3,157 research outputs found

    A refined analysis of the low-mass eclipsing binary system T-Cyg1-12664

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    The observational mass-radius relation of main sequence stars with masses between ~0.3 and 1.0 Msun reveals deviations between the stellar radii predicted by models and the observed radii of stars in detached binaries. We generate an accurate physical model of the low-mass eclipsing binary T-Cyg1-12664 in the Kepler mission field to measure the physical parameters of its components and to compare them with the prediction of theoretical stellar evolution models. We analyze the Kepler mission light curve of T-Cyg1-12664 to accurately measure the times and phases of the primary and secondary eclipse. In addition, we measure the rotational period of the primary component by analyzing the out-of-eclipse oscillations that are due to spots. We accurately constrain the effective temperature of the system using ground-based absolute photometry in B, V, Rc, and Ic. We also obtain and analyze V, Rc, Ic differential light curves to measure the eccentricity and the orbital inclination of the system, and a precise Teff ratio. From the joint analysis of new radial velocities and those in the literature we measure the individual masses of the stars. Finally, we use the PHOEBE code to generate a physical model of the system. T-Cyg1-12664 is a low eccentricity system, located d=360+/-22 pc away from us, with an orbital period of P=4.1287955(4) days, and an orbital inclination i=86.969+/-0.056 degrees. It is composed of two very different stars with an active G6 primary with Teff1=5560+/-160 K, M1=0.680+/-0.045 Msun, R1=0.799+/-0.017 Rsun, and a M3V secondary star with Teff2=3460+/-210 K, M2=0.376+/-0.017 Msun, and R2=0.3475+/-0.0081 Rsun. The primary star is an oversized and spotted active star, hotter than the stars in its mass range. The secondary is a cool star near the mass boundary for fully convective stars (M~0.35 Msun), whose parameters appear to be in agreement with low-mass stellar model.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 15 table

    Non perturbative renormalisation group and momentum dependence of nn-point functions (I)

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    We present an approximation scheme to solve the Non Perturbative Renormalization Group equations and obtain the full momentum dependence of the nn-point functions. It is based on an iterative procedure where, in a first step, an initial ansatz for the nn-point functions is constructed by solving approximate flow equations derived from well motivated approximations. These approximations exploit the derivative expansion and the decoupling of high momentum modes. The method is applied to the O(NN) model. In leading order, the self energy is already accurate both in the perturbative and the scaling regimes. A stringent test is provided by the calculation of the shift ΔTc\Delta T_c in the transition temperature of the weakly repulsive Bose gas, a quantity which is particularly sensitive to all momentum scales. The leading order result is in agreement with lattice calculations, albeit with a theoretical uncertainty of about 25%.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figures A few minor corrections. A reference adde

    A versatile magnetic refrigeration demonstrator

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    Trabajo presentado a la "6th International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration at Room Temperature" celebrada en Victoria (Canadá) del 7 al 10 de septiembre de 2014.A versatile room temperature reciprocating magnetic refrigeration demonstrator has been designed, built and tested in order to check suitable magnetocaloric materials for magnetic refrigeration. Test experiments have been done with 31 g of Gd spheres of 0.2 – 0.4 mm diameter as refrigerant material, because it is a well-known benchmark material for magnetic refrigeration. The magnetic field is provided by a Halbach Nd2Fe14B permanent magnet with a slot of 10 mm width and a maximum field of 1.4 T. At optimized values of frequency (f = 0.7 Hz) and utilization factor (U = 0.19), the demonstrator achieves a maximum no load temperature span of 19.3 K. A maximum cooling power of 6 W at zero temperature span was obtained at optimized values f = 0.31 Hz and U = 1.1. Different thermodynamic cycles have been studied looking for the optimized parameters.Peer Reviewe

    Josephson current in strongly correlated double quantum dots

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    We study the transport properties of a serial double quantum dot (DQD) coupled to two superconducting leads, focusing on the Josephson current through the DQD and the associated 0-π\pi transitions which result from the subtle interplay between the superconductivity, the Kondo physics, and the inter-dot superexchange interaction. We examine the competition between the superconductivity and the Kondo physics by tuning the relative strength Δ/TK\Delta/T_K of the superconducting gap Δ\Delta and the Kondo temperature TKT_K, for different strengths of the superexchange coupling determined by the interdot tunneling tt relative to the dot level broadening Γ\Gamma. We find strong renormalization of tt, a significant role of the superexchange coupling JJ, and a rich phase diagram of the 0 and π\pi-junction regimes. In particular, when both the superconductivity and the exchange interaction are in close competion with the Kondo physics (ΔJTK\Delta\sim J\sim T_K), there appears an island of π\pi'-phase at large values of the superconducting phase difference.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hawking Radiation for Scalar and Dirac Fields in Five Dimensional Dilatonic Black Hole via Anomalies

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    We study massive scalar fields and Dirac fields propagating in a five dimensional dilatonic black hole background. We expose that for both fields the physics can be describe by a two dimensional theory, near the horizon. Then, in this limit, by applying the covariant anomalies method we find the Hawking flux by restoring the gauge invariance and the general coordinate covariance, which coincides with the flux obtained from integrating the Planck distribution for fermions.Comment: 10 page

