius desembarcados fueron considerados adultos. Se concluye que la pesquería con arpón en El Ñuro tuvo una marcada temporada de pesca durante el invierno 2019, estuvo compuesta sobre todo por X. gladius y presentó gran selectividad en función a las tallas capturadas. Se precisa de estudios complementarios más detallados en el Norte del Perú con la finalidad de evaluar las opciones más adecuadas que aseguren su sostenibilidad en el tiempo

    Use of a computerised maternity information system to improve clinical effectiveness: thromboprophylaxis at caesarean section

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    An audit of the introduction of a protocol for thromboprophylaxis at caesarean section revealed over treatment of low risk women and the under treatment of high risk women. A routine computer generated risk assessment profile was introduced as part of a maternity information system. Reaudit showed a significant improvement in adherence to the thromboprophylaxis protocol in all risk groups.

Keywords: thromboprophylaxis; caesarean section; computerised assessmen


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    Constructing and evaluating a validity argument for the final-year ward simulation exercise.

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    The authors report final-year ward simulation data from the University of Dundee Medical School. Faculty who designed this assessment intend for the final score to represent an individual senior medical student's level of clinical performance. The results are included in each student's portfolio as one source of evidence of the student's capability as a practitioner, professional, and scholar. Our purpose in conducting this study was to illustrate how assessment designers who are creating assessments to evaluate clinical performance might develop propositions and then collect and examine various sources of evidence to construct and evaluate a validity argument. The data were from all 154 medical students who were in their final year of study at the University of Dundee Medical School in the 2010-2011 academic year. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on an analysis of senior medical students' clinical performance while they were taking responsibility for the management of a simulated ward. Using multi-facet Rasch measurement and a generalizability theory approach, we examined various sources of validity evidence that the medical school faculty have gathered for a set of six propositions needed to support their use of scores as measures of students' clinical ability. Based on our analysis of the evidence, we would conclude that, by and large, the propositions appear to be sound, and the evidence seems to support their proposed score interpretation. Given the body of evidence collected thus far, their intended interpretation seems defensible