506 research outputs found

    Формування теоретичної моделі геополітичного дискурсу у вітчизняній політичній думці кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століття

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    У статті висвітлюються питання щодо започаткування новітньої дослідницької традиції геополітичного дискурсу у проблематиці вітчизняної політичної думки ХХ – початку ХХІ століття. Зазначено позиції провідних вітчизняних вчених щодо формування емпіричного та ідейно-теоретичного підґрунтя для утвердження цієї традиції політичного дослідження.The article considers the questions of the becoming of a new research tradition of geopolitical discourse in the topic of native political thought of the 20-th – the beginning of the 21-st century. The views of leading home scientists about the development of empirical, ideological and theoretical basis for the maintenance of this tradition of political research are pointed out

    Формування стратегії фінансування зобов’язань при здійсненні комерційними банками інвестиційної діяльності

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    Проведено аналіз мікро- і макроекономічних аспектів інвестиційної діяльності комерційних банків. Досліджені проблеми формування ефективної інвестиційної політики банків. У статті наведена постановка задачі узгодження фінансових потоків при різних обмеженнях

    High-dose carboplatin, thiotepa and cyclophosphamide (CTC) with peripheral blood stem cell support in the adjuvant therapy of high-risk breast cancer: a practical approach.

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    In 29 chemotherapy-naive patients with stage II-III breast cancer, peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) were mobilised following fluorouracil 500 mg m-2, epirubicin 90-120 mg m-2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg m-2 (FEC) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF; Filgrastim) 300 microgram s.c. daily. In all but one patient, mobilisation was successful, requiring three or fewer leucocytopheresis sessions in 26 patients; 28 patients subsequently underwent high-dose chemotherapy consisting of carboplatin 1600 mg m-2, thiotepa 480 mg m-2 and cyclophosphamide 6 g m-2 (CTC) followed by PBSC transplantation. Haemopoietic engraftment was rapid with a median time to neutrophils of 500 x 10(6) l(-1) of 9 days (range 8-10) in patients who received G-CSF after PBSC-transplantation; platelet transfusion independence was reached within a median of 10 days (range 7-16). Neutropenic fever occurred in 96% of patients. Gastrointestinal toxicity was substantial but reversible. Renal, neural or ototoxicity was not observed. Complications related to the central venous catheter were encountered in 64% of patients, with major vein thrombosis occurring in 18%. High-dose CTC-chemotherapy with PBSC-transplantation, harvested after mobilisation with FEC and G-CSF, is reasonably well tolerated without life-threatening toxicity and is a suitable high-dose strategy for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer

    Preimplantation genetic testing for more than one genetic condition:clinical and ethical considerations and dilemmas

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    STUDY QUESTION: Which clinical and ethical aspects of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders or structural rearrangements (PGT-M, PGT-SR) should be considered when accepting requests and counselling couples for PGT when applied for more than one condition (combination-PGT; cPGT-M/SR)? SUMMARY ANSWER: cPGT is a feasible extension of the practice of PGT-M/SR that may require adapting the criteria many countries have in place with regard to indications-setting for PGT-M/SR, while leading to complex choices that require timely counselling and information. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Although PGT-M/SR is usually performed to prevent transmission of one disorder, requests for PGTM/SR for more than one condition (cPGT-M/SR) are becoming less exceptional. However, knowledge about implications for a responsible application of such treatments is lacking. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Retrospective review of all (40) PGT-M/SR applications concerning more than one genetic condition over the period 1995-2018 in the files of the Dutch national PGT centre. This comprises all relevant national data since the start of PGT in the Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING AND METHODS: Data regarding cPGT-M/SR cases were collected by means of reviewing medical files of couples applying for cPGT-M/SR. Ethical challenges arising with cPGT-M/SR were explored against the background of PGT-M/SR regulations in several European countries, as well as of relevant ESHRE-guidance regarding both indications-setting and transfer-decisions. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: We report 40 couples applying for cPGT-M/SR of which 16 couples started their IVF treatment. Together they underwent 39 IVF cycles leading to the birth of five healthy children. Of the couples applying for cPGT, 45% differentiated between a primary and secondary condition in terms of perceived severity. In the light of an altered balance of benefits and drawbacks, we argue the 'high risk of a serious condition' standard that many countries uphold as governing indications-setting, should be lowered for secondary conditions in couples who already have an indication for PGT-M/SR. As a consequence of cPGT, professionals will more often be confronted with requests for transferring embryos known to be affected with a condition that they were tested for. In line with ESHRE guidance, such transfers may well be acceptable, on the condition of avoiding a high risk of a child with a seriously diminished quality of life. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: We are the first to give an overview of cPGT-M/SR treatments. Retrospective analysis was performed using national data, possibly not reflecting current trends worldwide. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Our observations have led to recommendations for cPGT-M/SR that may add to centre policy making and to the formulation of professional guidelines. Given that the introduction of generic methods for genomic analysis in PGT will regularly yield incidental findings leading to transfer requests with these same challenges, the importance of our discussion exceeds the present discussion of cPGT

    Electrostatics and the Assembly of an RNA Virus

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    Electrostatic interactions play a central role in the assembly of single-stranded RNA viruses. Under physiological conditions of salinity and acidity, virus capsid assembly requires the presence of genomic material that is oppositely charged to the core proteins. In this paper we apply basic polymer physics and statistical mechanics methods to the self-assembly of a synthetic virus encapsidating generic polyelectrolyte molecules. We find that (i) the mean concentration of the encapsidated polyelectrolyte material depends on the surface charge density, the radius of the capsid, and the linear charge density of the polymer but neither on the salt concentration or the Kuhn length, (ii) the total charge of the capsid interior is equal but opposite to that of the empty capsid, a form of charge reversal. Unlike natural viruses, synthetic viruses are predicted not to be under an osmotic swelling pressure. The design condition that self-assembly only produces filled capsids is shown to coincide with the condition that the capsid surface charge exceeds the desorption threshold of polymer surface adsorption. We compare our results with studies on the self-assembly of both synthetic and natural viruses.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    Assessment of recent advances in measurement techniques for atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane observations

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    This is the final version. Available from European Geosciences Union via the DOI in this record. Until recently, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) measurements were made almost exclusively using nondispersive infrared (NDIR) absorption and gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection (GC/FID) techniques, respectively. Recently, commercially available instruments based on spectroscopic techniques such as cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy have become more widely available and affordable. This resulted in a widespread use of these techniques at many measurement stations. This paper is focused on the comparison between a CRDS "travelling instrument" that has been used during performance audits within the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) with instruments incorporating other, more traditional techniques for measuring CO2 and CH4 (NDIR and GC/FID). We demonstrate that CRDS instruments and likely other spectroscopic techniques are suitable for WMO/GAW stations and allow a smooth continuation of historic CO2 and CH4 time series. Moreover, the analysis of the audit results indicates that the spectroscopic techniques have a number of advantages over the traditional methods which will lead to the improved accuracy of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 measurements

    Analysis of variation in results of CD34 hematopoietic progenitor cell enumeration in a multicenter study

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    Analysis of variation in results of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cell enumeration in a multicenter study Gratama, J.W.; Kraan, J.; Levering, W.; van Bockstaele, D.R.; Rijkers, G.T.; van der Schoot, C.E. Published in: Cytometry DOI: 10.1002/(SICI) 1097-0320(19970615) Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible