11,190 research outputs found

    The Possible z=0.83 Precursors of z=0 M* Early-type Cluster Galaxies

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    We examine the distribution of stellar masses of galaxies in MS 1054-03 and RX J0152.7-1357, two X-ray selected clusters of galaxies at z=0.83. Our stellar mass estimates, from spectral energy distribution fitting, reproduce the dynamical masses as measured from velocity dispersions and half-light radii with a scatter of 0.2 dex in the mass for early-type galaxies. When we restrict our sample of members to high stellar masses, > 1e11.1 Msun (M* in the Schechter mass function for cluster galaxies), we find that the fraction of early-type galaxies is 79 +/- 6% at z=0.83 and 87 +/- 6% at z=0.023 for the Coma cluster, consistent with no evolution. Previous work with luminosity-selected samples finds that the early-type fraction in rich clusters declines from =~80% at z=0 to =~60% at z=0.8. The observed evolution in the early-type fraction from luminosity-selected samples must predominately occur among sub-M* galaxies. As M* for field and group galaxies, especially late-types, is below M* for clusters galaxies, infall could explain most of the recent early-type fraction growth. Future surveys could determine the morphological distributions of lower mass systems which will confirm or refute this explanation.Comment: 5 pages in emulate ApJ format with three color figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, v642n2. Updated to correct grammatical and typographic errors found by the journa

    Hubble Space Telescope weak lensing study of the z=0.83 cluster MS 1054-03

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    We have measured the weak gravitational lensing signal of MS 1054-03, a rich and X-ray luminous cluster of galaxies at a redshift of z=0.83, using a two-colour mosaic of deep WFPC2 images. The small corrections for the size of the PSF and the high number density of background galaxies obtained in these observations result in an accurate and well calibrated measurement of the lensing induced distortion. The strength of the lensing signal depends on the redshift distribution of the background galaxies. We used photometric redshift distributions from the Northern and Southern Hubble Deep Fields to relate the lensing signal to the mass. The predicted variations of the signal as a function of apparent source magnitude and colour agrees well with the observed lensing signal. We determine a mass of (1.2+-0.2)x10^15 Msun within an aperture of radius 1 Mpc. Under the assumption of an isothermal mass distribution, the corresponding velocity dispersion is 1311^{+83}_{-89} km/s. For the mass-to-light ratio we find 269+-37 Msun/Lsun. The errors in the mass and mass-to-light ratio include the contribution from the random intrinsic ellipticities of the source galaxies, but not the (systematic) error due to the uncertainty in the redshift distribution. However, the estimates for the mass and mass-to-light ratio of MS 1054-03 agree well with other estimators, suggesting that the mass calibration works well. The reconstruction of the projected mass surface density shows a complex mass distribution, consistent with the light distribution. The results indicate that MS 1054-03 is a young system. The timescale for relaxation is estimated to be at least 1 Gyr. Averaging the tangential shear around the cluster galaxies, we find that the velocity dispersion of an Lstar galaxy is 203+-33 km/s.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, with 27 figures (3 figures bitmapped), ApJ, in press. Version (with non-bitmapped figures) available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~hoekstra/papers.htm

    Harmonic analysis of iterated function systems with overlap

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    In this paper we extend previous work on IFSs without overlap. Our method involves systems of operators generalizing the more familiar Cuntz relations from operator algebra theory, and from subband filter operators in signal processing.Comment: 37 page

    Entropy Encoding, Hilbert Space and Karhunen-Loeve Transforms

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    By introducing Hilbert space and operators, we show how probabilities, approximations and entropy encoding from signal and image processing allow precise formulas and quantitative estimates. Our main results yield orthogonal bases which optimize distinct measures of data encoding.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    The Extinction and Distance of Maffei 1

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    We have obtained low- and high-resolution spectra of the core of the highly-reddened elliptical galaxy Maffei 1. From these data, we have obtained the first measurement of the Mg2 index, and have measured the velocity dispersion and radial velocity with improved accuracy. To evaluate the extinction, a correlation between the Mg2 index and effective V-I colour has been established for elliptical galaxies. Using a new method for correcting for effective wavelength shifts, we find A_V = 4.67 +/- 0.19 mag, which is lower by 0.4 mag than previously thought. To establish the distance, the Fundamental Plane for elliptical galaxies has been constructed in I. The velocity dispersion of Maffei 1, measured to be 186.8 +/- 7.4 km/s, in combination with modern wide-field photometry in I, leads to a distance of 2.92 +/- 0.37 Mpc. The Dn-sigma relation, which is independently calibrated, gives 3.08 +/- 0.85 Mpc and 3.23 +/- 0.67 Mpc from photometry in B and K`, respectively. The weighted mean of the three estimates is 3.01 +/- 0.30 Mpc. The distance and luminosity make Maffei 1 the nearest giant elliptical galaxy. The radial velocity of Maffei 1 is +66.4 +/- 5.0 km/s, significantly higher than the accepted value of -10 km/s. The Hubble distance corresponding to the mean velocity of Maffei 1, Maffei 2 and IC342 is 3.5 Mpc. Thus, it is unlikely that Maffei 1 has had any influence on Local Group dynamics


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    This is the editorial of Autumn 2012 issue of JoLA-Journal of Landscape Architecture. Aesthetics are rearely explicitly addressed in conjunction with ethics in the body of literature examining recent landscape architectural research. The article addresses the relationship between ethics and aesthetics

    The rotating molecular core and precessing outflow of the young stellar object Barnard 1c

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    We investigate the structure of the core surrounding the recently identified deeply embedded young stellar object Barnard 1c which has an unusual polarization pattern as traced in submillimeter dust emission. Barnard 1c lies within the Perseus molecular cloud at a distance of 250 pc. It is a deeply embedded core of 2.4 solar masses (Kirk et al.) and a luminosity of 4 +/- 2 solar luminosities. Observations of CO, 13CO, C18O, HCO+ and N2H+ were obtained with the BIMA array, together with the continuum at 3.3 mm and 2.7 mm. Single-dish measurements of N2H+ and HCO+ with FCRAO reveal the larger scale emission in these lines, The CO and HCO+ emission traces the outflow, which coincides in detail with the S-shaped jet recently found in Spitzer IRAC imaging. The N2H+ emission, which anticorrelates spatially with the C18O emission, originates from a rotating envelope with effective radius ~ 2400 AU and mass 2.1 - 2.9 solar masses. N2H+ emission is absent from a 600 AU diameter region around the young star. The remaining N2H+ emission may lie in a coherent torus of dense material. With its outflow and rotating envelope, B1c closely resembles the previously studied object L483-mm, and we conclude that it is a protostar in an early stage of evolution. We hypothesize that heating by the outflow and star has desorbed CO from grains which has destroyed N2H+ in the inner region and surmise that the presence of grains without ice mantles in this warm inner region can explain the unusual polarization signature from B1c.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures (9 colour). Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. For higher resolution images, see http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/~brenda/preprints.htm
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