791 research outputs found

    Effect of stomach inflation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation on return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: A retrospective observational study

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    Background: Gastric inflation caused by excessive ventilation is a common complication of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Gastric inflation may further compromise ventilation via increases in intrathoracic pressure, leading to decreased venous return and cardiac output, which may impair out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) outcomes. The purpose of this study was to measure the gastric volume of OHCA patients using computed tomography (CT) scan images and evaluate the effect of gastric inflation on return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Methods: In this single-center, retrospective, observational study, CT scan was conducted after ROSC or immediately after death. Total gastric volume was measured. Primary outcome was ROSC. Achievement of ROSC was compared in the gastric distention group and the no gastric distention group; gastric distension was defined as total gastric volume in the ≥75th percentile. Additionally, factors associated with gastric distention were examined. Results: A total of 446 cases were enrolled in the study; 120 cases (27%) achieved ROSC. The median gastric volume was 400 ml for all OHCA subjects; 1068 ml in gastric distention group vs. 287 ml in no gastric distention group. There was no difference in ROSC between the groups (27/112 [24.1%] vs. 93/334 [27.8%], p = 0.440). Gastric distention did not have a significant impact, even after adjustments (adjusted odds ratio 0.73, 95% confidence interval [0.42–1.29]). Increased gastric volume was associated with longer emergency medical service activity time. Conclusions: We observed a median gastric volume of 400 ml in patients after OHCA resuscitation. In our setting, gastric distention did not prevent ROSC

    Predicting bushmeat biomass from species composition captured by camera traps: Implications for locally based wildlife monitoring

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    アフリカ熱帯雨林における野生動物資源量推定の有効な指標を発見 --地域住民主体の野生動物モニタリング法の基礎を確立--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-26.Cameras candidly capture bushmeat mammals to avert crisis. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-30.1. Facing the bushmeat crisis, tropical forests require effective monitoring for sustainable wildlife management. To gain credibility with local people and conservation officials, the monitoring needs indicators that comply with local knowledge and predict the available faunal resources. 2. This study explores predictive indicators for bushmeat biomass --the total biomass of five main hunted mammals-- in a Cameroonian rainforest. We employed camera trapping and the Random Encounter and Staying Time (REST) model to estimate the spatial variation in each species' population density and bushmeat biomass at three sites. We then calculated six indicators from camera-trap capture rate estimates and assessed their predictive performance for the total wild meat amount. 3. Duikers generally increased with distance from the public road, but two red duiker species were more markedly affected by the distance than blue duikers. Spatial density patterns of brush-tailed porcupines and Emin's pouched rats differed between sites. Consequently, bushmeat biomass displayed exponential growth away from the road with varying degrees among the sites. 4. Of the six indicators, the R/B ratio (red-to-blue duiker ratio) and the D/R ratio (duiker-to-rodent ratio) exhibited positive linear-like correlations to bushmeat biomass at all sites. The correlation lines were moderately similar across sites in the R/B ratio but largely different in the D/R ratio, suggesting that the latter is unsuitable for sharing information between neighbouring communities. 5. Synthesis and applications. The two indicators based on captured animal composition may effectively predict the total biomass of the main target species for bushmeat hunting, given a reasonably large sample size. The R/B ratio (red duikers/blue duikers) is recommended as a first choice; the D/R ratio (duikers/rodents) can be a good alternative when information sharing is not essential. Because local hunters are aware of depletion-related changes in species composition of caught animals, these indices may be effectively incorporated into community-based wildlife monitoring.1. Face à la crise de la viande de brousse, les forêts tropicales nécessitent un système de suivi efficace pour une gestion durable de la faune. Pour gagner en crédibilité auprès des populations locales et des responsables de la conservation, le suivi a besoin d'indicateurs qui respectent les connaissances locales et prédisent les ressources fauniques disponibles. 2. Cette étude explore des indicateurs prédictifs de la biomasse de la viande de brousse --la biomasse totale de cinq principaux mammifères chassés-- dans une forêt tropicale camerounaise. Nous avons utilisé des caméra-piège et le modèle REST (Random Encounter and Staying Time) pour estimer la variation spatiale de la densité de chaque espèce et de la biomasse de viande de brousse sur trois sites. Nous avons ensuite calculé six indicateurs à partir des estimations du taux de capture par caméra-piège et évalué leur performance prédictive pour la quantité totale de viande sauvage. 3. Le nombre de céphalophes augmentaient généralement avec la distance de la route publique, mais deux espèces de céphalophes roux étaient plus fortement affectés par la distance que les céphalophes bleus. Les modèles de densité spatiale des porcs-épics et des rats géants d'Emin différaient selon les sites. Par conséquent, la biomasse de viande de brousse a affiché une croissance exponentielle en s'éloignant de la route, avec des degrés variables selon les sites. 4. Parmi les six indicateurs, le ratio R/B (le ratio des céphalophes rouges par rapport aux céphalophes bleus) et le ratio D/R (le ratio des céphalophes par rapport aux rongeurs) présentaient des corrélations linéaires avec la biomasse de viande de brousse sur tous les sites. Les lignes de corrélation étaient modérément similaires d'un site à l'autre pour le ratio R/B mais largement différentes pour le ratio D/R, ce qui suggère que ce dernier n'est pas approprié pour le partage d'informations entre communautés adjacentes. 5. Synthèse et applications. Les deux indicateurs basés sur la composition des animaux capturés peuvent prédire efficacement la biomasse totale des principales espèces cibles de la chasse à la viande de brousse, à condition de disposer d'une taille d'échantillon raisonnablement importante. Le ratio R/B (les céphalophes rouges/bleus) est recommandé comme premier choix; le ratio D/R (les céphalophes/les rongeurs) peut être une bonne alternative lorsque le partage des informations n'est pas essentiel. Comme les chasseurs locaux sont conscients des changements liés à l'épuisement dans la composition des espèces des animaux capturés, ces indicateurs peuvent être efficacement intégrés dans le suivi communautaire de la faune

    Contributions of the direct supply of belowground seagrass detritus and trapping of suspended organic matter to the sedimentary organic carbon stock in seagrass meadows

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    Carbon captured by marine living organisms is called blue carbon, and seagrass meadows are a dominant blue carbon sink. However, our knowledge of how seagrass increases sedimentary organic carbon (OC) stocks is limited. We investigated two pathways of OC accumulation: trapping of organic matter in the water column and the direct supply of belowground seagrass detritus. We developed a new type of box corer to facilitate the retrieval of intact cores that preserve the structures of both sediments (including coarse sediments and dead plant structures) and live seagrasses. We measured seagrass density, total OC mass (OCtotal) (live seagrass OC biomass (OCbio) + sedimentary OC mass (OCsed)), and the stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of OCsed and its potential OC sources at Thalassia hemprichii dominated back-reef and Enhalus acoroides dominated estuarine sites in the tropical Indo-Pacific region. At points with vegetation, OCbio accounted for 25 % and OCsed for 75 % of OCtotal; this contribution of OCbio to OCtotal is higher than in globally compiled data. Belowground detritus accounted for  ∼  90 % of the OC mass of dead plant structures (&gt; 2 mm in size) (OCdead). At the back-reef site, belowground seagrass biomass, OCdead, and δ13C of OCsed (δ13Csed) were positively correlated with OCsed, indicating that the direct supply of belowground seagrass detritus is a major mechanism of OCsed accumulation. At the estuarine site, aboveground seagrass biomass was positively correlated with OCsed but δ13Csed did not correlate with OCsed, indicating that trapping of suspended OC by seagrass leaves is a major mechanism of OCsed accumulation there. We inferred that the relative importance of these two pathways may depend on the supply (productivity) of belowground biomass. Our results indicate that belowground biomass productivity of seagrass meadows, in addition to their aboveground morphological complexity, is an important factor controlling their OC stock. Consideration of this factor will improve global blue carbon estimates.</p

    Noncovalent Interactions by QMC: Speedup by One-Particle Basis-Set Size Reduction

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    While it is empirically accepted that the fixed-node diffusion Monte-Carlo (FN-DMC) depends only weakly on the size of the one-particle basis sets used to expand its guiding functions, limits of this observation are not settled yet. Our recent work indicates that under the FN error cancellation conditions, augmented triple zeta basis sets are sufficient to achieve a benchmark level of 0.1 kcal/mol in a number of small noncovalent complexes. Here we report on a possibility of truncation of the one-particle basis sets used in FN-DMC guiding functions that has no visible effect on the accuracy of the production FN-DMC energy differences. The proposed scheme leads to no significant increase in the local energy variance, indicating that the total CPU cost of large-scale benchmark noncovalent interaction energy FN-DMC calculations may be reduced.Comment: ACS book chapter, accepte

    Advancing ethics review practices in AI research

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    The implementation of ethics review processes is an important first step for anticipating and mitigating the potential harms of AI research. Its long-term success, however, requires a coordinated community effort, to support experimentation with different ethics review processes, to study their effect, and to provide opportunities for diverse voices from the community to share insights and foster norms

    Simulation of boron diffusion during low-temperature annealing of implanted silicon

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    Modeling of ion-implanted boron redistribution in silicon crystals during low-temperature annealing with a small thermal budget has been carried out. It was shown that formation of "tails"' in the low-concentration region of impurity profiles occurs due to the long-range migration of boron interstitialsComment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    From computational discovery to experimental characterization of a high hole mobility organic crystal

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    For organic semiconductors to find ubiquitous electronics applications, the development of new materials with high mobility and air stability is critical. Despite the versatility of carbon, exploratory chemical synthesis in the vast chemical space can be hindered by synthetic and characterization difficulties. Here we show that in silico screening of novel derivatives of the dinaphtho[2,3-b:2′,3′-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene semiconductor with high hole mobility and air stability can lead to the discovery of a new high-performance semiconductor. On the basis of estimates from the Marcus theory of charge transfer rates, we identified a novel compound expected to demonstrate a theoretic twofold improvement in mobility over the parent molecule. Synthetic and electrical characterization of the compound is reported with single-crystal field-effect transistors, showing a remarkable saturation and linear mobility of 12.3 and 16 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. This is one of the very few organic semiconductors with mobility greater than 10 cm2 V−1 s−1 reported to date