338 research outputs found

    Is Betelgeuse the Outcome of a Past Merger?

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    We explore the possibility that the star alpha Orionis (Betelgeuse) is the outcome of a merger that occurred in a low mass ratio (q = M2/M1 = 0.07 - 0.25) binary system some time in the past hundreds of thousands of years. To that goal, we present a simple analytical model to approximate the perturbed internal structure of a post-merger object following the coalescence of a secondary in the mass range 1-4 Msun into the envelope of a 15-17 Msun primary. We then compute the long-term evolution of post-merger objects for a grid of initial conditions and make predictions about their surface properties for evolutionary stages that are consistent with the observed location of Betelgeuse in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We find that if a merger occurred after the end of the primary's main-sequence phase, while it was expanding toward becoming a red supergiant star and typically with radius ~200 - 300 Rsun, then it's envelope is spun-up to values which remain in a range consistent with the Betelgeuse observations for thousands of years of evolution. We argue that the best scenario that can explain both the fast rotation of Betelgeuse and its observed large space velocity is one where a binary was dynamically ejected by its parent cluster a few million years ago and then subsequently merged. An alternative scenario in which the progenitor of Betelgeuse was spun up by accretion in a binary and released by the supernova explosion of the companion requires a finely tuned set of conditions but cannot be ruled out.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Evolving R Coronae Borealis Stars with MESA

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    The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are rare hydrogen--deficient, carbon--rich supergiants. They undergo extreme, irregular declines in brightness of many magnitudes due to the formation of thick clouds of carbon dust. It is thought that RCB stars result from the mergers of CO/He white dwarf (WD) binaries. We constructed post--merger spherically asymmetric models computed with the MESA code, and then followed the evolution into the region of the HR diagram where the RCB stars are located. We also investigated nucleosynthesis in the dynamically accreting material of CO/He WD mergers which may provide a suitable environment for significant production of 18O and the very low 16O/18O values observed. We have also discovered that the N abundance depends sensitively on the peak temperature in the He--burning shell. Our MESA modeling consists of engineering the star by adding He--WD material to an initial CO--WD model, and then following the post--merger evolution using a nuclear--reaction network to match the observed RCB abundances as it expands and cools to become an RCB star. These new models are more physical because they include rotation, mixing, mass-loss, and nucleosynthesis within MESA. We follow the later evolution beyond the RCB phase to determine the stars' likely lifetimes. The relative numbers of known RCB and Extreme Helium (EHe) stars correspond well to the lifetimes predicted from the MESA models. In addition, most of computed abundances agree very well with the observed range of abundances for the RCB class.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Numerical Simulations of Mass Transfer in Binaries with Bipolytropic Components

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    We present the first self-consistent, three dimensional study of hydrodynamic simulations of mass transfer in binary systems with bipolytropic (composite polytropic) components. In certain systems, such as contact binaries or during the common envelope phase, the core-envelope structure of the stars plays an important role in binary interactions. In this paper, we compare mass transfer simulations of bipolytropic binary systems in order to test the suitability of our numerical tools for investigating the dynamical behaviour of such systems. The initial, equilibrium binary models possess a core-envelope structure and are obtained using the bipolytropic self-consistent field technique. We conduct mass transfer simulations using two independent, fully three-dimensional, Eulerian codes - Flow-ER and Octo-tiger. These hydrodynamic codes are compared across binary systems undergoing unstable as well as stable mass transfer, and the former at two resolutions. The initial conditions for each simulation and for each code are chosen to match closely so that the simulations can be used as benchmarks. Although there are some key differences, the detailed comparison of the simulations suggests that there is remarkable agreement between the results obtained using the two codes. This study puts our numerical tools on a secure footing, and enables us to reliably simulate specific mass transfer scenarios of binary systems involving components with a core-envelope structure

    A Numerical Method for Generating Rapidly Rotating Bipolytropic Structures in Equilibrium

