1,304 research outputs found

    Quantity and significance of wild meat off-take by a rural community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    When compared to tropical forest zones in west and central Africa, off-take of wild meat from savannah and grassland biomes by local rural communities has not been well assessed. This case study of wild meat collection activities within a rural community in the Mount Frere region of the Eastern Cape (South Africa) uses last-catch records derived from 50 wild meat gatherers to calculate average off-take of taxa, species and fresh mass of wild meat per collection event. When per-event off take is overlaid onto household hunting frequency data, annual off-take would be 268.6 kg km−2 yr−1 or 3 kg person−1 yr−1 presuming constant off-take over an annual period. Monetary value of off-take would be South African R 307 (US$ 39) per household annually. For some species, off-take weight per km2 shows similar values to data from tropical forest zones, but high human population densities tend to dilute off-takes to less nutritionally significant amounts at the per person scale. However, unlike many tropical zones, none of the species harvested can be considered high-priority conservation species. Even densely populated and heavily harvested communal lands appear to offer high wild meat off-takes from low conservation priority species

    Millennial-scale variability of deep-water temperature and δ18Odwindicating deep-water source variations in the Northeast Atlantic, 0-34 cal. ka BP

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    Paired measurements of Mg/Ca and δ18Occ (calcite δ18O) in benthic foraminifera from a deep-sea core recovered on the Iberian Margin (MD99-2334K; 37°48′N, 10°10′W; 3,146 m) have been performed in parallel with planktonic δ18Occ analyses and counts of ice-rafted debris (IRD). The synchrony of temperature changes recorded in the Greenland ice cores and in North Atlantic planktonic δ18Occ allows the proxy records from MD99-2334K to be placed confidently on the GISP2 time-scale. This correlation is further corroborated by AMS 14C-dates. Benthic Mg/Ca measurements in MD99-2334K permit the reconstruction of past deep-water temperature (Tdw) changes since ∼34 cal. ka BP (calendar kiloyears before present). Using these Tdw estimates and parallel benthic δ18Occ measurements, a record of deep-water δ18O (δ18Odw) has been calculated. Results indicate greatly reduced Tdw in the deep Northeast Atlantic during the last glaciation until ∼15 cal. ka BP, when Tdw warmed abruptly to near-modern values in parallel with the onset of the Bølling-Allerød interstadial. Subsequently, Tdw reverted to cold glacial values between ∼13.4 and ∼11.4 cal. ka BP, in parallel with the Younger Dryas cold reversal and the H0 ice-rafting event. Similar millennial-scale Tdw changes also occurred during the last glaciation. Indeed, throughout the last ∼34 cal. ka, millennial δ18Odw and Tdw changes have remained well coupled and are linked with IRD pulses coincident with Heinrich events 3, 2, 1, and the Younger Dryas, when transitions to lower Tdw and δ18Odw conditions occurred. In general, millennial Tdw and δ18Odw variations recorded in MD99-2334K describe an alternation between colder, low-δ18Odw and warmer, high δ18Odw conditions, which suggests the changing local dominance of northern-sourced North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) versus southern-sourced Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The observed similarity of the Tdw and GISP2 δ18Oice records would therefore suggest a common component of variability resulting from the coupling of NADW formation and Greenland climate. A link between Greenland stadials and the incursion of cold, low-δ18Odw AABW in the deep Northeast Atlantic is thus implied, which contributes to the relationship between Greenland climate and the millennial benthic δ18Occ signal since ∼34 cal. ka BP

    Long-lived testosterone esters in the rat.

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    Policy brief, number 11, 2014

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    [From Introduction] Urbanisation in sub-Saharan Africa: changing the locus of poverty. Urbanisation is a global phenomenon that is changing the face of the Earth, as well as how people earn a living and secure their livelihoods. In 2006 the number of urban people in the world surpassed the number of rural people, and this gap will continue to grow. In only 16 years (by 2030) just under two-thirds of the world's people will be urban dwellers. Whilst most of the developed world and large parts of Latin America already have more than threequarters of their populations living in cities and towns, most countries in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are still catching up. This means that they are experiencing massive migrations from rural to urban areas as rural people wish to swap the insecurities of rural living for the allure of secure employment and better services for health, education, sanitation and transport in towns and cities. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the most rapidly urbanising region of the globe. According to UN-Habitat, in 1990, only 28 % of the region's inhabitants lived in towns and cities; that increased to approximately 32 % in 2001 and 41 % in 2010. The size of the urban population is likely to surpass the rural one around 2025. Contrary to popular belief, most urban residents in SSA (and globally) live in small towns rather than massive megacities; with just over half living in towns of less than 200,000 people and 78 % living in towns of less than 500,000 residents. Only 14 % of urban dwellers live in cities of more than one million people. Many new urban households maintain strong links to relatives and clans in rural areas, with circular migration patterns emerging as the urban transition takes place over several decades. The implications of this extremely rapid urbanisation in SSA countries for livelihoods and poverty are widely debated. UN-Habitat highlights a relatively unique aspect of urbanisation in SSA as being the accompanying high rate of growth in informal settlements or slums. In other words, not all rural migrants to towns and cities find secure incomes or shelter. Some slum areas have become permanent features where inter-generational poverty is reproduced. Although urban areas are producing an increasing share of national wealth in SSA countries, some argue that slowly the nexus of poverty is shifting towards urban areas. Rates of poverty are high in rural areas of SSA, but migration and internal population growth means that in some countries the number of urban poor almost matches the number of rural poor, and it is likely to grow. The informal economy contributes an average of 40 – 45 % of total urban GDP, which is higher than any other region of the world