    Enriching gender in PER: A binary past and a complex future

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    In this article, we draw on previous reports from physics, science education, and women's studies to propose a more nuanced treatment of gender in physics education research (PER). A growing body of PER examines gender differences in participation, performance, and attitudes toward physics. We have three critiques of this work: (1) it does not question whether the achievements of men are the most appropriate standard, (2) individual experiences and student identities are undervalued, and (3) the binary model of gender is not questioned. Driven by these critiques, we propose a conception of gender that is more up-to-date with other fields and discuss gender-as-performance as an extended example. We also discuss work on the intersection of identities [e.g., gender with race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) status], much of which has been conducted outside of physics. Within PER, some studies examine the intersection of gender and race, and identify the lack of a single identity as a key challenge of "belonging" in physics. Acknowledging this complexity enables us to further critique what we term a binary gender deficit model. This framework, which is implicit in much of the gender-based PER, casts gender as a fixed binary trait and suggests that women are deficient in characteristics necessary to succeed. Alternative models of gender allow a greater range and fluidity of gender identities, and highlight deficiencies in data that exclude women's experiences. We suggest new investigations that diverge from this expanded gender framework in PER.Comment: 27 pages, accepted to Phys. Rev. Special Topics - PE

    Multi-filter transit observations of WASP-39b and WASP-43b with three San Pedro M\'artir telescopes

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    Three optical telescopes located at the San Pedro M\'artir National Observatory were used for the first time to obtain multi-filter defocused photometry of the transiting extrasolar planets WASP-39b and WASP-43b. We observed WASP-39b with the 2.12m telescope in the U filter for the first time, and additional observations were carried out in the R and I filters using the 0.84m telescope. WASP-43b was observed in VRI with the same instrument, and in the i filter with the robotic 1.50m telescope. We reduced the data using different pipelines and performed aperture photometry with the help of custom routines, in order to obtain the light curves. The fit of the light curves (1.5--2.5mmag rms), and of the period analysis, allowed a revision of the orbital and physical parameters, revealing for WASP-39b a period (4.0552947±9.65×1074.0552947 \pm 9.65 \times 10^{-7} days) which is 3.084±0.7743.084 \pm 0.774 seconds larger than previously reported. Moreover, we find for WASP-43b a planet/star radius (0.1738±0.00330.1738 \pm 0.0033) which is 0.01637±0.003710.01637 \pm 0.00371 larger in the i filter with respect to previous works, and that should be confirmed with additional observations. Finally, we confirm no evidence of constant period variations in WASP-43b.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted in PASP, scheduled for the February 1, 2015 issu

    Josephson current through a Kondo molecule

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    We investigate transport of Cooper pairs through a double quantum dot (DQD) in the Kondo regime and coupled to superconducting leads. Within the non-perturbative slave boson mean-field theory we evaluate the Josephson current for two different configurations, the DQD coupled in parallel and in series to the leads. We find striking differences between these configurations in the supercurrent as a function of the ratio t/\Gamma, where t is the interdot coupling and \Gamma is the coupling to the leads: the critical current I_c decreases monotonously with t/\Gamma for the parallel configuration whereas I_c exhibits a maximum at t/\Gamma=1 in the serial case. These results demonstrate that a variation of the ratio t/\Gamma enables to control the flow of supercurrent through the Kondo resonance of the DQD.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Model of Low-pass Filtering of Local Field Potentials in Brain Tissue

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    Local field potentials (LFPs) are routinely measured experimentally in brain tissue, and exhibit strong low-pass frequency filtering properties, with high frequencies (such as action potentials) being visible only at very short distances (\approx10~μm\mu m) from the recording electrode. Understanding this filtering is crucial to relate LFP signals with neuronal activity, but not much is known about the exact mechanisms underlying this low-pass filtering. In this paper, we investigate a possible biophysical mechanism for the low-pass filtering properties of LFPs. We investigate the propagation of electric fields and its frequency dependence close to the current source, i.e. at length scales in the order of average interneuronal distance. We take into account the presence of a high density of cellular membranes around current sources, such as glial cells. By considering them as passive cells, we show that under the influence of the electric source field, they respond by polarisation, i.e., creation of an induced field. Because of the finite velocity of ionic charge movement, this polarization will not be instantaneous. Consequently, the induced electric field will be frequency-dependent, and much reduced for high frequencies. Our model establishes that with respect to frequency attenuation properties, this situation is analogous to an equivalent RC-circuit, or better a system of coupled RC-circuits. We present a number of numerical simulations of induced electric field for biologically realistic values of parameters, and show this frequency filtering effect as well as the attenuation of extracellular potentials with distance. We suggest that induced electric fields in passive cells surrounding neurons is the physical origin of frequency filtering properties of LFPs.Comment: 10 figs, revised tex file and revised fig

    Comprehensive transient-state study for CARMENES-NIR high thermal stability

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    CARMENES has been proposed as a next-generation instrument for the 3.5m Calar Alto Telescope. Its objective is finding habitable exoplanets around M dwarfs through radial velocity measurements (m/s level) in the near-infrared. Consequently, the NIR spectrograph is highly constraint regarding thermal/mechanical requirements. As a first approach, the thermal stability has been limited to \pm 0.01K (within year period) over a working temperature of 243K. This can be achieved by means of several temperature-controlled rooms. The options considered to minimise the complexity of the thermal design are here presented, as well as the transient-state thermal analyses realised to make the best choice