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    We demonstrate that rapidly rotating bipolytropic (composite polytropic) stars and toroidal disks can be obtained using Hachisu's self consistent field technique. The core and the envelope in such a structure can have different polytropic indices and also different average molecular weights. The models converge for high T/WT/|W| cases, where T is the kinetic energy and W is the gravitational energy of the system. The agreement between our numerical solutions with known analytical as well as previously calculated numerical results is excellent. We show that the uniform rotation lowers the maximum core mass fraction or the Scho¨\ddot{\rm{o}}nberg-Chandrasekhar limit for a bipolytropic sequence. We also discuss the applications of this method to magnetic braking in low mass stars with convective envelopes

    Life cycle analysis of reinforced concrete bridges in Baltic countries

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    During this paper the first part of Life Cycle Analysis based on visual inspection data of main types of reinforced concrete bridges in Baltic countries will be introduced and discussed. In a first step, the background of bridge management systems, visual inspections and most common bridges will be presented. During this step, an explanation of differences and similarities of Baltics visual inspections and data processing will be introduced. In a second step, principal component analysis with main outcomes for different Baltic countries and possible reasons for those outcomes will be discussed. Also a comparison of principal components for similar bridges in all Baltic countries will be shown. At the end, input for predictive models will be introduced. The main objective of this input is to show what elements deteriorate more rapidly and due to that have an influence for Life Cycle of reinforced concrete bridgesThe authors would like to gratefully acknowledge supporting of TU1406 – Quality specifications for roadway bridges, standardization at a European level (BridgeSpec), a COST Action supported by EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Stability of Double White Dwarf Binaries Undergoing Direct Impact Accretion

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    We present numerical simulations of dynamically unstable mass transfer in a double white dwarf binary with initial mass ratio, q = 0.4. The binary components are approximated as polytropes of index n = 3/2 and the initially synchronously rotating, semi-detached equilibrium binary is evolved hydrodynamically with the gravitational potential being computed through the solution of Poisson's equation. Upon initiating deep contact in our baseline simulation, the mass transfer rate grows by more than an order of magnitude over approximately ten orbits, as would be expected for dynamically unstable mass transfer. However, the mass transfer rate then reaches a peak value, the binary expands and the mass transfer event subsides. The binary must therefore have crossed the critical mass ratio for stability against dynamical mass transfer. Despite the initial loss of orbital angular momentum into the spin of the accreting star, we find that the accretor's spin saturates and angular momentum is returned to the orbit more efficiently than has been previously suspected for binaries in the direct impact accretion mode. To explore this surprising result, we directly measure the critical mass ratio for stability by imposing artificial angular momentum loss at various rates to drive the binary to an equilibrium mass transfer rate. For one of these driven evolutions, we attain equilibrium mass transfer and deduce that effectively q_crit has evolved to approximately 2/3. Despite the absence of a fully developed disk, tidal interactions appear effective in returning excess spin angular momentum to the orbit.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. Please see http://www.phys.lsu.edu/faculty/tohline/astroph/mftd07/ for animations and full resolution figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A New Halo Finding Method for N-Body Simulations

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    We have developed a new halo finding method, Physically Self-Bound (PSB) group finding algorithm, which can efficiently identify halos located even at crowded regions. This method combines two physical criteria such as the tidal radius of a halo and the total energy of each particle to find member particles. Two hierarchical meshes are used to increase the speed and the power of halo identification in the parallel computing environments. First, a coarse mesh with cell size equal to the mean particle separation lmeanl_{\rm mean} is used to obtain the density field over the whole simulation box. Mesh cells having density contrast higher than a local cutoff threshold δLOC\delta_{\rm LOC} are extracted and linked together for those adjacent to each other. This produces local-cell groups. Second, a finer mesh is used to obtain density field within each local-cell group and to identify halos. If a density shell contains only one density peak, its particles are assigned to the density peak. But in the case of a density shell surrounding at least two density peaks, we use both the tidal radii of halo candidates enclosed by the shell and the total energy criterion to find physically bound particles with respect to each halo. Similar to DENMAX and HOP, the \hfind method can efficiently identify small halos embedded in a large halo, while the FoF and the SO do not resolve such small halos. We apply our new halo finding method to a 1-Giga particle simulation of the Λ\LambdaCDM model and compare the resulting mass function with those of previous studies. The abundance of physically self-bound halos is larger at the low mass scale and smaller at the high mass scale than proposed by the Jenkins et al. (2001) who used the FoF and SO methods. (abridged)Comment: 10 pages, 8 figs, submitted to Ap

