792 research outputs found

    Alloy composition effects on oxidation products of VIA, B-1900, 713C, and 738X: A high temperature diffractometer study

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    High temperature X-ray diffraction studies were performed to investigate isothermal and cyclic oxidation at 1000 and 1100 C of the nickel-base superalloys VIA, B-1900, 713C, and 738X. Oxidation was complex. The major oxides, Al2O3, Cr2O3, and the spinels, formed in amounts consistent with alloy chemistry. The alloys VIA and B-1900 (high Al, low Cr alloys) tended to form Al2O3 and NiAl2O4; 738X (high Cr, low Al) formed Cr2O3 and NiCr2O4. A NiTa2O6 type of oxide formed in amounts approximately proportional to the refractory metal content of the alloy. One of the effects of cycling was to increase the amount of spinels formed

    High-Temperature Cyclic Oxidation Data, Volume 1

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    This first in a series of cyclic oxidation handbooks contains specific-weight-change-versus-time data and X-ray diffraction results derived from high-temperature cyclic tests on high-temperature, high-strength nickel-base gamma/gamma' and cobalt-base turbine alloys. Each page of data summarizes a complete test on a given alloy sample

    Thermal expansion in the nickel-chromium-aluminum and cobalt-chromium-aluminum systems to 1200 degrees C

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    Thermal expansion data were obtained on 12 Ni-Cr-Al and 9 Co-Cr-Al alloys by high temperature X-ray diffraction. The data were computer fit to an empirical thermal expansion equation developed in the study. It is shown that the fit is excellent to good, and that the expansion constants depend on phase but not on composition. Phases for the Ni-Cr-Al system and Co-Cr-Al system are given. Results indicate that only alpha Cr has an expansion constant low enough to minimize oxide spalling or coating cracking induced by thermal expansion mismatch

    Deep learning for novel antimicrobial peptide design

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    Antimicrobial resistance is an increasing issue in healthcare as the overuse of antibacterial agents rises during the COVID-19 pandemic. The need for new antibiotics is high, while the arsenal of available agents is decreasing, especially for the treatment of infections by Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are offering a promising route for novel antibiotic development and deep learning techniques can be utilised for successful AMP design. In this study, a long short-term memory (LSTM) generative model and a bidirectional LSTM classification model were constructed to design short novel AMP sequences with potential antibacterial activity against E. coli. Two versions of the generative model and six versions of the classification model were trained and optimised using Bayesian hyperparameter optimisation. These models were used to generate sets of short novel sequences that were classified as antimicrobial or non-antimicrobial. The validation accuracies of the classification models were 81.6–88.9% and the novel AMPs were classified as antimicrobial with accuracies of 70.6–91.7%. Predicted three-dimensional conformations of selected short AMPs exhibited the alpha-helical structure with amphipathic surfaces. This demonstrates that LSTMs are effective tools for generating novel AMPs against targeted bacteria and could be utilised in the search for new antibiotics leads

    H∞ voltage control of a direct high-frequency converter

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    Providing a secure power network is a demanding task but as network complexity is expected to grow with the connection of large amounts of distributed generation so the problem of integration, not just connection, of each additional generator becomes more protracted. A fundamental change to contemporary network architectures may eventually become necessary and this will provide new opportunities for power electronic converters to deliver advanced management and new power flow control features. Direct resonant converters (Dang 2005), could be used in novel devices such as the Active Transformers (Garlick 2008). The key to the successful exploitation of these devices will be their versatility, controllability and cost efficiency

    Stick-slip instability for viscous fingering in a gel

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    The growth dynamics of an air finger injected in a visco-elastic gel (a PVA/borax aqueous solution) is studied in a linear Hele-Shaw cell. Besides the standard Saffmann-Taylor instability, we observe - with increasing finger velocities - the existence of two new regimes: (a) a stick-slip regime for which the finger tip velocity oscillates between 2 different values, producing local pinching of the finger at regular intervals, (b) a ``tadpole'' regime where a fracture-type propagation is observed. A scaling argument is proposed to interpret the dependence of the stick-slip frequency with the measured rheological properties of the gel.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    The architecture and control of large power networks with distributed generation

