1,651 research outputs found

    Probabilistic growth of large entangled states with low error accumulation

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    The creation of complex entangled states, resources that enable quantum computation, can be achieved via simple 'probabilistic' operations which are individually likely to fail. However, typical proposals exploiting this idea carry a severe overhead in terms of the accumulation of errors. Here we describe an method that can rapidly generate large entangled states with an error accumulation that depends only logarithmically on the failure probability. We find that the approach may be practical for success rates in the sub-10% range, while ultimately becoming unfeasible at lower rates. The assumptions that we make, including parallelism and high connectivity, are appropriate for real systems including measurement-induced entanglement. This result therefore shows the feasibility for real devices based on such an approach.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Distributed quantum computation with arbitrarily poor photon detection

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    In a distributed quantum computer scalability is accomplished by networking together many elementary nodes. Typically the network is optical and inter-node entanglement involves photon detection. In complex networks the entanglement fidelity may be degraded by the twin problems of photon loss and dark counts. Here we describe an entanglement protocol which can achieve high fidelity even when these issues are arbitrarily severe; indeed the method succeeds with finite probability even if the detectors are entirely removed from the network. An experimental demonstration should be possible with existing technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    Freely Scalable Quantum Technologies using Cells of 5-to-50 Qubits with Very Lossy and Noisy Photonic Links

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    Exquisite quantum control has now been achieved in small ion traps, in nitrogen-vacancy centres and in superconducting qubit clusters. We can regard such a system as a universal cell with diverse technological uses from communication to large-scale computing, provided that the cell is able to network with others and overcome any noise in the interlinks. Here we show that loss-tolerant entanglement purification makes quantum computing feasible with the noisy and lossy links that are realistic today: With a modestly complex cell design, and using a surface code protocol with a network noise threshold of 13.3%, we find that interlinks which attempt entanglement at a rate of 2MHz but suffer 98% photon loss can result in kilohertz computer clock speeds (i.e. rate of high fidelity stabilizer measurements). Improved links would dramatically increase the clock speed. Our simulations employed local gates of a fidelity already achieved in ion trap devices.Comment: corrected typos, additional references, additional figur

    Adaptive strategies for graph state growth in the presence of monitored errors

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    Graph states (or cluster states) are the entanglement resource that enables one-way quantum computing. They can be grown by projective measurements on the component qubits. Such measurements typically carry a significant failure probability. Moreover, they may generate imperfect entanglement. Here we describe strategies to adapt growth operations in order to cancel incurred errors. Nascent states that initially deviate from the ideal graph states evolve toward the desired high fidelity resource without impractical overheads. Our analysis extends the diagrammatic language of graph states to include characteristics such as tilted vertices, weighted edges, and partial fusion, which arise from experimental imperfections. The strategies we present are relevant to parity projection schemes such as optical `path erasure' with distributed matter qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Typos corrected, nicer figures, neater notation and better rea

    Quantum Information Processing with Delocalized Qubits under Global Control

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    Any technology for quantum information processing (QIP) must embody within it quantum bits (qubits) and maintain control of their key quantum properties of superposition and entanglement. Typical QIP schemes envisage an array of physical systems, such as electrons or nuclei, with each system representing a given qubit. For adequate control, systems must be distinguishable either by physical separation or unique frequencies, and their mutual interactions must be individually manipulable. These difficult requirements exclude many nanoscale technologies where systems are densely packed and continuously interacting. Here we demonstrate a new paradigm: restricting ourselves to global control pulses we permit systems to interact freely and continuously, with the consequence that qubits can become delocalized over the entire device. We realize this using NMR studies of three carbon-13 nuclei in alanine, demonstrating all the key aspects including a quantum mirror, one- and two-qubit gates, permutation of densely packed qubits and Deutsch algorithms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Child education and work choices in the presence of a conditional cash transfer programme in rural Colombia

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    This research is part of a large evaluation effort, undertaken by a consortium formed by IFS, Econometria and SEI, which has considered the effects of Familias en Accion on a variety of outcomes one year after its implementation. In early reports, we focussed on the effects of the programme on school enrolment. In this paper, we both expand those results, by carefully analysing anticipation effects along with other issues, and complement them with an analysis of child labour - both paid and unpaid (including domestic) work. The child labour analysis is made possible due to a rich time use module of the surveys that has not previously been analysed. We find that the programme increased the school participation rates of 14 to 17 year old children quite substantially, by between 5 and 7 percentage points, and had lower, but non-negligible effects on the enrolment of younger children of between 1.4 and 2.4 percentage points. In terms of work, the effects are generally largest for younger children whose participation in domestic work decreased by around 10 to 12 percentage points after the programme but whose participation in income-generating work remained largely unaffected by the programme. We also find evidence of school and work time not being fully substitutable, suggesting that some, but not all, of the increased time at school may be drawn from children's leisure time

    Rapid and robust spin state amplification

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    Electron and nuclear spins have been employed in many of the early demonstrations of quantum technology (QT). However applications in real world QT are limited by the difficulty of measuring single spins. Here we show that it is possible to rapidly and robustly amplify a spin state using a lattice of ancillary spins. The model we employ corresponds to an extremely simple experimental system: a homogenous Ising-coupled spin lattice in one, two or three dimensions, driven by a continuous microwave field. We establish that the process can operate at finite temperature (imperfect initial polarisation) and under the effects of various forms of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum metrology with molecular ensembles

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC through QIP IRC (Grants No. GR/S82176/01 and No. GR/S15808/01), the National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education, Singapore, the DAAD, and the Royal Society.The field of quantum metrology promisesmeasurement devices that are fundamentally superior to conventional technologies. Specifically, when quantum entanglement is harnessed, the precision achieved is supposed to scale more favorably with the resources employed, such as system size and time required. Here, we consider measurement of magnetic-field strength using an ensemble of spin-active molecules. We identify a third essential resource: the change in ensemble polarization (entropy increase) during the metrology experiment. We find that performance depends crucially on the form of decoherence present; for a plausible dephasing model, we describe a quantum strategy, which can indeed beat the standard strategy.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe