332 research outputs found

    Metabolic effects of a high-fat diet post-weaning after low maternal dietary folate during pregnancy and lactation

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    Scope Investigate the influence of low-folate supply during pregnancy and lactation on obesity and markers of the metabolic syndrome in offspring, and how provision of a high-fat diet post weaning may exacerbate the resultant phenotype. Methods and results Female C57Bl/6 mice were randomized to low or normal folate diets (0.4 or 2 mg folic acid/kg diet) prior to and during pregnancy and lactation. At 4 wk of age, offspring were randomized to high- or low-fat diets, weighed weekly and food intake assessed at 9 and 18 wk old. Adiposity was measured at 3 and 6 months. Plasma glucose and triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations were measured at 6 months. Maternal folate supply did not influence adult offspring body weight or adiposity. High-fat feeding post weaning increased body weight and adiposity at 3 and 6 months (p > 0.001). Maternal low folate lowered plasma glucose (p = 0.010) but increased plasma TAG (p = 0.048). High-fat feeding post weaning increased plasma glucose and TAG (p = 0.023, p = 0.049 respectively). Offspring from folate-depleted (but not folate-adequate) dams had 30% higher TAG concentration when fed the high-fat diet from weaning (p = 0.005 for interaction). Conclusion Inadequate maternal folate intake has long-term effects on offspring metabolism, manifested as increased circulating TAG, particularly in offspring with high-fat intake post weaning

    Radio frequency pulsed-gate charge spectroscopy on coupled quantum dots

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    Time-resolved electron dynamics in coupled quantum dots is directly observed by a pulsed-gate technique. While individual gate voltages are modulated with periodic pulse trains, average charge occupations are measured with a nearby quantum point contact as detector. A key component of our setup is a sample holder optimized for broadband radio frequency applications. Our setup can detect displacements of single electrons on time scales well below a nanosecond. Tunneling rates through individual barriers and relaxation times are obtained by using a rate equation model. We demonstrate the full characterization of a tunable double quantum dot using this technique, which could also be used for coherent charge qubit control

    Experimental demonstration of laser temporal coherence effects on multiphoton ionization processes

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    Parallel Quantum-Point-Contacts as High-Frequency-Mixers

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    We present the results of high-frequency mixing experiments performed upon parallel quantum point-contacts defined in the two-dimensional electron gas of an Al_{x}Ga_{1-x}As/GaAs-heterostructure. The parallel geometry, fabricated using a novel double-resist technology, enables the point-contact device to be impedance matched over a wide frequency range and, in addition, increases the power levels of the mixing signal while simultaneously reducing the parasitic source-drain capacitance. Here, we consider two parallel quantum point-contact devices with 155 and 110 point-contacts respectively; both devices operated successfully at liquid helium and liquid nitrogen temperatures with a minimal conversion loss of 13 dB.Comment: 4 figures, RevTeX, to be published in the 16 June 1997 issue of Applied Physic Letter

    Dynamic photoconductive gain effect in shallow-etched AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wires

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    We report on a dynamic photoconductive gain effect in quantum wires which are lithographically fabricated in an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well via a shallow-etch technique. The effect allows resolving the one-dimensional subbands of the quantum wires as maxima in the photoresponse across the quantum wires. We interpret the results by optically induced holes in the valence band of the quantum well which shift the chemical potential of the quantum wire. The non-linear current-voltage characteristics of the quantum wires also allow detecting the photoresponse effect of excess charge carriers in the conduction band of the quantum well. The dynamics of the photoconductive gain are limited by the recombination time of both electrons and holes

    A 20 Ghz Depolarization Experiment Using the ATS-6 Satellite

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    A depolarization experiment using the 20 GHz downlink from the ATS-6 satellite was described. The following subjects were covered: (1) an operational summary of the experiment, (2) a description of the equipment used with emphasis on improvements made to the signal processing receiver used with the ATS-5 satellite, (3) data on depolarization and attenuation in one snow storm and two rain storms at 45 deg elevation, (4) data on low angle propagation, (5) conclusions about depolarization on satellite paths, and (6) recommendations for the depolarization portion of the CTS experiment

    A depolarization and attenuation experiment using the CTS satellite. Volume 1: Experiment description

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    An experiment for measuring precipitation attenuation and depolarization on the Communications Technology Satellite (CTS) 11.7 GHz downlink is described. Attenuation and depolarization of the signal received from the spacecraft is monitored on a 24 hour basis. Data is correlated with ground weather conditions. Theoretical models for millimeter wave propagation through rain are refined for maximum agreement with observed data. Techniques are developed for predicting and mimimizing the effects of rain scatter and depolarization on future satellite communication systems

    Ultracold Neutron Production in a Pulsed Neutron Beam Line

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    We present the results of an Ultracold neutron (UCN) production experiment in a pulsed neutron beam line at the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center. The experimental apparatus allows for a comprehensive set of measurements of UCN production as a function of target temperature, incident neutron energy, target volume, and applied magnetic field. However, the low counting statistics of the UCN signal expected can be overwhelmed by the large background associated with the scattering of the primary cold neutron flux that is required for UCN production. We have developed a background subtraction technique that takes advantage of the very different time-of-flight profiles between the UCN and the cold neutrons, in the pulsed beam. Using the unique timing structure, we can reliably extract the UCN signal. Solid ortho-D2_2 is used to calibrate UCN transmission through the apparatus, which is designed primarily for studies of UCN production in solid O2_2. In addition to setting the overall detection efficiency in the apparatus, UCN production data using solid D2_2 suggest that the UCN upscattering cross-section is smaller than previous estimates, indicating the deficiency of the incoherent approximation widely used to estimate inelastic cross-sections in the thermal and cold regimes

    A modeling approach to assess the hydrological response of small mediterranean catchments to the variability of soil characteristics in a context of extreme events

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    This paper presents a modeling study aiming at quantifying the possible impact of soil characteristics on the hydrological response of small ungauged catchments in a context of extreme events. The study focuses on the September 2002 event in the Gard region (South-Eastern France), which led to catastrophic flash-floods. The proposed modeling approach is able to take into account rainfall variability and soil profiles variability. Its spatial discretization is determined using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a soil map. The model computes infiltration, ponding and vertical soil water distribution, as well as river discharge. In order to be applicable to ungauged catchments, the model is set up without any calibration and the soil parameter specification is based on an existing soil database. The model verification is based on a regional evaluation using 17 estimated discharges obtained from an extensive post-flood investigation. Thus, this approach provides a spatial view of the hydrological response across a large range of scales. To perform the simulations, radar rainfall estimations are used at a 1 km<sup>2</sup> and 5 min resolution. To specify the soil hydraulic properties, two types of pedotransfer function (PTF) are compared. It is shown that the PTF including information about soil structure reflects better the spatial variability that can be encountered in the field. The study is focused on four small ungauged catchments of less than 10 km<sup>2</sup>, which experienced casualties. Simulated specific peak discharges are found to be in agreement with estimations from a post-event in situ investigation. Examining the dynamics of simulated infiltration and saturation degrees, two different behaviors are shown which correspond to different runoff production mechanisms that could be encountered within catchments of less than 10 km<sup>2</sup>. They produce simulated runoff coefficients that evolve in time and highlight the variability of the infiltration capacity of the various soil types. Therefore, we propose a cartography distinguishing between areas prone to saturation excess and areas prone only to infiltration excess mechanisms. The questions raised by this modeling study will be useful to improve field observations, aiming at better understanding runoff generation for these extreme events and examine the possibility for early warning, even in very small ungauged catchments
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