1,238 research outputs found

    Multiloop String-Like Formulas for QED

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    Multiloop gauge-theory amplitudes written in the Feynman-parameter representation are poised to take advantage of two important developments of the last decade: the spinor-helicity technique and the superstring reorganization. The former has been considered in a previous article; the latter will be elaborated in this paper. We show here how to write multiloop string-like formulas in the Feynman-parameter representation for any process in QED, including those involving other non-electromagnetic interactions. The general connection between the Feynman-parameter approach and the superstring/first-quantized approach is discussed. In the special case of a one-loop multi-photon amplitude, these formulas reduce to the ones obtained by the superstring and the first quantized methods. The string-like formulas exhibits a simple gauge structure which makes the Ward-Takahashi identity apparent, and enables the integration-by-parts technique of Bern and Kosower to be applied, so that gauge-invariant parts can be extracted diagram-by-diagram with the seagull vertex neglected.Comment: 25 pages in Plain Tex, plus four figures in a postscript file; McGill/92-5

    Sideband cooling while preserving coherences in the nuclear spin state in group-II-like atoms

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    We propose a method for laser cooling group-II-like atoms without changing the quantum state of their nuclear spins, thus preserving coherences that are usually destroyed by optical pumping. As group-II-like atoms have a 1S0^1S_0 closed-shell ground state, nuclear spin and electronic degrees of freedom are decoupled, allowing for independent manipulation. The hyperfine interaction that couples these degrees of freedom in excited states can be suppressed through the application of external magnetic fields. Our protocol employs resolved-sideband cooling on the forbidden clock transition, 1S03P0^1S_0 \to {}^3P_0, with quenching via coupling to the rapidly decaying 1P1^1P_1 state, deep in the Paschen-Back regime. This makes it possible to laser cool neutral atomic qubits without destroying the quantum information stored in their nuclear spins, as shown in two examples, 171^{171}Yb and 87^{87}Sr.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures v4: minor changes in text, changes in the references, published versio

    Generalized Gluon Currents and Applications in QCD

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    We consider the process containing two quark lines and an arbitrary number of gluons in a spinor helicity framework. A current with two off-shell gluons appears in the amplitude. We first study this modified gluon current using recursion relations. The recursion relation for the modified gluon current is solved for the case of like-helicity gluons. We apply the modified gluon current to compute the amplitude for qqˉqqˉgggq \bar q \rightarrow q \bar q gg \cdots g in the like-helicity gluon case.Comment: 80 pages, 2 figures (appended in pictex), CLNS 91/112

    One Loop Multiphoton Helicity Amplitudes

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    We use the solutions to the recursion relations for double-off-shell fermion currents to compute helicity amplitudes for nn-photon scattering and electron-positron annihilation to photons in the massless limit of QED. The form of these solutions is simple enough to allow {\it all}\ of the integrations to be performed explicitly. For nn-photon scattering, we find that unless n=4n=4, the amplitudes for the helicity configurations (+++...+) and (-++...+) vanish to one-loop order.Comment: 27 pages + 4 uuencoded figures (included), Fermilab-Pub-93/327-T, RevTe

    Multigluon Helicity Amplitudes Involving a Quark Loop

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    We apply the solution to the recursion relation for the double-off-shell quark current to the problem of computing one loop amplitudes with an arbitrary number of gluons. We are able to compute amplitudes for photon-gluon scattering, electron-positron annihilation to gluons, and gluon-gluon scattering via a quark loop in the case of like-helicity gluons. In addition, we present the result for the one-loop gluon-gluon scattering amplitude when one of the gluons has opposite helicity from the others.Comment: 31 pages (RevTeX) + 2 uuencoded figures (included), Fermilab-Pub-93/389-

    Multiphoton Production at High Energies in the Standard Model I

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    We examine multiphoton production in the electroweak sector of the Standard Model in the high energy limit using the equivalence theorem in combination with spinor helicity techniques. We obtain recursion relations for currents consisting of a charged scalar, spinor, or vector line that radiates nn photons. Closed form solutions to these recursion relations for arbitrary nn are presented for the cases of like-helicity and one unlike-helicity photon production. We apply the currents singly and in pairs to obtain amplitudes for processes involving the production of nn photons with up to two unlike helicities from a pair of charged particles. The replacement of one or more photons by transversely polarized Z$-bosons is also discussed.Comment: 75 pages, CLNS 91/111

    The Analysis of Multijet Events Produced at High Energy Hadron Colliders

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    We define and discuss a set of (4N - 4) parameters that can be used to analyse events in which N jets have been produced in high energy hadron-hadron collisions. These multijet variables are the multijet mass and (4N - 5) independent dimensionless parameters. To illustrate the use of the variables QCD predictions are presented for events with up to five jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron Proton-Antiproton Collider. These QCD predictions are compared with the predictions of a model in which multijet events uniformly populate the N-body phase-space

    Detection of Neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons at LEP-II and NLC

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    We study the possibility of detecting the neutral Higgs bosons predicted in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (h0, H0, A0), with the reactions e+ e- --> b b h0 (H0, A0), using the helicity formalism. We analyze the region of parameter space (m_A0-tan beta) where h0(H0, A0) could be detected in the limit when tan beta is large. The numerical computation is done for the energy which is expected to be available at LEP-II (sqrt{s} = 200 GeV) and for a possible Next Linear e+ e- Collider (sqrt{s}=500 GeV).Comment: To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Tree-Level Unitarity Constraints on the Gravitational Couplings of Higher-Spin Massive Fields

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    We analyse the high-energy behavior of tree-level graviton Compton amplitudes for particles of mass m and arbitrary spin, concentrating on a combination of forward amplitudes that will be unaffected by eventual cross- couplings to other, higher spins. We first show that for any spin larger than 2, tree-level unitarity is already violated at energies well below the Planck scale M, if m << M. We then restore unitarity to this amplitude up to M by adding non-minimal couplings that depend on the curvature and its derivatives, and modify the minimal description - including particle gravitational quadrupole moments - at scales O(1/m).Comment: 12 pages (Latex file, needs FEYNMAN macros), IASSNS-HEP-94/63, NYU-TH-94/05/01, CERN-TH.7388/9

    On the Cause of the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition

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    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), where the Pleistocene glacial cycles changed from 41 to ∼100 kyr periodicity, is one of the most intriguing unsolved issues in the field of paleoclimatology. Over the course of over four decades of research, several different physical mechanisms have been proposed to explain the MPT, involving non-linear feedbacks between ice sheets and the global climate, the solid Earth, ocean circulation, and the carbon cycle. Here, we review these different mechanisms, comparing how each of them relates to the others, and to the currently available observational evidence. Based on this discussion, we identify the most important gaps in our current understanding of the MPT. We discuss how new model experiments, which focus on the quantitative differences between the different physical mechanisms, could help fill these gaps. The results of those experiments could help interpret available proxy evidence, as well as new evidence that is expected to become available