13,461 research outputs found

    Microwave ISM Emission in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey: Evidence for Spinning Dust

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    We observe significant dust-correlated emission outside of H II regions in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey (-4 < b < 4 degrees) at 8.35 and 14.35 GHz. The rising spectral slope rules out synchrotron and free-free emission as majority constituents at 14 GHz, and the amplitude is at least 500 times higher than expected thermal dust emission. When combined with the Rhodes (2.326 GHz), and WMAP (23-94 GHz) data it is possible to fit dust-correlated emission at 2.3-94 GHz with only soft synchrotron, free-free, thermal dust, and an additional dust-correlated component similar to Draine & Lazarian spinning dust. The rising component generally dominates free-free and synchrotron for \nu >~ 14 GHz and is overwhelmed by thermal dust at \nu > 60 GHz. The current data fulfill most of the criteria laid out by Finkbeiner et al. (2002) for detection of spinning dust.Comment: ApJ in press. 26 pages, 11 figures, figures jpeg compressed to save spac

    Hepatic acute phase response protects the brain from focal inflammation during postnatal window of susceptibility

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    Perinatal inflammation is known to contribute to neurodevelopmental diseases. Animal models of perinatal inflammation have revealed that the inflammatory response within the brain is age dependent, but the regulators of this variation remain unclear. In the adult, the peripheral acute phase response (APR) is known to be pivotal in the downstream recruitment of leukocytes to the injured brain. The relationship between perinatal brain injury and the APR has not been established. Here, we generated focal inflammation in the brain using interleukin (IL)-1β at postnatal day (P)7, P14, P21 and P56 and studied both the central nervous system (CNS) and hepatic inflammatory responses at 4 h. We found that there is a significant window of susceptibility in mice at P14, when compared to mice at P7, P21 and P56. This was reflected in increased neutrophil recruitment to the CNS, as well as an increase in blood–brain barrier permeability. To investigate phenomena underlying this window of susceptibility, we performed a dose response of IL-1β. Whilst induction of endogenous IL-1β or intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 in the brain and induction of a hepatic APR were dose dependent, the recruitment of neutrophils and associated blood–brain barrier breakdown was inversely proportional. Furthermore, in contrast to adult animals, an additional peripheral challenge (intravenous IL-1β) reduced the degree of CNS inflammation, rather than exacerbating it. Together these results suggest a unique window of susceptibility to CNS injury, meaning that suppressing systemic inflammation after brain injury may exacerbate the damage caused, in an age-dependent manner

    Modeling the Determinants of Foreign Reserves in Nigeria

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    This study evaluated the determinants of foreign reserves in Nigeria. Literature relevant to the subject matter were rigorously reviewed. The model of the study hypothesized that foreign reserve (RESV) in Nigeria is a function of some macroeconomic variables. The Johansen cointegration tests established evidence of a long run relationship among the variables. The results of the estimated short run coefficients based on parsimonious Error Correction Model (ECM) indicated that RGDP, oil exports (OILEXP) are positive and significant determinants of RESV. This significant deterministic value of OILEXPT remained up to the first period lag. Expectedly, EXCH was found to be significant but negative determinant of RESV. FDI inflows positively and significantly determine RESV only in its first period lag while lending rate (LR) was discovered to be a negative and insignificant determinant. Similarly, the coefficient of inflation rate (INFL) was negative and significant. However, the coefficient of non-oil exports (NOILEXP), though positive, was not significant determinant of RESV. The probability of the diagnostic tests conducted reinforced the robustness of the model. On the basis of the empirical findings we recommend that the government incentivise NOILEXP as a means of positively affecting RESV. Keywords: Foreign Reserves, Exchange Rate. JEL Classification: F41, C5, C22

    The Distance to the Vela Supernova Remnant

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    We have obtained high resolution Ca II and Na I absorption line spectra toward 68 OB stars in the direction of the Vela Supernova Remnant. The stars lie at distances of 190 -- 2800 pc as determined by Hipparcos and spectroscopic parallax estimations. The presence of high velocity absorption attributable to the remnant along some of the sight lines constrains the remnant distance to 250+/-30 pc. This distance is consistent with several recent investigations that suggest that the canonical remnant distance of 500 pc is too large.Comment: To be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters Figure 1 y-axis labels correcte

    (Per)chlorate-reducing bacteria can utilize aerobic and anaerobic pathways of aromatic degradation with (per)chlorate as an electron acceptor.

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    UnlabelledThe pathways involved in aromatic compound oxidation under perchlorate and chlorate [collectively known as (per)chlorate]-reducing conditions are poorly understood. Previous studies suggest that these are oxygenase-dependent pathways involving O2 biogenically produced during (per)chlorate respiration. Recently, we described Sedimenticola selenatireducens CUZ and Dechloromarinus chlorophilus NSS, which oxidized phenylacetate and benzoate, two key intermediates in aromatic compound catabolism, coupled to the reduction of perchlorate or chlorate, respectively, and nitrate. While strain CUZ also oxidized benzoate and phenylacetate with oxygen as an electron acceptor, strain NSS oxidized only the latter, even at a very low oxygen concentration (1%, vol/vol). Strains CUZ and NSS contain similar genes for both the anaerobic and aerobic-hybrid pathways of benzoate and phenylacetate degradation; however, the key genes (paaABCD) encoding the epoxidase of the aerobic-hybrid phenylacetate pathway were not found in either genome. By using transcriptomics and proteomics, as well as by monitoring metabolic intermediates, we investigated the utilization of the anaerobic and aerobic-hybrid pathways on different electron acceptors. For strain CUZ, the results indicated utilization of the anaerobic pathways with perchlorate and nitrate as electron acceptors and of the aerobic-hybrid pathways in the presence of oxygen. In contrast, proteomic results suggest that strain NSS may use a combination of the anaerobic and aerobic-hybrid pathways when growing on phenylacetate with chlorate. Though microbial (per)chlorate reduction produces molecular oxygen through the dismutation of chlorite (ClO2(-)), this study demonstrates that anaerobic pathways for the degradation of aromatics can still be utilized by these novel organisms.ImportanceS. selenatireducens CUZ and D. chlorophilus NSS are (per)chlorate- and chlorate-reducing bacteria, respectively, whose genomes encode both anaerobic and aerobic-hybrid pathways for the degradation of phenylacetate and benzoate. Previous studies have shown that (per)chlorate-reducing bacteria and chlorate-reducing bacteria (CRB) can use aerobic pathways to oxidize aromatic compounds in otherwise anoxic environments by capturing the oxygen produced from chlorite dismutation. In contrast, we demonstrate that S. selenatireducens CUZ is the first perchlorate reducer known to utilize anaerobic aromatic degradation pathways with perchlorate as an electron acceptor and that it does so in preference over the aerobic-hybrid pathways, regardless of any oxygen produced from chlorite dismutation. D. chlorophilus NSS, on the other hand, may be carrying out anaerobic and aerobic-hybrid processes simultaneously. Concurrent use of anaerobic and aerobic pathways has not been previously reported for other CRB or any microorganisms that encode similar pathways of phenylacetate or benzoate degradation and may be advantageous in low-oxygen environments

    Aggregation of Lipid Rafts Accompanies Signaling via the T Cell Antigen Receptor

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    The role of lipid rafts in T cell antigen receptor (TCR) signaling was investigated using fluorescence microscopy. Lipid rafts labeled with cholera toxin B subunit (CT-B) and cross-linked into patches displayed characteristics of rafts isolated biochemically, including detergent resistance and colocalization with raft-associated proteins. LCK, LAT, and the TCR all colocalized with lipid patches, although TCR association was sensitive to nonionic detergent. Aggregation of the TCR by anti-CD3 mAb cross-linking also caused coaggregation of raft-associated proteins. However, the protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45 did not colocalize to either CT-B or CD3 patches. Cross-linking of either CD3 or CT-B strongly induced tyrosine phosphorylation and recruitment of a ZAP-70(SH2)2–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein to the lipid patches. Also, CT-B patching induced signaling events analagous to TCR stimulation, with the same dependence on expression of key TCR signaling molecules. Targeting of LCK to rafts was necessary for these events, as a nonraft- associated transmembrane LCK chimera, which did not colocalize with TCR patches, could not reconstitute CT-B–induced signaling. Thus, our results indicate a mechanism whereby TCR engagement promotes aggregation of lipid rafts, which facilitates colocalization of LCK, LAT, and the TCR whilst excluding CD45, thereby triggering protein tyrosine phosphorylation