    The role of dredge-up in double white dwarf mergers

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    We present the results of an investigation of the dredge-up and mixing during the merger of two white dwarfs with different chemical compositions by conducting hydrodynamic simulations of binary mergers for three representative mass ratios. In all the simulations, the total mass of the two white dwarfs is 1.0 M\lesssim1.0~{\rm M_\odot}. Mergers involving a CO and a He white dwarf have been suggested as a possible formation channel for R Coronae Borealis type stars, and we are interested in testing if such mergers lead to conditions and outcomes in agreement with observations. Even if the conditions during the merger and subsequent nucleosynthesis favor the production of 18O^{18}{\mathrm O}, the merger must avoid dredging up large amounts of 16O^{16}{\mathrm O}, or else it will be difficult to produce sufficient 18O^{18}{\mathrm O} to explain the oxygen ratio observed to be of order unity. We performed a total of 9 simulations using two different grid-based hydrodynamics codes using fixed and adaptive meshes, and one smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code. We find that in most of the simulations, >102 M>10^{-2}~{\rm M_\odot} of 16O^{16}{\mathrm O} is indeed dredged up during the merger. However, in SPH simulations where the accretor is a hybrid He/CO white dwarf with a 0.1 M\sim 0.1~{\rm M_\odot} layer of helium on top, we find that no 16O^{16}{\mathrm O} is being dredged up, while in the q=0.8q=0.8 simulation <104 M<10^{-4}~{\rm M_\odot} of 16O^{16}{\mathrm O} has been brought up, making a WD binary consisting of a hybrid CO/He WD and a companion He WD an excellent candidate for the progenitor of RCB stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Precise Measures of Orbital Period, Before and After Nova Eruption for QZ Aurigae

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    For the ordinary classical nova QZ Aurigae (which erupted in 1964), we report 1317 magnitudes from 1912--2016, including four eclipses detected on archival photographic plates from long before the eruption. We have accurate and robust measures of the orbital period both pre-eruption and post-eruption, and we find that the orbital period decreased, with a fractional change of -290.71+-0.28 parts-per-million across the eruption, with the orbit necessarily getting smaller. Further, we find that the light curve outside of eclipses and eruption is flat at near B=17.14 from 1912--1981, whereupon the average light curve starts fading down to B=17.49 with large variability. QZ Aur is a robust counter-example against the Hibernation model for the evolution of cataclysmic variables, where the model requires that all novae have their period increase across eruptions. Large period decreases across eruptions can easily arise from mass imbalances in the ejecta, as are commonly seen in asymmetric nova shells.Comment: MNRAS in press, 24 pages, 5 tables, 6 figure

    Modeling R Coronae Borealis Stars: Effects of He-Burning Shell Temperature and Metallicity

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    The R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars are extremely hydrogen-deficient carbon stars which produce large amounts of dust, causing sudden deep declines in brightness. They are believed to be formed primarily through white dwarf mergers. In this paper, we use MESA to investigate how post-merger objects with a range of initial He-burning shell temperatures from 2.1 - 5.4 *10^8 K with solar and subsolar metallicities evolve into RCB stars. The most successful model of these has subsolar metallicity and an initial temperature near 3 *10^8 K. We find a strong dependence on initial He-burning shell temperature for surface abundances of elements involved in the CNO cycle, as well as differences in effective temperature and radius of RCBs. Elements involved in nucleosynthesis present around 1 dex diminished surface abundances in the 10% solar metallicity models, with the exception of carbon and lithium which are discussed in detail. Models with subsolar metallicities also exhibit longer lifetimes than their solar counterparts. Additionally, we find that convective mixing of the burned material occurs only in the first few years of post-merger evolution, after which the surface abundances are constant during and after the RCB phase, providing evidence for why these stars show a strong enhancement of partial He-burning products.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted to MNRAS on August 15, 202