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    This paper briefly summarises the evolution of transmission and distribution networks since the late 19th century, and explains that the introduction of significant amounts of distributed generation may bring about a future fundamental change to the network architecture. Providing a secure power network is a demanding task, but as network complexity is expected to grow with the connection of large amounts of distributed generation, so the problem of integration, not just connection, of each successive generator becomes more protracted. A fundamental change to the network architecture may eventually become necessary and a new architecture, perhaps based on power cells, containing generation, energy storage and loads has been proposed by some researchers. This paper describes a novel power cell interface. It makes the case for the conventional power transformer to be replaced by an Active Transformer, the objective being to provide a more controllable, flexible and robust connection that will facilitate greater network management and business opportunities, and new power flow control features. The Active Transformer design is based on an a.c. link system described by Thomas Lipo in 1986 and an a.c.-a.c. high-frequency direct converter design demonstrated by Dang in 2006. It consists of a resonant, supply-side converter, a high frequency transformer and a resonant, load-side converter. This paper describes a model of the Active Transformer, built in Simulink®, and presents the results of simulations that demonstrate its action to control current in a resistive load

    Perturbations on steady spherical accretion in Schwarzschild geometry

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    The stationary background flow in the spherically symmetric infall of a compressible fluid, coupled to the space-time defined by the static Schwarzschild metric, has been subjected to linearized perturbations. The perturbative procedure is based on the continuity condition and it shows that the coupling of the flow with the geometry of space-time brings about greater stability for the flow, to the extent that the amplitude of the perturbation, treated as a standing wave, decays in time, as opposed to the amplitude remaining constant in the Newtonian limit. In qualitative terms this situation simulates the effect of a dissipative mechanism in the classical Bondi accretion flow, defined in the Newtonian construct of space and time. As a result of this approach it becomes impossible to define an acoustic metric for a conserved spherically symmetric flow, described within the framework of Schwarzschild geometry. In keeping with this view, the perturbation, considered separately as a high-frequency travelling wave, also has its amplitude reduced.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Scaffolds Accelerate Wound Healing

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    Cutaneous wound repair regenerates skin integrity, but a chronic failure to heal results in compromised tissue function and increased morbidity. To address this, we have used an integrated approach, using nanobiotechnology to augment the rate of wound reepithelialization by combining self-assembling peptide (SAP) nanofiber scaffold and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF). This SAP bioscaffold was tested in a bioengineered Human Skin Equivalent (HSE) tissue model that enabled wound reepithelialization to be monitored in a tissue that recapitulates molecular and cellular mechanisms of repair known to occur in human skin. We found that SAP underwent molecular self-assembly to form unique 3D structures that stably covered the surface of the wound, suggesting that this scaffold may serve as a viable wound dressing. We measured the rates of release of EGF from the SAP scaffold and determined that EGF was only released when the scaffold was in direct contact with the HSE. By measuring the length of the epithelial tongue during wound reepithelialization, we found that SAP scaffolds containing EGF accelerated the rate of wound coverage by 5 fold when compared to controls without scaffolds and by 3.5 fold when compared to the scaffold without EGF. In conclusion, our experiments demonstrated that biomaterials composed of a biofunctionalized peptidic scaffold have many properties that are well-suited for the treatment of cutaneous wounds including wound coverage, functionalization with bioactive molecules, localized growth factor release and activation of wound repair

    A survivin gene signature predicts aggressive tumor behavior

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    Gene signatures that predict aggressive tumor behavior at the earliest stages of disease, ideally before overt tissue abnormalities, are urgently needed. To search for such genes, we generated a transgenic model of survivin, an essential regulator of cell division and apoptosis overexpressed in cancer. Transgenic expression of survivin in the urinary bladder did not cause histologic abnormalities of the urothelium. However, microarray analysis revealed that survivin-expressing bladders exhibited profound changes in gene expression profile affecting extracellular matrix and inflammatory genes. Following exposure to a bladder carcinogen, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (OH-BBN), survivin transgenic animals exhibited accelerated tumor progression, preferential incidence of tumors as compared with premalignant lesions, and dramatically abbreviated survival. Conversely, transgenic expression of a survivin Thr34--\u3eAla dominant-negative mutant did not cause changes in gene expression or accelerated tumor progression after OH-BBN treatment. Therefore, survivin expression induces global transcriptional changes in the tissue microenvironment that may promote tumorigenesis. Detection of survivin or its associated gene signature may provide an early biomarker of aggressive tumor behavior before the appearance of tissue abnormalities