    Convergence of the Optimized Delta Expansion for the Connected Vacuum Amplitude: Zero Dimensions

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    Recent proofs of the convergence of the linear delta expansion in zero and in one dimensions have been limited to the analogue of the vacuum generating functional in field theory. In zero dimensions it was shown that with an appropriate, NN-dependent, choice of an optimizing parameter \l, which is an important feature of the method, the sequence of approximants ZNZ_N tends to ZZ with an error proportional to ecN{\rm e}^{-cN}. In the present paper we establish the convergence of the linear delta expansion for the connected vacuum function W=lnZW=\ln Z. We show that with the same choice of \l the corresponding sequence WNW_N tends to WW with an error proportional to ecN{\rm e}^{-c\sqrt N}. The rate of convergence of the latter sequence is governed by the positions of the zeros of ZNZ_N.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, Imperial/TP/92-93/5

    Pan-Africanism: a contorted delirium or a pseudonationalist paradigm? Revivalist critique

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    This essaic-article goes against established conventions that there is anything ethno-cultural (and hence national) about the so-called African tribes. Drawing largely from the culture history of precolonial/prepolitical Africans—that is, the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians (Azanians)—the author has demonstrated vividly that far from being distinct ethno-culture national communities, the so-called tribes of African states are better considered subculture groups, whose regional culture practices erstwhile paid tribute to their nation’s main culture center in Karnak. For example, using the culture symbols and practices of some local groups and linking them to the predynastic and dynastic Pharaonic periods, I argued that there is compelling evidence against qualifying Africa’s tribes as distinct ethno-culture national entities. In genuine culture context, I stressed that the Ritual of Resurrection and its twin culture process of the mummification of deceased indigenous Pharaohs tend to suggest that the object of the Bantu/Cushitic-Ethiopians national culture was life (in its eternal manifestation) and then resurrection later, and that there are recurring (culturally sanctioned) ethical examples among the culture custodians of these subculture groups that generally pay tribute to the overarching culture norm. Furthermore, the fact that the Ritual of Resurrection began in the Delta region and ended at the Sources of the Nile, where the spirit of the deceased indigenous Pharaohs was introduced into the spiritual world of their ancestors, contradicts conventional perceptions that ancient Egypt was a distinct national community isolated from precolonial/prepolitical Africa/Azania

    Aspirin Use in Children for Fever or Viral Syndromes

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    Aspirin should not be used to treat acute febrile viral illness in children. (Strength of Recommendation [SOR]: C, based on case- control studies). Although no causal link has been proven, data from case-control and historic cohort studies demonstrate an association between aspirin use and Reye syndrome

    Segmentation in Agriculture and Farmers’ Productivity: Evidence from Survey of Poultry Farms

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    The World Bank intervened in Nigeria agriculture in 2009 to increase productivity in 5 farm areas, namely-poultry, rice, maize, cashew and pineapple farming through the value chain strategy. Agricultural activity was segmented and farmers were encouraged to go into one farm operation only. Proponents of the segmentation argue that it holds the key to solving the low agricultural productivity in developing counties because farmers will only specialize in one farm area. That is, specialization will enable the farmer to innovates better ways of tackling problems, time the market and planting period to mitigate climate change. The aim of the research is to examine the effects of the segmentation practice on the productivity of Poultry farmers in Nigeria, using a survey data. Result from the survey using regression analysis did not support encouraging segmentation in poultry farming. This is because poultry farmers who engaged in more than one poultry practice had more yield of egg per bird. The lesson for agricultural policy is that farmers should be encouraged to engage in multiple farming practice