    Comparison of extent and transformation of South Africa’s woodland biome from two national databases

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    [From introduction] The recent completion of the South African National Land-Cover Database and the Vegetation Map of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho, allows for the first time a comparison to be made on a national scale between the current and potential distribution of ‘natural’ vegetation resources. This article compares the distribution and location of woodland-type vegetation categories defined within the National Land-Cover data and the equivalent ‘Savanna-thicket Biomes’ class defined within the Vegetation Mapdata. Significant differences were found, both in terms of the total areal extent, as well as the actual spatial distribution of these two data sets. These differences are a measure of the inherent mapping accuracies of each source, but rather an illustration of boundary delineation distinctions that are a result of different data sources, mapping objectives and information classes, that must be noted when comparing two essentially similar information sets

    Holistic corpus-based dialectology

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    This paper is concerned with sketching future directions for corpus-based dialectology. We advocate a holistic approach to the study of geographically conditioned linguistic variability, and we present a suitable methodology, 'corpusbased dialectometry', in exactly this spirit. Specifically, we argue that in order to live up to the potential of the corpus-based method, practitioners need to (i) abandon their exclusive focus on individual linguistic features in favor of the study of feature aggregates, (ii) draw on computationally advanced multivariate analysis techniques (such as multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis), and (iii) aid interpretation of empirical results by marshalling state-of-the-art data visualization techniques. To exemplify this line of analysis, we present a case study which explores joint frequency variability of 57 morphosyntax features in 34 dialects all over Great Britain

    History of Plio-Pleistocene Climate in the Northeastern Atlantic, Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 552A

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    DSDP Hole 552A, cored with the HPC on Hatton Drift, represents an almost complete and undisturbed sediment section spanning the late Neogene and Quaternary. Lithologic, faunal, isotopic, and paleomagnetic analyses indicate that the section represents the most complete deep sea record of climatic evolution hitherto recovered at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. A glacial record of remarkable resolution for the late Pliocene and Pleistocene is provided by oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in benthic foraminifers. In the upper part of the section, the whole of the standard oxygen isotope record of the past million years is well preserved. The onset of ice-rafting and glacial-interglacial alternations occurs at about 2.4 m.y. ago

    A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa

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    Every country has weed species whose presence conflicts in some way with human management objectives and needs. Resources for research and control are limited, so priority should be given to species that are the biggest problem. The prioritization system described in this article was designed to assess objectively research and control priorities of invasive alien plants at a national scale in South Africa. The evaluation consists of seventeen criteria, grouped into five modules, that assess invasiveness, spatial characteristics, potential impact, potential for control, and conflicts of interest for each plant species under consideration. Total prioritization scores, calculated from criterion and module scores, were used to assess a species' priority. Prioritization scores were calculated by combining independent assessments provided by several experts, thus increasing the reliability of the rankings. The total confidence score, a separate index, indicates the reliability and availability of data used to make an assessment. Candidate species for evaluation were identified and assessed by several experts using the prioritization system. The final ranking was made by combining two separate indices, the total prioritization score and the total confidence score. This approach integrates the plant's perceived priority with an index of data reliability. Of the 61 species assessed, those with the highest ranks (Lantana camara, Chromolaena odorata and Opuntia ficus-indica) had high prioritization and high confidence scores, and are thus of most concern. Those species with the lowest ranks, for example, Harrisia martinii, Opuntia spinulifera and Opuntia exaltata, had low prioritization scores and high confidence scores, and thus are of least concern. Our approach to ranking weeds offers several advantages over existing systems because it is designed for multiple assessors based on the Delphi decision-making technique, the criteria contribute equally to the total score, and the system can accommodate incomplete data on a species. Although the choice of criteria may be criticized and the system has certain limitations, it appears to have delivered credible results
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